
Prestigious universities in Moscow. Higher education rating

The most prestigious universities in Russia, with rare exceptions, are located in the capital. Moscow has historically been the center of the entire socio-political life of the country, as well as the most populated and developed city. Therefore, this is not surprising. And let students and teachers of Russian universities from other cities not be offended.

First on the list

Speaking about the role and place of Russian science, as well as the relevance of our higher education, we must admit that we are rather low in the international hierarchy. So, in the first hundred of the Shanghai ranking entered only Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov. It is located on line 86. Other prestigious universities in Moscow and other cities of the country are even lower or absent altogether.

prestigious universities in Moscow

In addition to Shanghai, there is another international university ranking - THE (Times Higher Education), which, I must say, is quite criticized for the inadequacy of the assessment. Nevertheless, he is quite authoritative and defines Moscow State University in 161st place. The result is not the most impressive.

Domestic rating

The most authoritative is the rating agency Expert RA, founded in 1997. Specializing in economic and financial sectors, the agency also compiles university rankings.

prestigious universities of Russia

However, despite the ongoing globalization and other processes of the 21st century, we live in Russia. First of all, the trends in domestic higher education should excite us. In the ranking, metropolitan universities took 5 places out of the top ten, including first place. Therefore, prestigious universities in Moscow are one of the best in the country and offer truly high-quality education.

Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov

The first among the best, the undisputed leader in Russian science and education is Moscow University. Founded in 1755, Moscow State University has been operating for more than two hundred and fifty-odd years and needs no introduction. To enter this university is the dream of any school graduate, and even his parents. Specialists with a Moscow State University diploma are the most popular among employers, and this indicator does not change from year to year. Students definitely do not need to take care of finding a job - she will find them herself. It remains only to choose the best offer.

Moscow Open Social Academy

A few facts about the university:

  • year of foundation - 1755;
  • place in the Russian rating - 1;
  • the number of students studying - 38,500;
  • tuition fees - from 320 thousand rubles per year;
  • Rector - Viktor Antonovich Sadovnichy.

Moscow State University M.V. Lomonosov is one of the few Russian universities whose graduation diplomas are still highly regarded in Europe and North America. Therefore, the number of foreign students who have chosen Moscow State University as their place of study is quite large. To date, there are 3,740 people, which is about ten percent of the total number of students.

Managers are trained here

The State University of Management is one of the leading universities in Moscow and in Russia, a university specializing in the training of senior managers. It dates back to 1919, when the Moscow Industrial and Economic Practical Institute was established by order of the People's Commissar of Trade and Industry. The goal and vocation of the university over the past century have not changed - this is the training of managers.

In order to consolidate GUU was attached to the Moscow State Law University. O. E. Kutafina. It took place in 2016, April 12.This does not mean at all that the university has lost its independence or that it has problems with state accreditation. All faculties and departments continue their activities as before.

State University of Management

Information in figures:

  • year of foundation - 1919;
  • place in the Russian rating - 51;
  • the number of students studying - 25 thousand people;
  • the cost of training is 100 thousand rubles per year;
  • Rector - Vladimir Vitalievich Stroyev.

The university is used as a forge of personnel not only for the Russian management, but also for many CIS countries. State University of Management is a platform for training senior staff in MBA programs, for which it has appropriate accreditation. The teaching staff consists of more than two hundred professors and doctors of sciences. Three quarters of all university employees have a degree.

Kutafin Law University

Moscow State Law Academy, the structural unit of which is now GUU, is considered the first in the ranking of the country's legal universities. The Academy trains law specialists both in Moscow itself and in the regions. The training is conducted in five branches across the country.

A few facts about the Moscow State Law Academy:

  • year of foundation - 1931;
  • place in the Russian rating - 37;
  • the number of students studying - 17 thousand people;
  • the cost of training - from 286 thousand rubles per year;
  • Rector - Viktor Vladimirovich Blazheev.

Lomonosov Moscow State UniversityOver the entire existence of the university, more than 180 thousand specialists in the field of law have been trained. MGLA is among the best educational institutions in the CIS and has a rating D. Given the very popularity of legal science, the Kutafin Academy can be safely listed as one of the most prestigious universities in Moscow.

MSTU named after Bauman

Bauman Moscow State Technical University does not really need to be introduced. This is the most famous university in the country, specializing in the training of engineers and researchers in the field of natural sciences. The leadership in the field of exact disciplines is also evidenced by the fact that this institution has been heading the Association of Technical Universities of the Country for decades, numbering more than a hundred educational institutions.

According to the international rating from the Expert RA agency, Bauman Moscow State Technical University is a class B university, second only to Moscow State University Lomonosov. Enrolling in this university is really not easy. Perhaps, all high school students from Russia or from other CIS countries who are keen on exact sciences dream of becoming Baumanki students.

Moscow State Technical University named after Bauman

Facts about the university:

  • year of foundation - 1830;
  • place in the Russian rating - 4;
  • the number of students studying - 19 thousand people;
  • the cost of training - from 170 thousand rubles per year;
  • Rector - Anatoly Alexandrovich Alexandrov.

Despite the fact that the most prestigious universities in Moscow now are financial and economic universities, high-quality technical education is extremely important. Higher educational institution is among the best in terms of research activities, as well as in demand for its graduates.

Medical education

The largest medical educational institutions are also concentrated in Moscow, the leader among which is certainly MGMU. Sechenov. However, in recent years, the prestige of specialized dental education has increased many times. Prepares dentists in the capital, Moscow State Medical and Dental University. I must say that among the universities in Moscow, he takes seventh place. And he is the fifth in the country in training doctors.

Moscow State Medical Dental University
Between students, and just among Muscovites, he is often called "3rd honey." A few more facts about the university:

  • year of foundation - 1922;
  • place in the all-Russian rating - 38;
  • the number of students studying - 8 thousand people;
  • the cost of training - from 150 thousand rubles for the specialty "Psychology" and from 310 thousand for the Faculty of Dentistry;
  • Rector - Oleg Olegovich Yanushevich.

Despite a rather specific focus, MSMSU also trains specialists in the field of economics - managers for healthcare institutions. In addition, social workers and psychologists are graduated.

Private educational institutions

Many applicants are frightened by the fact that such universities are not controlled by the state. The year 2012 is indicative when the Moscow Open Social Academy did not pass accreditation from the Ministry of Education of Russia. Nevertheless, the experience of Western countries shows that obtaining a diploma in a private educational institution does not mean a low level of qualification.

Many prestigious universities in Russia are private. This area is developing quite rapidly, especially in Moscow. It is very significant in this regard that for four years now free training programs have become available in private universities - they are sponsored by the state. The number of such universities in Moscow is more than two dozen. In general, there are more than 50 of them in the country.

prestigious universities in Moscow

Returning to the problem of accreditation and the difficulties associated with it, it is worth noting that the same Moscow Open Social Academy was eventually reorganized into the Moscow Institute of Public Administration and Law, which operates to this day.

The prestige of this university is due to its close relationship with state structures. In the past, it was often called by the people the "Police Academy". Many graduates find themselves in the power structures after receiving a diploma.

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