
Blacksmithing: a forge business plan. Necessary equipment and cost calculation for launch

Some people consider blacksmithing to be very difficult and think that you can become a blacksmith only by graduating from a special educational institution. But in fact, everything is much simpler. In order to learn blacksmithing, it is enough to have desire and physical strength, and a diploma is not necessary at all. True, going to work as a blacksmith is unprofitable and not promising, since your earnings in this case will be only 20% of the profit received by the enterprise.

forge business plan

Business organization

The best option is to open your own forge. You can locate your company in some workshop at the factory or in a small production room. The area of ​​the premises should be at least 10 square meters. m, in this case, you do not have to deal with its redevelopment. The only thing that needs to be done is to build a chimney for the hearth. You can’t do without it at the forge. After you find a suitable room, you need to purchase all the necessary tools and equipment.

Investments in the organization of this business are relatively small - from 10 to 40 thousand dollars. For renting the workshop you will need to pay about 200 rubles per month per sq. m of area, which, in principle, is not so much, but the bulk of the funds required for the organization of the forge will be spent on the purchase of equipment (which will be specified later).

As a legal form, you can choose the registration of individual entrepreneurs, of course, if you do not plan to fulfill orders for legal entities. In this case, it is necessary to organize an LLC. Particular attention is required to coordinate the premises in the fire service, since it is supposed to work with open fire.

Furnishing for the forge

Forge business plan is a document according to which the project will be implemented. If we talk about the requirements for the premises for this type of activity, then first of all it should be noted that it should be spacious and bright. The height of the ceilings should be at least three to four meters with a total area of ​​40 square meters. m

The main equipment of the forge is a one or two fire horn. For it is necessary to equip a chimney. An anvil is installed at a distance of one and a half or two meters from the hearth, a vice is a little further from it. Together with the design of the hearth, it is necessary to mount boxes for water, which is necessary for hardening or cooling the tool.

blacksmith craft

The blacksmith tool should be in a convenient place. You can hang it on the wall or equip a special rack for it. Drilling machines, steel mobile goats, lever scissors, a pneumatic hammer - all this will help the master to create high-quality blacksmith products.

Forge Equipment

Forging equipment can conditionally be divided into primary and secondary. The main equipment is, for example, a vice, which should be several pieces of different sizes. Anvil is the main persistent tool. Her weight, on average, is one hundred kilograms. For the manufacture of anvils mainly use high carbon steel. There are one-horned and two-horned anvils. Horn is another important component of the forge. This tool is needed for heat treatment of metal.


In addition to the main equipment, you will also need hand tools: sledge hammers, hammers, chisels and so on. The business plan of the forge must necessarily include a complete list of the necessary equipment and tools. Need forge and apparatus for welding.It should be noted that the cost of staffing the enterprise will be substantial. And more specifically:

  • vice small and large - 5 and 15 thousand rubles apiece, respectively (they will need two or three different sizes);
  • anvil - 50-60 thousand rubles;
  • forge - 40 thousand rubles (however, to save money, you can do it yourself).

Hand tools are inexpensive and available on the market in a wide range, so there will be no problems.

Blacksmithing as a business is impossible without the presence of a spray gun for painting workpieces. Today, the market offers a wide range of forging equipment. Therefore, with its acquisition, special difficulties should not arise.

Stained Glass

Forge as a business is a very promising and profitable enterprise, especially if metal forging and stained glass are combined. In this case, you need to supplement the set of equipment with glass cutters and an oven. Which glass you will use to make your products does not matter. It can be both Chinese and domestic.

blacksmithing as a business


When developing a business plan for the forge, do not forget about the requirements for employees. The minimum staff of such an enterprise should consist of two people: the chief master and his assistant. It is also advisable to hire a qualified welding specialist who will assemble the finished products.

Finding good blacksmithing masters is not easy; this is the main problem of this type of activity. In serious forges, in addition to working performers, the state also has an artist who creates sketches of future products. He designs all the decorative elements.

The business plan of the forge should be carefully thought out and reflect the purpose of your project, the type of manufactured products. It should include information on space requirements, number of employees, type of ventilation, production capacity and other important points. You should also consider in a separate section the technology of production.

Forging Sales

The forge’s business plan should include a section in which potential sales options for finished products will be determined. It should be noted that problems in this regard should not arise, since art forging is appreciated and is in great demand. There are practically no serious competitors in this market; very few companies are engaged in hot forging.

Therefore, a small advertising campaign in print media and on the Internet will fully provide you with a stable flow of customers. And, of course, the quality of manufactured products plays a huge role. If customers like your blacksmithing, then the most effective advertising will work - Word of mouth. Some entrepreneurs prefer to look for their customers among connoisseurs at specialized exhibitions.

Product consumption

Blacksmith products are made of iron. About one hundred tons of small metal products can be obtained from one ton of material. Based on the fact that the cost of one square meter of forging is about one hundred and fifty dollars, with one ton of material you can earn up to 20 thousand dollars. It is necessary to agree with a supplier of quality raw materials and become a regular customer with him. In this case, you can count on discounts for bulk purchases and thus reduce the cost of products, which means increase the profitability of your business.

forge equipment

But in principle, the profitability of a business depends on the number of completed orders. Forge products are highly durable, their service life is estimated for centuries. Therefore, this business is considered very profitable. If your activity is successful, then the invested funds will pay off in a year (taking into account the fact that your monthly profit will be approximately three thousand dollars). But the blacksmithing business also has its negative aspects - seasonality.That is, this profitable business will not bring profit all year round. Between November and March, earnings are significantly reduced.

The benefits of blacksmithing

Forged products and accessories today are quite in demand in our country. The use of such products in the design of the facade of a building, in landscape design or in the general interior creates a feeling of a magical and original atmosphere.

Art forging looks equally harmonious in the decor of a country house or plot, and in the design of office buildings. You can use elements of art forging in the manufacture of furniture, on fences, visors above the entrance. In general, anywhere. Such products are very expensive. Therefore, with a competent approach to organizing a blacksmithing business, you can get a stable and high income.

To summarize

Forging and manufacturing of blacksmith products is a promising and profitable business. If highly qualified professionals will work in your forge, and the quality of your products will be at a high level, then all the money invested in organizing a business will pay off quite quickly. If you plan to combine art forging with the manufacture of stained glass, you are guaranteed to count on success and a steady income.

Consequently, to engage in blacksmithing business is not so difficult and quite profitable. In addition, all efforts and expenses will be justified. It is important only to carefully think through even the smallest details and thoroughly approach the organization of the business: to take into account all the requirements for the premises, to acquire high-quality tools and to find professional and experienced blacksmithing workers for work. This approach will provide you with product demand and stable profits.

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