
The Leicester Codex by Leonardo da Vinci - the most expensive book in the world

There are things in the world that never go out of fashion and do not lose their value even after many centuries. They came from the distant past, preserving the priceless treasures of wisdom and knowledge in themselves, so that in the future and present, each person could draw from them benefit.

Books ... It is difficult to overestimate their significance in people's lives. As before, and today they are capable of fundamentally changing the worldview and even the life position of the reader. There are a huge number of their varieties. They differ from each other in volume, number of pages, genre and binding. This is all the charm - everyone can choose for themselves what is most suitable for him. This may be a scientific work on psychology or a fascinating adventure novel.

Books - Treasures of Wisdom

For many, reading is an opportunity to plunge into an unexplored fantasy world where you can feel like a pirate, standing on the deck of a rushing towards the wind, ship or the ruler of a distant kingdom, in whose territory good always conquers evil. It is thanks to the books that everyone has the opportunity to delve into the history of the universe and human nature. These paper treasures have accumulated popular wisdom and invaluable experience of people who lived many centuries ago. It is pleasant to realize that even in the era of technological progress, audio and video equipment, people do not cease to appreciate paper editions and enjoy reading them in the evenings with a cup of hot chocolate.

And it is right. After all, books carry not only information. A good publication creates a unique and unique atmosphere of comfort and warmth. This is a necessary source of inner balance and calm. Many will agree that sometimes instead of watching the next series it is much more pleasant to pick up a book and plunge into fascinating reading for an hour or two.

Which book is the most expensive in the world?

But there are instances that are valuable not only in the information contained in them. We are talking about the most expensive books in the world. There are quite a lot of them, and their cost is in the millions of dollars. Luxurious gold bindings encrusted with diamonds make some publications a hunt for many collectors. Some time ago, the world famous Forbes magazine published a list of the most expensive and valuable books in the modern world.

the most expensive book in the world

And, as it turned out, the printed word is worth a lot! The first place, without the slightest doubt, was given to the Leicester Code, which, according to the latest data, is estimated at almost 50 million US dollars. This is indeed the most expensive book in the world (the price is impressive!). The codex was written by the famous genius of brush and pen - Leonardo da Vinci. This is nothing more than a notebook with his thoughts and scientific notes. It is generally accepted that, while in Milan, the architect worked on writing for 4 years. The most expensive book in the world was subsequently called the “Water, Earth, and Celestial Deeds” and became an integral part of the Leicester Codex.

Masterpiece of Leonardo da Vinci

For several years, Leonardo da Vinci wrote down his conclusions, observations, which were accompanied by illustrations, diagrams and mathematical calculations. The result of such painstaking work was 18 sheets that were written off on both sides with a mirror font. After some time, the most expensive book in the world was framed in a 72-page work. Mirror font both at that time and today is a rarity, which is partly why the book has gained such popularity.The writer designed the publication in such a way that you can only read what was written with the help of a mirror.

 the most expensive book in the world

Curious content

Some sources claim that the most expensive book in the world contains information about the nature and location of cosmic bodies. In particular, discussions about why and why the moon is shining. Perhaps, another feature of the manuscript is the repetition in each new chapter of the same statement by the author that the world around and the universe as a whole is a single living organism that has been wisely arranged and has been functioning without interruption for billions of years.

which book is the most expensive in the world

Today, many scientists will completely agree with this idea. Indeed, new studies leave less and less chances for the theory of evolution, proving that for such a competently and wisely arranged organism as our planet, the author of the plan is needed.

Moved to private collections

At the beginning of the seventeenth century, the world's most expensive book was sold to a private owner, who was a count from an ancient English family. After almost two centuries, the code was bought from the descendants of Leicester by the oil tycoon and the famous antique collector named Armad Hammer.

 the most expensive book in the world price

Some even began to call the work "Hammer Code." But alas, the owner died suddenly. And the world's most expensive book was auctioned off to the private collection of Microsoft's famous founder, Bill Gates. Nowadays, he kindly provides a code for various museum exhibitions. This is the story of the world's most valuable book, the author of which made an invaluable contribution to the development and culture of modern society.

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