
Benefits for people with disabilities of group 3 when paying taxes. Social benefits for disabled people of the 3rd group

The human right to adequate social security, including benefits for people with disabilities of the 3rd group, in Russia is a fundamental right. This means that citizens of the Russian Federation, as well as foreigners and stateless persons who permanently reside in Russia, from the moment they are assigned a disability group receive the full amount of benefits, guarantees and compensations for the corresponding group of socially unprotected layers of the population.

What benefits are provided to people with disabilities 3 groups: guarantees and compensation

Guarantees and compensations for disabled people of 3 groups apply both to state bodies and institutions, and to commercial enterprises, and even private individuals. They help people with disabilities realize their legal rights to benefits. The main problem of the guarantee and compensation system for persons with disabilities is that in the majority they are made by the method of settlements, rather than direct financing or targeted assistance.

In practice, this means that if a disabled person’s right to a privilege guaranteed by the state is to be fulfilled by a private or even state-owned commercial enterprise, such an enterprise first grants the disabled person a privilege, and after a certain time, the state, in the form of targeted social funds, reimburses such enterprise them expenses.

As practice shows, the state does not always timely make the necessary compensation. This is especially critical for state-owned commercial enterprises, which further causes a delay in obtaining benefits for the disabled. Moreover, this form of granting benefits is a more costly option for the state, since it requires financing from the calculation of the average consumer and social needs of people with disabilities, rather than the actual consumption by them of privileged goods and services.

Nevertheless, certain shifts in the reform of guarantees and compensations provided to people with disabilities already exist, for example, with respect to benefits for travel in public transport, benefits for housing services, which are provided in the form of compensation for specifically consumed services, and not in the form of discounts, based on average consumption indicators.

It follows from this that if a disabled person did not receive any benefit, this does not mean that he was deceived or unskilled, but that he simply needs to wait.

The most important guarantee for a disabled person of group 3, of course, is a disability pension, which, unlike an old-age pension, is calculated taking into account the availability of dependents for the disabled person. The more dependent a pensioner has, the greater the pension he receives.

In addition to pensions, people with disabilities of group 3 receive additional payments, which vary depending on the region of residence and depend on the population and remoteness from the center.

Features of 3 disability groups

One can speak about whether a person is a disabled person of the 3rd or any other group only after receiving an MSEC opinion, which determines this by holding a special consultation. Of course, there are criteria for determining the disability of group 3, which is characterized by a prolonged and non-stop health disorder, which entails a partial loss of working capacity.

At the same time, it is believed that a disabled person of group 3 is able to serve himself independently with the help of special means, is capable of independent movement with the help of such means, and can also navigate in space with their help. Nevertheless, looking at such a person, it is impossible to immediately say to which group MSEC assigned him, because the criteria are not absolute.

For example, a visually impaired 3rd group visitor can serve himself using glasses with large lenses, but over time he may lose his sight to such an extent that glasses will no longer help him. In order to undergo MSEC, you need to get a doctor’s referral. First, he will try to prescribe a treatment that can improve the patient’s vision. But this will take some time, during which the disabled person will need a person who will look after him. Thus, a person who may need care, although this does not fully meet the established criteria for groups 2 and 1, will receive benefits for the visually impaired 3 groups.

Benefits for Disabled Children

privileges for disabled people of 3 groups

Here, the legislator clearly distinguishes between the benefits of children with disabilities, in this case, persons under the age of 16, and benefits to people with disabilities from childhood in the 3rd group.

The latter include adolescents over 16 years of age, as well as adults who have received disabilities in childhood. The whole point is that children with disabilities are not assigned a group.

For the recognition of the child as such, the appropriate conclusion of the doctor with the following recommendations is enough, according to which the MSEC recognizes the child as disabled. This means that benefits for children with disabilities are not distinguished by groups, but by actual health defects.

So, for example, benefits for children with disabilities of the third group of vision, as well as for people with disabilities, or with paralyzed limbs, have the right to travel freely in all types of public transport, including suburban.

After the child reaches the age of 16, he must go through the next MSEC, which will decide on the award of a disability group, based on the "children's" signs of disability. That is, even if the child has no limbs, it is legally incorrect to say which group which child will receive. Therefore, in this article we will consider general benefits for children with disabilities.

Each disabled child has the right to a free ticket to health-improving places and transport privileges for 50% travel per season to the place. The parent accompanying the child is also entitled to a 50% ticket price. If caring for a disabled child requires round-the-clock care, which, of course, is extremely unlikely for a future disabled person of group 3, then the parent who cares for such a child has the right to enroll the period of care for such a disabled person until he reaches 16 years of age at the expense of labor experience. In addition, the mother of a disabled child has the right to early retirement at the age of 50.

