
The best books on business and self-development: list, brief description

At all times and to this day, a person transfers his experience and knowledge through books. Printed publications have always been in demand, but currently fiction is relegated to a secondary plan, with books on business or self-development taking first place. These two concepts are closely intertwined, so you should definitely read both of them.

business books

Why do we need books

Each of us knows that with the help of books you can get unique knowledge. Firstly, when reading information is better perceived and remembered. Secondly, in the process of reading, a person visualizes the action described in the text, which undoubtedly helps to be distracted and focus on the issue. That is why we can conditionally assume that the book is a business success, a guide to action and motivation.

Of course, you might think that today there are many managers and business trainers working on the market who, for a fee, reveal secrets and train newcomers. But keep in mind that these same trainers themselves could not achieve great success and earn capital, and all their instructions are extracts from cult publications.

top business books

Therefore, the top business books are listed below and several publications on self-development are indicated, in which unique experience is collected successful people. They are not necessary to use as instructions, but it is worth saying that it is worth extracting useful information from these publications. If your goal is to build a business, the books below can help change your mind.

"Rework: business without prejudice"

The authors of this publication are David Heinmeier Hensson and Jason Fraid, who clearly outline the business building scheme. Books on this topic can be found at different times, but it is known that the concept of doing business is constantly changing and improving. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to this literary masterpiece, because its authors are the founders of a company specializing in the development of applications for mobile devices. And its distinctive feature is that the company employs only 14 people, and more than 5 million people from different countries use its services.

So, business books are a kind of collection of tips, and here the authors tell you how to organize your business without risk, help to understand the causes of fear that prevent you from starting a business from scratch. In addition, readers receive answers to many questions related to the development and expansion of the company.

In general, relevant information about modern business awaits the reader of the book "Rework: business without prejudice." Many of those who have already familiarized themselves with its contents noted that it has a deep meaning that makes them change their minds about running their own business.

"I'm like everyone else"

The author of the book, Oleg Tinkov, is our compatriot, multimillionaire, and successful businessman. This is an ideal option for those who are looking for books about business from an author who really knows everything about entrepreneurship. And the uniqueness of the publication is that the content is the autobiography of the writer.

Why is it necessary to read a book for those who are planning their company, but are in doubt? Because Oleg Tinkov has achieved unprecedented heights. Its feature is that he implemented several projects, raised them to a certain level, then sold. His journey began in the difficult 90 years of the country and continues to this day. By the way, the author himself, indeed, is an open and sociable person, communicates with the press, conducts a video blog, and takes part in television programs.

business books

But it’s worth mentioning right away that if someone is looking for books on business and wants to find instructions for achieving the goal in them, then this is not the option. But she definitely creates a positive attitude and motivates.

By the way, readers' reviews about the publication confirm the fact that the book is unique and interesting. And its author is a kind of standard for a true and enterprising businessman, because he proved by his example that success depends only on himself. In addition, Oleg Tinkov is a well-known person in our country and many find him really open and sociable, which can not be said about many other millionaires.


The author of the business book is Guy Kawasaki. This is a person who knows a lot about modern business, he is an investor and many projects passed through him that he had to evaluate. After writing the book, many readers opened the company, and quite successfully and gained financial independence, which, in fact, each of us strives for.

Why read the Startup book? Organization of one’s own business is a whole complex of measures, and in this print edition everyone will find a clear guide to action for themselves. Indeed, when developing a project, the organizer seeks and collects information from various sources. And here everything is stated clearly and clearly for the simple reader.

In the book, the reader will find many answers to questions regarding the implementation of a business idea, how to provide society with a useful and sought-after product, presentation of a plan to investors, and much more. Of course, you need to remember that the authors of business books try to convey their experience to the reader, and to perceive it as a guide to action or not, you need to decide for yourself, because in fact they cannot guarantee success.

"The richest man in Babylon"

This is not just a dry statement of the secrets of business and bringing money to life. This truly unique publication, it has a storyline, all the events unfold in Babylon, the ancient city, where financial laws began to emerge, which partially survived to this day.

Books on business and self-development should not only tell a person the right direction, but also teach the reader to choose the right landmark, that is, coordinate their actions. In this book, the author, George Clayson, helps readers learn how to solve financial problems correctly, learn how to handle money, and explains how to make them work for their owner.

business success book

In general, the book “The Richest Man in Babylon” is required to be read not only by future or current businessmen, but also by ordinary citizens, because many experience financial problems. Perhaps the text will really make you reconsider your attitude to money and help you find answers to your questions.

"Rich dad, poor dad"

The author of the publication is Robert Kiyosaki, and many readers believe that he writes the best business books. At least, it was the book “Rich Dad, Poor Dad” that was read by thousands of people and found it interesting and useful.

It is worth immediately indicating that this is not a user manual or a manual for a businessman. With its reading, there are no incredible business ideas, because it does not contain descriptions of any projects. It sets out the perception of financial values ​​by two people, respectively, rich and poor, as the name implies.

