
Medical institutes in Moscow: rating, specializations, tuition fees.

It’s not a secret for anyone that medicine has been very weak in recent years in our country. There are many reasons for this. For example, poor financing, weak managerial staff, corrupt officials and doctors themselves, lack of necessary equipment and medicines. People’s faith in public medicine is fading away faster and faster. But it is not only public finances that keep the health of the nation. One of the issues that are highlighted is the quality of staff.

Demand for the profession

Where in any sphere of society come from workers, specialists, professionals in their field? From institutes, universities, other institutions for obtaining and advanced training. In most cases, the professionalism and competence of employees is determined precisely by the process and quality of training. Medical institutes in Moscow should raise a new generation of worthy doctors. This profession is very much in demand. Not everyone can do this kind of work because of their character and nervous system, as well as the duration and complexity of training. So, if you decide to join the ranks of doctors, help people, save lives and health, you need to choose a worthy medical institute. Moscow in this regard offers vast prospects.

medical institutes in Moscow

Why is it better to study in Moscow

Moscow is the capital of a huge state, a city of great opportunities. Millions of people flock here. She is not always friendly to visitors, this is the first difficulty. Medical institutes in Moscow mean more competitive applicants, the selection will be more stringent, and the quality of education above. The capital has no right to dishonor itself with low-quality personnel. And the passage of a difficult life school away from home will only strengthen the character and desire not to give up. Especially if some steps have already been completed.

Institute of Medical Technology Moscow

Areas of study

Medical institutes in Moscow offer about seven areas of study for future specialists. These include "General Medicine" - the main form, the basis for the entire classification of the personnel of any hospital or clinic. The duration of study is six years. "Medical biophysics" means doctor’s specialty able to conduct radiation, ultrasound diagnostics and therapy, conduct examination with modern electronic devices and so on. The term of study is also six years. Medical biochemistry and cybernetics, pediatrics, dentistry, pharmacy - all this is also offered by the first medical institute. Moscow, as the capital, is famous for its higher educational institutions and faculty.

medical institute moscow

Medical institutes in Moscow

Moscow boasts six higher education institutions in which they teach various areas of medical business. All of them are known. Training in them is prestigious and of high value in the further search for work. The most respected Institute of Medical Technologies (Moscow) is the First Moscow Sechenov Moscow State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. Already the name shows that this institution is under the patronage of the apparatus of power. In second place Moscow State University. Lomonosov. Third - Peoples' Friendship University of Russia. Next - Research Medical University. Pirogov. Fifth - Maimonides State Classical Academy. And the last - Medical and Dental University.

First Medical Institute Moscow

What you need for admission

For applicants to different specialties, different conditions for admission, a different passing score and exams. So for Biophysics, you will need to pass Russian, physics and biology (chemistry). The passing exam score is 35-70. For "Biochemistry" surrenders Russian, mathematics and biology (chemistry). The passing score here is 48-97. For "Cybernetics" it is important to pass exams in Russian, mathematics and biology or physics. Passing score - from 42 to 73.

Of course, the higher it is, the more likely you are to do, to get ahead of your competitors at the place of study. General medicine, pediatrics and dentistry will require you to have knowledge of the Russian language, chemistry, biology (or physics) with an average passing score of at least 35. Of these areas, the most popular among applicants is General Medicine and Biochemistry. In these specialties there will be a lot of competition for the place. Of the eleven thousand who wanted to enter last year, only three and a half thousand applicants entered the First Medical Institute of Sechenov. This means that the competition for the place is three to four people. To protect yourself from missing an entire year, apply to several universities at once. The training is quite long, and therefore every year is worth its weight in gold. In the future, you will have to go through an internship for several years. In order to occupy high positions in the field of medicine, it is necessary to work hard and study for many years. Good knowledge in this structure is too important.

Moscow medical institutes tuition

Moscow medical institutes: tuition fees

Education is not cheap. However, without it, in our life anywhere. Let's take a look at the rates at medical schools. So, a year of study at the First Sechenov Medical Institute will cost from 67,500 rubles. This is in one year. Lomonosov University charges students an amount of 325,000 rubles for one year of study. Pirogov University will cost students a minimum of 120,000 per year listening to lectures. The Maimonides Classical Academy will charge you 125,000 rubles. Peoples' Friendship University of Russia estimated training services at 70,000 rubles per year. And this is the minimum. The final amount depends on the particular specialty.

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