A disabled child has other benefits along with disabled people of group 3, which will be discussed in the relevant sections.

Transport benefits for people with disabilities

what privileges are provided for people with disabilities 3 groups

Disabled people of 3 groups, like other disabled people, are no longer entitled to free travel in all types of urban public transport, except for taxis. Instead, disabled people of group 3 are given the opportunity to purchase a ticket at a discounted price of 200 rubles. Such a disabled person also has the right to purchase a preferential ticket for travel in suburban bus and electric vehicles. Also, once a year, he can go for recovery for 50% of the fare.

It should be borne in mind that for a disabled person pensioner's ID it is a document confirming the validity of the travel ticket in public transport, which applies to travel privileges for disabled people of group 3, as well as a mandatory document for acquiring a preferential ticket for bus and rail transport, including suburban. The discount ticket is not valid without a certificate.

Benefits for people with disabilities of group 3 for buying a ticket for a lower cost apply to the person who cares for him. Such a person receives a special certificate, which is mandatory for the purchase of a ticket and travel on it.

Consumer benefits for people with disabilities

Disabled people, including 3 groups, are entitled to additional living space in apartments of the state and municipal squares. Such an area cannot be more than 100% occupied by a disabled person. Obtaining additional housing is not regarded as excessive and is not subject to additional taxes and fees. The only condition for obtaining such a benefit is the presence of a chronic disease, a strict list of which is established by the government of the Russian Federation.

tax for car benefits for disabled people 3 groups

Also, each disabled person of group 3 has the right to receive an extraordinary plot of land for personal subsidiary plots or housing construction. Including for servicing an existing house.

In some cases, the transport tax for disabled people of 3 groups is canceled. Benefits are provided for the exercise of their fundamental right to equal living conditions. Such a privilege is granted in the following cases.

If a vehicle equipped with a special department buys a disabled person of 3 groups, transport tax exemptions exempt such a payer from paying it. This right applies if the disabled person really needs to purchase such a product. The tax on a car allows people with disabilities of group 3 not to pay in the case of the purchase of a regular passenger car with an engine power not exceeding 100 liters. with.

Municipal disability benefits

Disabled people of 3 groups are entitled to a 50% discount on all types of utilities both in state and communal apartments, and in their own. And in case of living in houses where there is no central heating, the patient is entitled to free solid fuel in accordance with government standards per capita.

disability benefits 3 groups

It should be borne in mind that the communal benefits for people with disabilities of group 3 apply only to the tenant or owner. This means that if such a citizen rents private housing, he will pay the full tariff for utilities. Also, benefits will not apply to a disabled person who is a shared owner of a home. Such a rule proceeds from the very principle of providing such compensation.

Disability benefits of group 3 are provided by the state at the expense of the state budget or funds of state trust funds. Any utility service consists of two parts: the actual service fees and taxes and fees. For example, land tax included in the rent. It should be understood that privileges are provided only to a disabled person and cannot be extended to his relatives and cohabitants, unless this is expressly prescribed by law, as in the case of a discount on a ticket to an accompanying person.

Since 2015, municipal privileges for people with disabilities of group 3 no longer apply to telecommunication services: a landline telephone. But at the same time, many private Internet providers make voluntary discounts for the disabled.

Utility, or housing, benefits for the disabled are provided in the form of compensation. To receive such compensation, the interested person must first pay for utilities, and then contact the Pension Fund at the place of registration, taking with him a passport and a pension certificate.

Labor benefits for people with disabilities

A person with disabilities of group 3 is considered to be a person with partially lost working ability, and therefore has the right to full-time work without loss of disability. Workers with disabilities are covered by most of the benefits, such as those not working, with the exception of the right to patronage: regular care and assistance at home by a social worker for people with disabilities, which for some reason cannot be looked after by relatives.

As well as the rights to free medicines and technical devices, which are discussed in the "medical benefits" section of this article.But a working disabled person has the right to medical benefits in the form of a 50 percent discount on products that his disabled friend in misfortune has for free.

The state in every way contributes to the employment of citizens. The employer, both private and public, does not have the right to give preference to a healthy worker, motivating the person with a disability to refuse a disabled person. Despite the fact that a citizen with disabilities receives a pension, he is insured for the duration of his work, and subsequently he will be entitled to an old-age pension, taking into account his seniority.