The book is easy to read, without terms and complex diagrams. In fact, these are the author’s childhood memories, that is, he describes his father and his best rich friend. Also, the meaning of the text lies in the fact that a person must learn in life the main thing - to manage his money.

"Think and get rich"

For those who are interested in reading books about business written at the beginning of the last century, it is worth paying special attention to this publication. The author Napoleon Hill for 20 years collected, analyzed, processed information in order to publish the book “Think and Grow Rich”.From 1928 to the present, it has been relevant and in demand.

business success book

The title of the book is already attracting attention, not surprisingly, it really lays the motivation for self-development and self-realization. To create his masterpiece, the author collected information about successful people and business projects. Based on it, a collection of laws was drawn up that attracted success.

It is also worth noting that even the best business books written by our contemporaries do not present as much useful information as this. Because their authors rely either on their personal experience, or their own understanding and perception of business success. But Napoleon Hill did the impossible, took root from the many success stories of millionaires. His advice is not only a powerful motivator for action, but also contains common sense and can be taken as an instruction.

"Virgin Style Business"

Everyone knows the question of how to start a business from scratch. Author book Richard Branson By the way, he is considered the most extraordinary person in the world of business, will help readers discover the secrets of a successful start. There is no doubt that he understands the topic very well, because today he is one of the richest people in the UK. But his story began with the fact that, as a college student, he dropped out of school to create a business, contrary to the opinion of his parents.

The peculiarity of the publication is that there is no complicated theory and terminology; on the contrary, the narration is conducted in a light and easy way. But at the same time, the author readily outlined all stages of the organization and development of the business, that is, from the start to making incredible profits.

No need to think that the best business books are a clear, structured plan. Not! This is the motivation and motivation of a person to move forward and develop. The author only helps the reader choose the right direction and gives advice on certain issues related to the formation of the business.

best books about business

"Thoughts are big, and don't slow down"

Original name! Is not it? It is difficult to imagine that the author of the frivolous, at first glance, publication is the billionaire Donald Trump. This name is probably familiar to those who are at least occasionally interested in the world of business and finance.

It is worth noting that the title of the book reflects the author’s attitude to business and life in general. Donald Trump has his own idea of ​​resolving financial issues, slightly eccentric and harsh. He does not encourage readers to dream and wait for the fulfillment of desires, but, on the contrary, to set goals and implement them, despite the difficulties. The author notes that few can succeed, and only those who have made a lot of efforts, the rest remain in the world of illusions and alone with their dreams of a better life.

The publication is included in the top business books, because the author himself is a unique and extraordinary person who has achieved incredible success in business. He is the owner of the largest construction company in the United States and his capital is about $ 3 billion.

"From good to great"

Today, not every book about business is useful for the reader and future entrepreneur, many successful authors put forward their candidacy to the public exclusively for fame. But not Jim Collins, author of From Good to Great, is truly a literary masterpiece that every entrepreneur should read.

So, far from all business books are understandable to ordinary people, including this one. That is, reading, of course, is not forbidden, even without having your own enterprise, but it is of great value only for those who have begun their journey and have achieved a certain level and stability. As a rule, an entrepreneur who already works and earns “well”, according to the author, the desire to grow and develop further disappears. So, the publication describes the need to move on and conquer unprecedented heights.

The author himself is a well-known marketing researcher, business trainer and consultant in the United States of America. In addition, the best books about business were written by him, and the author has only five of them, they are published in million copies and are translated into 13 languages. Among them is the best-selling book "Built Forever", which is listed in the list of 25 best books about business.

10 business books

"Built forever"

It is known that the author of the book is Jim Collins, this is not just a business publication - it is a unique analysis of 18 enterprises that have loudly declared themselves and reached the world level.

The meaning of the book is that the author analyzed the activities of several companies in order to find the answer to the main question about why, among the identical, at first glance, business projects, some can achieve incredible success, while others cannot. In addition, Jim Collins research method identifies what factors ultimately affect the result.

In the book, the reader will find answers to many questions related to doing business. For example, how to avoid fatal mistakes, why someone manages to succeed and raise the enterprise to a new level, while others cannot do this. As well as many other interesting and useful facts from the world of big business. In addition, the book contains many examples that will help to better perceive and absorb information.

It should be noted that many of our compatriots have already read this publication and recognized that the book makes a really strong impression. It is useful not only to entrepreneurs or beginners in the business field, but to absolutely everyone who wants to work and earn decent money. In general, all those who are looking for the best business books should definitely get acquainted with it first of all.


There are thousands of publications on this subject in the world literature, and, of course, it is impossible to read them all, it can take years. But the above 10 business books certainly deserve the attention of readers. It is not necessary to use them as a clear guide to action or consider them a peculiar formula for success. After all, they not only motivate and force to rethink their idea of ​​finances in general, but also give the reader confidence in themselves and their abilities. Books about business are a vivid example of the fact that nothing is impossible and only one who has knowledge and hard work can be rich.

Therefore, if your goal is to build a business, books

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