
Benefits for disabled people of 2 groups: a list. Benefits for people with disabilities 2 groups in Moscow

Persons with disabilities are a separate category of citizens who need special attention and support from the state. In this regard, federal programs have been developed for social orientation, improving competitiveness in the labor market, improving the availability of services, and many others. The main state program is called “Accessible Environment”. In addition, certain benefits have been introduced for people with disabilities (the second group, like other groups) in the field of medicine, education, and the social sphere. Such people also receive financial assistance.

privileges for disabled people of 2 groups

Disability of the second group: category of citizens

Disability of the second group can be issued by persons whose health status satisfies a number of requirements put forward by law. Among the criteria for disability, there are violations that impose moderate limitations on the standard of living. These include the following disorders:

  1. Limited ability to move normally: a person is not able to move independently (without assistance) and use public transport or has difficulty with movement and needs help.
  2. Limited ability to orientate in space: without assistance, a disabled person is not able to adequately perceive the environment.
  3. Limited ability to communicate, which implies the need for assistance in transmitting information to a person with a disability.
  4. Limited learning ability, often associated with the previous criterion. So, a disabled person can master the skills in specialized educational institutions or undergo training at home.
  5. Limited ability to work suggests that a disabled person of group 2 can work under special conditions or using specialized technical means.

Some diseases of the respiratory system and blood circulation, sensory or mental disorders, impaired speech function or physical defects lead to recognition of a person as a disabled person of the second group.

privileges for disabled people of 2 groups in Moscow

Recognition of a citizen as a disabled person of the second group requires the conclusion of a medical commission. Such a status gives the right to receive cash assistance from the state or a number of advantages (benefits). So, what are the benefits for people with disabilities of group 2?

Cash payments to people with disabilities

Disabled people of the second group are entitled to monthly payments. Until February 1 of this year, the amount of cash security is almost 2400 rubles. Disability pension (for the second group) in the current (2017) year will be on average equal to nine thousand rubles. A separate type of additional financial support is insurance pension. For disabled people of group 2, the amount is a little more than four and a half thousand rubles. Cash payment increases depending on the availability of dependents and their number.

Recount expected in 2017 social benefits on disability and pensions. Cash benefits for people with disabilities will grow by almost 6 percent, while pensions will be indexed by 2.6 percent.

Benefits for travel in public transport

Transport benefits for people with disabilities of group 2 include free travel on public transport within the boundaries of the settlement where the person lives permanently. Back in the days of the Soviet Union, the privilege extended to the visually impaired and those who lost both limbs or with paralysis of both limbs. Today in Moscow, all categories of disabled people can use free travel.In other cities, the possibility of free travel in public transport is regulated at the level of federal law.

In addition, a 50% discount can be used by disabled people of group 2 when using international lines of railway, air, road and river transport. Privileges for disabled people of group 2 include the right of free access to treatment sites (meaning spa) and vice versa.

Benefits for the purchase of medicines

Benefits for providing the patient with the necessary medicines, dressings and other medical devices by prescription are provided to disabled persons of the second group. The privileges granted to disabled people of group 2 provided with work require a 50% discount on the purchase of drugs and various kinds of medical devices by prescription.

payment of utility bills by a disabled person of 2 groups

Benefits for housing and communal services

Disabled persons are also entitled to subsidies for the cost of utilities. Benefits for people with disabilities of group 2 in Moscow include the possibility of paying half the living space in cases where the apartment or house is in municipal or state ownership, and the citizen occupies the living space under a social tenancy agreement. Owners are required to pay in full.

Payment for utilities by a disabled person of group 2, as well as payment for housing, can be carried out with a 50% discount. The subsidy applies to all forms of ownership, and in the private sector, where there is no central heating, the disabled person is provided with financial resources for the purchase of firewood or coal.

transport privileges for disabled people of 2 groups

Referrals for treatment in sanatoriums for the disabled

Disabled persons with objective medical indications are provided free of charge with tickets to the sanatorium. Employees with disabilities 2 groups of permits are provided at the place of work on preferential terms. In some cases, you can get the right to provide a second permit for treatment in a sanatorium for an accompanying person (under the same conditions).

Provision of prostheses and other means of rehabilitation

Some prosthetic and orthopedic products are provided free of charge for people with disabilities. Benefits for disabled people of group 2 include the possibility of free prosthetic limbs. At a discount of 50-70% of the total cost, orthopedic shoes, hearing aids, dentures, bandages and other products of a similar nature are issued.

privileges granted to persons with disabilities 2 groups

Benefits for studying in secondary and higher professional institutions

Benefits for people with disabilities of the 2 groups also provide for the right to be enrolled out of competition in secondary or higher professional educational institutions, but only in the case of successful examinations and the absence of medical contraindications to training. In addition, a scholarship is awarded to persons with disabilities, and, if necessary, special conditions are created in general educational institutions. Students with disabilities are provided with educational materials on preferential terms.

what are the benefits of disabled people 2 groups

Refusal of a social package

Only the disabled person who has not previously refused the social package due to him in favor of a monthly monetary compensation can apply for the above benefits. Otherwise, all the advantages in obtaining medicines and vouchers for treatment in sanatoriums, reduced fare on public transport and subsidies for paying utility bills are replaced by cash security. The exception is only the privilege for training - the right to enroll in an educational institution outside the competition is reserved for the disabled person in any case.

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