Benefits at work for a disabled person of group 3 guarantee a 60-day vacation at any time of the year without saving wages. Also, the employer does not have the right to involve a disabled person in overtime work, as well as night work. Unless at the will of such an employee. The employer is also obliged to provide the disabled person with the necessary working conditions, taking into account his physiological characteristics. The employer is required to prescribe benefits to working disabled people of group 3 in an employment or collective agreement. But at the same time, the absence in the labor or collective agreement of the explicitly stated rights of such an employee to benefits does not exempt the employer from the obligation to provide them.

tax benefits for disabled people 3 groups

Tax privileges for disabled people 3 groups

Persons with disabilities of group 3 are exempt from paying registration fees for the registration of real estate. This rule applies to immovable property, which is wholly or partially owned by the disabled person, and provided that he is also the direct subject of the appeal for administrative services. Fees are not levied even if an invalid of group 3 is registered as an individual.

To do this, you just need to provide the Federal Tax Service instead of a receipt for the payment of a fee with a copy of a document confirming disability. But you need to understand that for opening a bank account, making a seal and performing other mandatory or recommended actions for a new entrepreneur, a disabled person of group 3 will pay.

Tax benefits also apply to the payment of taxes on acquired property. In this case, the nuance is that if the acquisition and subsequent resale of property is the essence of the economic activity of an individual entrepreneur with a disability, then such property is subject to taxation.

The privilege on the fee for the registration of economic activities does not apply to the registration of commercial legal entities, including those established exclusively by persons with disabilities. The exception is the registration of a public organization of persons with disabilities.

Disabled persons of group 3 are also exempted from paying the fee established for issuing a housing order.

Since any disabled person is a pensioner, privileges for disabled entrepreneurs of 3 groups are exempted from paying social contributions. Benefits for social contributions are provided at the expense of state subsidies, and therefore the disabled entrepreneur simply does not have to pay social contributions.

At the same time, a disabled person employed at an enterprise, even if it is its sole founder, is a payer of social contributions, as is the enterprise that employed such an employee.

Persons with disabilities of group 3 are not exempted from paying state duties. But at the same time, in respect of judicial state fees, he can receive a privilege or installment plan by a court decision.

Disabled entrepreneurs also receive privileges on income tax in the amount of 500 rubles for each month during which economic activity was carried out, through a tax deduction. This means that an individual entrepreneur, calculating the amount of tax on his own, takes away from the accrued amounts a tax deduction from the calculation of 500 rubles per month.

It does not matter if an individual entrepreneur made a profit every month, but it is important whether he carried out business activities in principle. That is, if a disabled person, an individual entrepreneur, has suspended his business activity, he is not entitled to a tax deduction for the months included in the suspension period, even if such a month is included in the reporting period for which the businessman made a profit.

Employer enterprises that provide work for people with disabilities are entitled to receive benefits for the payment of social contributions for such workers. For a disabled person of 2 groups, the employer pays only 60% of the established rate.

Education Benefits

ip disabled person 3 groups benefits

Disabled people of group 3 are entitled to free vocational education. Moreover, such a citizen can master as many professional and technical specialties as will be necessary for further self-realization. The only condition for obtaining such a free education is the doctor’s opinion on disability in a specific professional field and the impossibility of further work in the specialty.

Enrollment of a disabled person of the 3rd group to the above educational institutions is carried out out of competition. During study, such a student is paid a scholarship.

A disabled person is also entitled to out-of-competition enrollment in a higher educational institution, subject to successfully passed exams. Moreover, regardless of further success, a student with disabilities has the right to a scholarship.

Medical Benefits

A person with disabilities of group 3 has the right to free medication, as well as the purchase with a 50% discount of medications related to his main illness, for which the doctor gives him a prescription. Any pharmacy, both private and public, is obliged to provide a free drug, as well as a discount on such medicines.

Disabled people of 3 groups are entitled to a 50 percent discount on trips to balneological establishments.

A citizen with disabilities receives the prostheses and other medical equipment he needs, according to the recommendations of the attending physician, for free, in order of priority.

A disabled person is also entitled to free medical care, both primary and secondary, including requiring surgical intervention.

If necessary, a disabled person of group 3 has the right to free hospitalization in a specialized medical institution for the care of persons who are unable to take care of themselves. In this case, rented municipal and state housing is retained for him for six months.

Benefits for medicines, as well as paid medical services returned to the disabled after the fact by targeted assistance. In this case, such a refund is not taxable. Also, the funds allocated by the city or state for rehabilitation are not taxed.

If the disability of the disabled person occurred as a result of industrial injury spa treatment within the limits established by the state is paid by the employer.

The same rule applies to the payment of purchased drugs.

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The article is very helpful. Thank you very much. It’s just not clear what is the relationship between shared ownership and the privilege of paying for used communal resources. It has been established that benefits are provided (only for utilities) even at the place of temporary registration, despite the fact that when paying for housing, a disabled person always has benefits at the place of permanent residence.


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