
Doctors specialties: list

In the period of the emergence of medical science, people were treated by so-called healers who possessed generalized knowledge. Gradually, the first "narrowly focused specialists" began to stand out who were engaged in the treatment of certain diseases and conditions. So, for example, “midwives” appeared, taking birth. And only during the period of rapid development of medicine did it become necessary to separate doctors by specialties. Today, there are a large number of different specialized areas in the field of medicine. We will tell you about the specialties of doctors in our article.

Doctors specialties

Common specialties

The main specialties of doctors are familiar to everyone since childhood. Making a kid in a kindergarten or school, an examination of different doctors is required - this is how the first acquaintance with different areas in medicine occurs. The following are common medical specialties. The list is as follows:

  1. Family doctor (therapist). The so-called family medicine is becoming increasingly common. Therefore, now, in case of any suspicion of any deviation in the state of health, you should first contact a general practitioner or family doctor. Such a health worker will listen to complaints based on which he will make a preliminary diagnosis. Then he will direct for analyzes, and if necessary, recommend a narrow specialist.
  2. The ophthalmologist is involved in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the organs of vision.
  3. The otolaryngologist is popularly called a doctor - “ear-throat-nose”, since it is these organs that are treated by such a specialist.
  4. The dentist will cure diseases of the oral cavity and dentition.
  5. A gynecologist specializes in diseases of the female reproductive system. Often there is a double profile of an “obstetrician-gynecologist” - such a specialist will not only heal a woman, but will also be able to “lead” a pregnancy and take birth.
  6. A mammologist is also an exclusively female doctor - he diagnoses and treats breast diseases.
  7. A neurologist will help get rid of headaches, migraines, radiculitis, herniated discs, osteochondrosis, pinched nerves, insomnia and other diseases that are associated with the human nervous system.
  8. An allergist diagnoses the manifestation of allergic reactions and helps to eliminate them.
  9. A cardiologist is involved in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  10. A gastroenterologist should be visited if there are problems with the gastrointestinal tract.
  11. Dermatologist and venereologist. These doctors specialize in the treatment of skin diseases. Their difference is that the venereologist should be visited by patients who are diagnosed with a sexually transmitted disease.
  12. A urologist will cure diseases of the urinary system, including the kidneys.
  13. An andrologist is a “male” doctor who helps representatives of a strong half of humanity cope with delicate problems.
  14. Surgeon - a doctor who performs surgical operations.
  15. A traumatologist will assist with injuries of various origins.

We have described the most common and popular specialties of doctors. But the most diverse and even rare human diseases are regularly recorded, therefore modern medicine needs narrowly focused professionals. Specialties of doctors who are not found everywhere, but only in specialized clinics, are described below.

The main specialties of doctors


Genetics has occupied an important niche in the development of medical science as a whole. Today it is already impossible to imagine a modern clinical center without a genetic specialist.Such a doctor, in fact, does not cure anything, but the life and health of the patient directly depend on the results of this professional. Geneticist examines heredity, determines congenital diseases associated with chromosomal disorders.

Most often, such specialization is in demand in diagnostic and perinatal centers. A geneticist in early pregnancy can identify incurable chromosomal diseases in the fetus, calculate the possible risks of such complications during the planning of conception. Today the profession is promising, since such a direction as genetics is developing at a rapid pace, gradually introducing itself into various fields of medical science.

Doctors specialties: list

Expert in narcology

A narcologist is involved in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of addictions to drugs, alcoholic beverages and tobacco products. Despite the high percentage of potential patients in our country, it is rarely possible to see a queue for such a specialist. However, a narcologist can work both in a clinic and in a specialized hospital, rehabilitation center or department medical examination.

Medicine: specialties of doctors


Rare specialties of doctors are known not by many. For example, who is a phlebologist? This is a specialist who will cure diseases such as varicose veins, thrombosis, thrombophlebitis and other pathological conditions of the veins. Such a doctor is not in every clinic. Usually, an initial visit to the family doctor is required, which, if indicated, will refer to a specialist.


This doctor will cure kidney diseases and urinary tract infections. In the clinic, such a specialist is found infrequently or does not work full time. A nephrologist is needed in a specialized hospital for the timely diagnosis and treatment of pyelonephritis, renal failure, infectious lesions of the urinary system, etc.


A hepatologist treats liver diseases, such as cirrhosis, hepatitis, toxoplasmosis, leptospirosis.

Required specialties of doctors

Homeopath and Phytotherapist

Homeopath and phytotherapist are specialties of doctors who are not officially recognized by traditional medicine. The inability to treat with traditional methods (for example, if there are contraindications to the use of drugs) leads the patient to such specialists. The correct, professionally justified use of medicinal herbs, minerals, metals for the treatment of various diseases can really help a person improve his health. It is important to seek the help of a professional who has a medical education and has passed special official courses in herbal medicine or homeopathy.

the best specialties of doctors

Children's doctors

Separately distinguish children's specialties of doctors. The list of the most common profiles is as follows:

  • surgeon;
  • optometrist (ophthalmologist);
  • otolaryngologist;
  • neurologist;
  • dentist;
  • allergist and others.

Such specialists require specific specific knowledge and skills related to the developmental features of the baby’s body and the occurrence of diseases at a young age. Are there only pediatric doctors? Specialties that are aimed at treating babies are as follows:

  • Neonatologist is a doctor for newborns. He evaluates the health status of the baby, who was born, gives recommendations to young parents on caring for the baby, diagnoses the disease.
  • Pediatrician - this specialist who is involved in the diagnosis and treatment of childhood diseases. He observes babies from birth to 16 years. Such a specialist will also help to establish breastfeeding, give recommendations on caring for a child, provide primary medical care for a baby, or provide referrals to a specialist. And also, if necessary, will issue documentation for visiting a children's educational institution.
  • Children's virologist.
  • A vertebrologist is a kind of neurologist who treats diseases of the spine, taking into account age-specific features.
  • A children's infectious disease specialist will not only diagnose and cure an infectious disease in the baby, but will also vaccinate.
  • Small patients often turn to an orthopedist, since it is at a young age that the entire musculoskeletal system grows and develops. Therefore, it is extremely important to diagnose and correct a violation of posture in time.

children's doctors: specialties

From applicants to medical schools you can hear the question of what are the best specialties of doctors. In fact, these simply do not exist - each direction has its own difficulties and professional risks. But any doctor, regardless of the chosen profile of his work, is a specialist on whom the health, and often the life of the patient, depends. Therefore, a professional of any profile should have the necessary knowledge and skills, approach his work responsibly.

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