
The best books on economics

In order to perfectly understand all the processes that are happening in the economy today, you need to turn to various books. They will help to better understand the current situation, improve their skills, and significantly expand their horizons in finance and business.

books on economics

Of course, if you have the appropriate education, most likely you are already familiar with a lot of information. Books on economics can only consolidate this knowledge. In addition, such works appear quite often, which will allow the reader to follow the latest changes in the global economy.

The best books on economics are hard to single out. This article collects popular among readers. So, consider the most famous books on economics that are worth reading.

"Research on the nature and causes of the wealth of peoples"

Adam Smith (author of the book) is considered the progenitor of the classical political economy. The best books on economics cannot be imagined without this work. Adam Smith wrote it two hundred and thirty years ago. However, many of the thoughts expressed in it are relevant today. The writer collected and grouped in his work his ideas, as well as the thoughts of his contemporaries. Compiled a number of categories, principles and methods in the economy. Significantly influenced the development of this science not only in England, but also in many large states, Russia was no exception. Books on economics that are recommended for reading to all educated people cannot be imagined without this work. She will undoubtedly leave a mark in your worldview.


top books on economics

After the release of this famous work, the entire world economy has changed. Books that can be compared with the work of Karl Marx, can be counted on the fingers. The author analyzes capitalism, and he approached this quite critically. Using the ideas of many famous figures, Marx explained economic definitions. In addition, he managed to explain the process of creating added value. Other books on economics cannot do so well.

It is interesting that Marx was able to reinforce many economic principles with examples, which makes the book especially valuable. "Capital" is recommended to read to anyone who wants to learn new knowledge.

"Capitalism and freedom"

The most popular books on economics cannot be imagined without the work of Milton Friedman. This is a famous economist who was awarded the Nobel Prize, his work is one of the best in the political economy. He described a number of postulates and rules, which today are the basis of reforms and laws that are applied in many states. The book, according to readers, should take a place on the shelf of everyone who wants to gain or consolidate knowledge.

"Economic way of thinking"

world economy books

The authors of the work were Paul Hein, Peter Boattk and David Pritchitko, who are familiar with the theory of economics. The book is really very popular and is the best example of an introductory course. All definitions are presented quite simply, almost everyone will understand. The reader will easily understand what demand, unemployment, the nature of money, employment, and so on are.

The authors have worked hard and made an excellent analysis of diverse economic systems. The reader, after reading the book, will gain knowledge about the role that the state plays in society, and also because of which poverty and wealth arise. Also, the reader will receive information about the role of the economy in the modern world. Definitely, the “Economic Way of Thinking" is recommended for reading.

"General theory of employment, interest and money"

Work will appeal to those who want to learn the basics of economics. The book is written by a renowned specialist in economics.The work of John Keynes is of particular interest not only to experts, but also to beginners who study economics.

The book is truly revolutionary in nature. At one time, she was particularly successful and was a leader among other similar works. John Case gave the concept of market relations, as well as some other postulates. This is what made labor so popular in the last century.

"Great lie"

The author of the book is a famous and popular economist of our time. In the past few years, Paul Krugman has been studying various economic and political phenomena, as well as their relationships. In the book, he examined the problems familiar to American society, as well as ways to solve them. It is worth noting that the Great Lie is written in a simple and understandable language.

"Positive irrationality. How to capitalize on your illogical actions"

This book by Dan Ariely discusses obscure actions of people in a wide variety of areas of life. For a long time, the writer was engaged in their study, and then set out for his readers. The narrative is in plain language. A huge number of experiments in the most unusual fields are described. The conclusions made in the book will show you how illogical actions can lead to failure.

The author will explain in which cases the promotion can reduce labor rates. In addition, the book tells about things that people don’t get used to, as well as how to hate even your favorite work. Simply put, this book on economics is necessary for reading to all those who want to learn something new and improve. By reading it, you can avoid many commonplace mistakes in the future.


fundamentals of economics book

This book on economics, written by Stephen Levitt and Stephen Dubner, is considered a bestseller in its genre. First of all, it is interesting in that, after reading it, you will reconsider your attitude to fairly familiar and obvious statements. Thanks to the non-standard interpretation, many readers will like the book. The work is quite provocative, as well as serious. The authors investigated and described some of the phenomena that, in their opinion, take place in economic mechanisms.

"Economics for Dummies"

theory of economics book

Sean Flynn in his book as briefly and clearly described many economic phenomena. It should be paid attention primarily to those who wish to receive explanations of economic concepts in a fairly short time. The book is written in a simple and understandable language, so the reader will quickly understand many concepts.

"Sonin.ru: Lessons in Economics"

popular books on economics

A popular book by a Russian economist. Konstantin Sonin is famous not only in our country, but also far beyond its borders. In a very short time, the book gathered a lot of positive reviews and was able to attract the attention of readers. The work is distinguished by a special presentation of the material, the author not only gives dry rules, but describes a number of examples and experiments. After reading the views and attitudes towards the economy are very much changing. Also, the book will provide answers to many common questions.

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