
Who is the marketer? Marketer: job responsibilities, resume

Modern society dictates its own rules. With the advent of all new technologies, new professions also arise. One of them is a marketer.

Why do I need a marketer?

A marketer is a specialist who studies market demand and offers for certain services or goods.

Any company that produces any product or offers a variety of services needs an assessment of consumer demand. Management needs to know what potential customers need, what price they are willing to pay, what quality of goods the buyer of the product or service expects.

Marketer isIn addition to directly demand, an enterprise needs information about competing firms, about their products, quality of manufactured goods and pricing policy.

Marketer Job Descriptions require mandatory compliance with all regulatory acts and laws approved by law.

Thus, the position of a marketer is always present at a large manufacturing enterprise or service company.

As it was before?

It would seem that advertising, demand, supply - these are all words from the present. Yes, as such, the profession of marketing is a specialization that appeared in Russia in the violent 90s of the 20th century.

But it turns out marketing cannot be considered a modern invention. Back in the days of merchants, there were special people who traveled around villages and cities and found out information about what exactly people in this area lack.

So the merchants could protect themselves from unnecessary expenses and not carry the goods that people do not need. But is this a modern marketing move? And when the necessary goods were still being brought in, and it was touted with appropriate words, no one could resist it.

Marketer ResumeSo modern businessmen act. Collect needs data and compose relevant words. Everything, the goods do not lie on the shelves.

Marketer Responsibilities

The main and main task of any marketer is to study the situation on the market.

In addition to the immediate current state of supply and demand, it is necessary, through analysis, to predict the future situation and possible steps for the successful operation of the company. But not only this is the marketer.

His job responsibilities are not very extensive, but the responsibility for the success of the organization is great.

So, the immediate responsibilities of a marketer include:

  • Calculation of forecasting demand for goods.
  • Tips, recommendations on improving the characteristics of the product to increase sales, as well as development of product recognition by a large number of segments of the population.
  • Participation and coordination of effective product advertising.
  • The marketer's responsibility includes merchandisers, to whom he gives instructions on how to lay out and correctly position the product on store shelves.
  • In addition to studying and forecasting the market, marketers develop sales strategies and put this into practice.

In addition, people in this profession take part in presentations and exhibitions of products or services produced by the enterprise. And also participate in the preparation of articles in newspapers and magazines.

Marketer job responsibilitiesIf the company has its own website on the Internet, a marketer also makes a contribution, whose job responsibilities include consulting on how to correctly and profitably present the product on the network.

I’ll go to marketers

If you want to engage in the promotion of goods and services, have a sharp mind and instinct, then you should think about a career as a marketer.

To be eligible to occupy this position, it is advisable to have a higher economic education. Sociological is also suitable, but most likely, courses in economic disciplines will be needed.

Sociologists have the skills to communicate with people, study and collect information, and put it on the shelves. But the job of a marketer involves calculating sales forecasts. And this requires some economic knowledge.

Position MarketerNow many universities, focusing on the market, have introduced a direct direction in the training of marketers, after which students have all the necessary skills and knowledge.

But even if there is no higher education, the path to marketing is not closed. If you do not have the opportunity to study, but have a desire to work on this path, you can get a job in any advertising agency.

Of course, at first you will be running errands, so to speak. But once in this world of advertising and product promotion, helping in projects and feeling the first successes, you will very soon know and understand a lot. And there, and not far from career growth.

Large enterprises with dynamic development will willingly take a marketer, the path without an appropriate education, but with extensive experience in promoting the product and knowledge of all the subtleties of advertising services. In addition, such a specialist is familiar with advertising, so to speak, from the inside.

Basic requirements for applicants

  • Good market orientation of the investigated product.
  • Analytical mind. The ability to collect and analyze information, compiling competent reports.
  • Possession of the main PC programs and knowledge of the basics of working with office equipment.
  • Clear, competent speech. Both oral and written.
  • Presentable appearance.
  • Higher economic education or work experience in advertising agencies is desirable.

Some organizations, depending on their specifics, may put forward additional requirements.

What else is useful?

Since often the tasks of a marketer include visiting presentations and exhibitions, often held in different cities, the applicant must be prepared for frequent business trips.

If the company works with foreign partners, the marketer is required to speak a foreign language. Often you need to know English, but there may be other options.

Marketer's InstructionsIn addition, in connection with frequent trips, a driver's license is required. But a company car is usually provided.

Personal qualities

If you want to take the place of a marketer in a large developing company, then in addition to direct education you need some personal qualities. Without them, it will be difficult to promote the product and, accordingly, make a career in this field.

  • Analytical thinking. The ability to subtly feel any changes and respond quickly.
  • Ability to handle a large amount of information and numbers.
  • You must have features such as mindfulness and concentration. An inaccurate understanding of the situation will adversely affect the constructed strategy and, accordingly, sales.
  • The ability to find a common language with people. A good marketer always knows not only the general situation in the market, but also can learn about competitors and their situation.
  • Resistance to stressful situations. A lot of work, a lot of responsibility, and sometimes the situation gets out of control. Therefore, it is always necessary to remain outwardly calm and be able to get out of any situation without showing panic.
  • Creative vein. Very important quality. A marketer is a generator of ideas for promoting and recognizing a product. Therefore, the constant presence of a pair of fresh ideas in your head is simply necessary for this profession.

We make a resume

The resume of the marketer, like any other specialist, should include the required items.

This is a full name, education, work experience, skills, knowledge. But for you to be noticed and invited for an interview, you need to stand out.

Marketing positionBut you do not need to be very creative and make a fantastic story out of the resume of the marketer.According to experts, you will be noticed if the data perfectly matches the position you are applying for.

What will force a recruiting specialist to pay attention to your resume?

  • If you want to get a job as a marketer, show your knowledge about this particular company and its product.
  • Indicate all your experience and demonstrate existing skills.
  • Contact details can be indicated in a slightly larger font.
  • When indicating work experience, do not limit yourself to the name of the organization and position. Briefly describe key responsibilities and achievements.
  • Do not write in general terms. Specify specifically. For example, over six months of work, the sales level rose by 6%.
  • Be sure to indicate knowledge of languages, the presence of a driver’s license and certificates.

A marketer is a person who can make a product recognizable and marketable. Therefore, if your hobby is drawing, be sure to indicate this. Such skills are useful in preparing ideas for advertising.

Marketing TasksWell and, most importantly, avoid grammatical errors. Resume size should not exceed two pages.

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