
The best universities in Russia. Rating of the most prestigious universities

Thanks to modern graduate certification systems, any student can try their luck and apply for admission to 5 universities at the same time, and the choice can fall on any educational institution throughout the country.

In order to make the right choice and get a quality education, it is important for applicants and their parents to understand which the level of education offers this university. To make a general opinion about it will help the rating “Best Universities of Russia”.

Types of ratings - Russian and international

Today, such ratings exist all over the world; in Russia they are compiled by the Expert RA rating agency. The world ranking of universities is annually prepared, for example, by the British agency QS Quacquarelli Symonds, which also includes Russian universities. A similar prestigious list is maintained by Shanghai University. Forbes publishing house (RIA Novosti together with the Higher School of Economics) has an alternative rating, which, incidentally, did not make it to many leaders of the “official list”. A comparison of such ratings will give an objective picture of the prestige of a diploma.

Top-10, 20, 30, 100 are compiled, the selection for which is carried out according to statistical criteria and numerous surveys in the scientific and student community, among employers (for example, among recruiting agencies). Estimated financial support of the university, the number of permanent teaching staff and its weight in the scientific world. Also taken into account is the average passing score for the exam and other aspects of the university.

the best universities in Russia

It should be noted that the best universities in Russia from the first 20 positions of the ranking have been practically unchanged in the last few years, which means that the largest universities in the country are holding the mark.

Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov

This university is the undisputed leader in higher education in Russia. He was even honored to be included in the world ranking of higher education institutions, which in principle speaks of the prestige of the Moscow State University diploma in the world. Shanghai University puts Moscow State University at 86th place in the world (according to data for 2015, although 10 years ago Moscow State University was 20 positions higher). The British rating also lowered the position of Moscow State University in the last 5-6 years, throwing it out of the top hundred. According to the latest QS Quacquarelli Symonds, Moscow State University has only 120th place. But “Expert RA” estimates the level of training of graduates of Moscow State University as extremely high. This category has no more universities in the CIS.

Lomonosov Moscow State University

Moscow State University is a legendary educational institution founded in the 18th century by M.V. Lomonosov, whose name is university. His library has over 9 million copies of publications, and the classical university itself has 41 faculties, 15 research institutes and 5 foreign branches. The number of students (along with graduate students, applicants and students) exceeds 50 thousand people, who transfer knowledge to almost 10 thousand researchers and teachers.

But getting here is not easy at all - the university has the highest passing scores and a large competition, especially at prestigious faculties such as law and economics. To get here to the budget department, you need to score 350-360 points. Less popular faculties enroll applicants with approximately 300 points (philology, geology, sociology).

Technical universities of Russia

Following Moscow State University, three technical universities occupy pride of place in the Expert RA rating in a row, which indicates the demand for physical and other “exact” specialties. So, the second position was given to MIPT (Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology).The passing score on the budget here is about 300 points, but the interview on admission plays a special role.

In 2015, the MEPhI National Research Nuclear University fell into the top three (third position) for the first time in the history of the rating, weakening the position of another “techie” - Bauman Moscow State Technical University.

Mythi National Research Nuclear University

Nuclear engineers managed to increase their prestige by improving three indicators:

  • The number of contacts with foreign universities has increased.
  • Attractiveness for applicants has been improved by enrolling more winners of olympiads.
  • There has been an increase in the citation of publications by researchers.

Passing ball at the National Research Nuclear University MEPhI - 259.

Next up is the Bauman State Technical University. This technical university took 4th place in the Russian rating, but, which is noteworthy, did not get into the Forbes rating in general because of the general deplorable level of technical education in the country.

MGTU named after Bauman

However, Bauman Moscow State Technical University is considered the best university in Russia for the training of engineers, this status was assigned after a survey of 34 thousand respondents from among recruiters, applicants, students and graduates throughout Russia. To get on the budget, you will have to score at least 240 points in exams.

Natural Sciences

The best universities in Russia that train mathematicians, physicists, chemists, biologists, etc., are the "towers" of Moscow, St. Petersburg, and the capital of Siberia, Novosibirsk. These megacities are famous for their classic school. It is interesting that the Higher School of Economics is also listed in the ranking of natural science universities, but its emphasis on higher mathematics is bearing fruit. And joining the HSE structure of the Moscow Institute of Electronics and Mathematics only strengthened these positions.

You can get high-quality classical education at the following universities:

  • Moscow State University - 1st place in the overall ranking;
  • St. Petersburg State University - 5th place in the overall ranking;
  • NSU - 9th place in the overall ranking.

Top Universities in Russia: Economics and Management

Despite the fact that technical specialties are more in demand on the market and the level of education in technical universities is growing steadily, economic specialties are always popular among applicants, despite the serious requirements (for HSE, MGIMO, MSU - about 350 points are required, at least 226 - Russian University friendship of peoples) and the high cost of training in paid departments. Thus, the Higher School of Economics and MGIMO are the most expensive, but at the same time some of the best in the country - 5th and 6th place in the ranking, respectively.

Peoples' Friendship University of Russia

In general, the best economists and managers are trained in Moscow - it is the universities of the capital that hold the leading positions in their direction. In addition to Moscow State University, this included the Higher School of Economics, the University of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia, the University of National Economy and others.

The medicine

The first state medical name named Sechenov is not only the oldest honey. Russia, but also the best university in the direction of "medicine". In the overall ranking, he is in 22nd place. The passing score here is 275, which is a lot, higher only at Moscow State University at the Faculty of Fundamental Medicine, there is a passing score of 473.

university ranking

In general, medical universities have good ratings, largely due to guaranteed employment - 29% of applicants are targeted, and the rest have no problems finding employers. The standard of high requirements does not reduce the popularity of medical education - an applicant will need at least 255 points in the exam (this, for example, is enough to enter the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia at the Faculty of Medicine).

Universities of the Northern Capital

As a standard, universities in St. Petersburg are not much behind Moscow in terms of education and popularity. The main universities of the Northern capital in the top positions of the top:

  • St. Petersburg State University - 5th place;

St. Petersburg State University

  • Peter the Great Polytechnic University - 11th place;
  • ITMO University - 19th place.

By the way, the latter, the University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics, showed in 2016 the best dynamics in the competitiveness improvement program. Due to the fact that the university doubled the number of students who study abroad for the year, he was able to enter the top twenty ranking for the first time.

Regional universities

To think that the best education is available only in Moscow is a fallacy. The top twenty universities in Russia included 6 representatives of the regions. These are two universities from Tomsk, one from Novosibirsk and three classical federal universities.

Last year such regional representatives in the twenty there were 7, however, the Novosibirsk Technical University sharply lost its position and in 2016 only 24th. He has problems mainly with financing, it fell per student, unlike other leaders whose funding showed an increase. Today in the top position of the rating is the most serious negative trend.

university ranking

In general, it can be noted that such ratings today are one of the key factors in the development of universities. According to polls, an increasing number of applicants choose a university based on ratings.

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