
Maternity capital for building a house - necessary documents

At the beginning of 2015, under the Maternity Capital program, 3 directions of state aid to families with children were provided. In particular, due to the allocated funds, it is possible to improve housing conditions, create an accumulative share of pensions and provide education for the child. Many, especially those who live in small cities, towns and other settlements, decide to carry out the construction of a house under maternity capital. Let us further consider how this can be done. maternity capital for building a house

Reasons for receiving funds

The right to receive maternity capital arises subject to a number of conditions. In particular, the law establishes the following circumstances:

  • Adoption (birth) of the second, third and subsequent children.
  • The presence of the mother (adoptive parent) and minor citizenship of the Russian Federation.
  • Adoption (birth) of a child after January 1, 2007 to December 31, 2016.

It should be noted that with the advent of the third and subsequent children, the right to maternity capital can be used if this opportunity has not been realized before. In other words, a certificate is only allowed once. By 2015, capital is more than 450 thousand rubles.

Important point

It must be understood that funds are not handed out. Maternity capital may be transferred for purposes established by law. In this regard, it is impossible to cash out. The exception is cases of transferring capital to a bank account for the purposes established by law.  building a house under maternity capital

How to get a certificate?

Before deciding where the maternity capital will be directed - to build a house or other needs - you should draw up your right. To obtain a certificate, you must provide the following papers to the territorial branch of the PFR:

  1. Statement.
  2. Information about the adoption or birth of all children.
  3. Certificate confirming citizenship.

In some cases, other papers may be required, but, as a rule, these documents are sufficient.

Possible use cases

If the child, whose birth allowed to receive state aid, is already 3 years old, you can proceed with the implementation of the plans. There are, however, exceptions to this rule. In particular, there is no need to wait three years if the funds are used to repay the loan or mortgages that are issued for the construction or purchase of housing. Simply put, you can first take a loan, and then repay it at the expense of maternity capital. There is another option for the implementation of law. If it is not possible to wait until the established three-year period has elapsed, you can build a house at your own expense. When 3 years have passed, you can apply for reimbursement of construction costs from state aid. In this case, you can build a house even before the right to a mat appears. capital, but not earlier than January 1, 2007. maternity capital compensation

General order

Compensation for the construction of a house by maternity capital, according to statistics, is today one of the most common ways to improve living conditions. To exercise your right you need this way:

  1. First of all, you should purchase, rent or obtain the right to inherit or use the land. This matters because the funds cannot be used to buy the allotment. You can use capital only for construction. This is because one cannot live on empty land. Thus, the purchase of land will not act as an improvement in housing conditions.
  2. Next, you need to determine how exactly the construction will be carried out. In this case, there is a choice. The construction of housing can be carried out on their own or with the assistance of specialists (contractor). These are two main options through which you can direct maternity capital to build a house on a summer cottage.
  3. At the next stage, you must contact the PF located at the location or residence. An appropriate application is submitted to the organization stating that payment will be made for the construction of the house by maternity capital. payment for building a house with maternity capital

Required paper

As mentioned above, a statement should be brought to the PF in which it is necessary to report on the decision to send maternity capital for the construction of the house. The documents to be attached to it are as follows:

  • Original certificate, passport of its owner.
  • Identity document of the spouse and the certificate of marriage. These papers are necessary if the husband is building, is a party to a purchase transaction or a party to a contract.
  • Representative's passport and notarized power of attorney, allowing him to submit an application.

This list should not be considered exhaustive. The need to provide additional securities is determined depending on the option that will be decided to use.

Contract with contractor

If an organization is involved in the construction of housing, copies must be submitted to the PF:

  • Building permits (issued by the appropriate authority).
  • Contract agreement.
  • Title deed to land. maternity capital for home construction documents

Also included in the list is the obligation of the person to whom the permit is issued to register the erected housing in the common property of children and parents no later than six months from the date the building was commissioned. If there is no difficulty with the papers, a statement of the decision to send maternity capital to build a house will be considered and satisfied in 2 months. As a result, the funds will be transferred to the organization with which the contract is concluded.

Do-it-yourself erection

You can direct maternity capital to build a house without involving a contractor. In this case, it is also necessary to submit a corresponding application to the FIU. The same papers must be attached to it as in the previous case, except for the contract. Instead, you must provide the details of the account to which the maternity capital will be transferred. 50% will be sent for the construction of the house after two months from the date of submission of the necessary securities. The remaining amount will be transferred after six months. To receive the balance, it is necessary to provide a document that confirms that the main construction work has been carried out. maternity capital for the construction of a house on a summer cottage


Thus, the state program "Maternity Capital" allows to improve housing conditions. In practice, as a rule, there are no difficulties with the receipt, provision and subsequent execution of the necessary securities. When choosing a contracting company, it is necessary to carefully study the features of its activities so that later, when checking the submitted documents (in particular, the contract), no questions arise. According to statistics, quite a few families took advantage of this particular option of using state aid. There is no unequivocal answer to the question of what is better - construction on their own or with the help of a contractor. Much depends on the different capabilities of the spouses. Some take a loan for construction. In some cases, this is the most suitable solution to the housing problem. At the same time, the state makes it possible to repay the loan by maternity capital. In any case, state support allows you to provide yourself, and most importantly, your children with housing.

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