
Russian finance ministers - the country's history in persons

The Ministry of Finance of Russia is an executive authority dealing with public policy issues in the budget, tax, insurance and banking sectors.

Russian finance ministersAccording to the decision of the head of state and the presentation of the chairman of the government, the ministers of the RF are at the head of the department. The list of persons holding this position from 1991 to the present includes 12 names.

Alone Russian finance ministers stood at the head of the department for several months, others for several years. The longest - 11 years - was headed by the Ministry of Finance A. Kudrin.

One line on the period from 1991 to 1999

Russian ministers of finance1. Gaidar Egor Timurovich headed the Ministry of Finance in 1991-1992. After graduating from Moscow State University and graduate school, he worked at a research institute. He combined the positions of Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economics and Finance.

2. Barchuk Vasily Vasilievich served as head of the Ministry of Finance in 1992−1993. Adhered to the idea of ​​a low budget. He rarely appeared in public, which was the reason for the removal from office.

3. Fedorov Boris G. headed the ministry in 1993-1994. He stopped the practice of issuing irrevocable loans to the former Soviet republics, strengthened the agency’s positions and refused the next tranche of the IMF. With him, inflation fell, interest rates on deposits for the population increased.

4. Panskov Vladimir Georgievich served as head of the Ministry of Finance in 1994−1996. In 1992 - 1994 He was the first deputy of the State Tax Service of the RSFSR. He was arrested on charges of bribery on an especially large scale and was soon released. During the investigation, he began work in the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation, later he became the head of the ministry responsible for finances.

5. Livshits Alexander Yakovlevich was the head of the Ministry of Finance in 1996−1997. The appointment was unexpected, since Livshits specialized in the study of foreign market models. He began the fight against financial benefits, canceled the decree on a single currency account and became famous as a fierce fighter with bribery.

6. Chubais Anatoly Borisovich, in the position of vice-premier, prepared a privatization program, which caused mixed assessments from the Supreme Council. After the resignation, Gaidar continued work on privatization. He became the head of the Ministry of Finance in March 1997. After the writer's scandal that broke out in the autumn of that year, he was removed from his post.

7. Zadornov Mikhail Mikhailovich was Minister of Finance in 1997-1999. He held this position in the governments of V.S. Chernomyrdina, S.V. Kirienko, E.M. Primakova. For a long time, a protracted dispute between a politician and oil oligarchs over export duties on black gold.

Not all Russian Finance Ministers are listed above. The list includes several more surnames: Vavilov A.P., Dubinin S.K.

Briefly about the leadership of the department in 2000−2011

The ministers of finance of Russia of this period are one of the most famous political figures of their time.

Russian finance ministers list1. Kasyanov Mikhail Mikhailovich headed the ministry in 2000−2004. Much attention was paid to the external debt of the country. The remaining questions were assigned to the deputies. He went down in history as a talented negotiator who managed to reduce Russia's foreign debt. The success of the politician can be explained by the favorable situation in the country's economy and the ability to get along with people.

Minister of Finance of Russia photo2. Kudrin Alexei Leonidovich was the head of the Ministry of Finance longer than all his predecessors. The politician was repeatedly called the best Minister of Finance at the global and European levels. He resigned in 2011 due to those arising from D.A.Medvedev disagrees about the growth of military and social spending, the dependence of the budget on oil prices.

Our days

Currently Anton Siluanov - Minister of Finance of Russia. Photo politician can be found in many domestic and Western publications. He took office in December 2011, before that he had been acting minister for several months. He began work in the department of Siluanov in 1989. Since then he has held various positions, gradually moving up the career ladder.

To summarize

Russian finance ministers have always played an important role in the development of the state. Some politicians in this field did nothing outstanding, others went down in history as bright representatives of the authorities of their era. Some of them found themselves in the center of high-profile scandals and litigation. However, each of them made a significant contribution to the development of the ministry.

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