
Moral duty. Life examples

Modern man leads an active life, in contact with other people every day. As a member of society, a certain duty is imposed on him, which he must fulfill by interacting in society.

Debt concept

Moral duty

Debt is a multifaceted concept and can be understood in completely different ways. First of all, it should be understood that, coming into contact with people around him, a person acquires objective responsibilities. They consist in the fact that the person is responsible for the commission of certain acts in relation to other people. Moreover, it does not matter what status a person occupies in society and what he does. Responsibility is found even in the simplest actions - for example, if you need to see a doctor, then in any case you first need to make an appointment, take a queue in the hospital, observe the norms of behavior in a public place ...

In addition, almost every person has close people, colleagues, friends, and with all of them they are associated with objective duties and, as a result, a certain duty. For example, it is difficult to imagine harmonious relations in a family if all its members do not fulfill certain objective obligations in relation to each other. In general, it is hard to imagine life in society differently, in any sphere of activity one should act according to conscience and duty.

Public and moral duty

The moral duty of man

As a rule, the concept of debt has two sides. A person who performs the necessary objective duties is subject to public duty. This type of duty is manifested in all spheres of human life - at home, at school, at work, in the company of friends, etc.

The moral duty of man has a different nature. It manifests itself when a person turns external moral requirements into a personal task. There is no room for extraneous influence and decrees; the individual herself makes an individual moral choice based on her own convictions. In this case, a person is not limited only to awareness of moral standards, he sets himself the goal of following them, no matter what.

Often before accepting moral duty, a person internally struggles with his contradictions. But when a moral choice is formed and becomes part of the personality consciousness, spiritualization appears, as well as strength and courage to commit an act. The highest manifestation of moral duty is marked by overcoming internal barriers in favor of the choice of conscience and morality. In this case, a person confidently begins to follow his goal.

Examples of moral duty

In most cases, moral duty is based on three main motives. When debt is perceived as:

  • Duty.

This motive has a fairly common nature. For example, when two people marry, they undertake to support each other, as they say, in trouble and joy, and also to remain faithful throughout their lives.

  • Thanks.

For many people, moral duty takes the form of gratitude. For example, gratitude of the husband for the birth of the first-born to his wife or gratitude to the parents for their realization in life.

  • A conscious desire.

A rare, especially valuable motive for committing moral duty. It is based, as a rule, on the personal qualities of the person himself, such as mercy, indifference, a heightened sense of justice. For example, volunteering. This moral duty from life clearly demonstrates a conscious desire to help other people.Members of a volunteer or volunteer organization provide assistance to various categories of citizens free of charge, regardless of their strengths, time and capabilities. We can say that they act at the call and command of the heart, remaining indifferent to the misfortune of others.

Debt Properties

Moral duty of life

Every person in life had a sense of duty. You can feel it when a person feels and understands that he can and should do something very good and useful for other people. Nobody forces him to perform beautiful deeds, this desire comes from within. How to understand that this is exactly the situation that requires the fulfillment of moral duty from a person? First you need to understand the properties of debt.

  1. Awareness.

A person should realize that he must help and that he can do it. That if he is inactive and does not help, then he also does an act, only a bad one, based on such qualities of character as cowardice, indifference, laziness.

2. Interest in performance.

A person should understand that helping people, if it is in their power, is also in his interests. After all, such help ennobles a person, gives him moral satisfaction from a fulfilled duty, pride in himself, makes him stronger and kinder.

3. Voluntary adoption.

A man himself decides to commit a moral duty, starting only from his personal convictions. Nobody forces him, he wants it.

How to be guided in situations of moral choice?

Moral duty of life

First of all, you should:

  1. Recognize the situation and clarify it.
  2. Make all the moral choices.
  3. Check each choice by asking three questions:
  • "Is this action legal?"
  • "Is this the right thing to do?"
  • “Will other people benefit from this action?”

4. Make a decision.

5. Analyze the solution by asking two questions:

  • “How will this action affect me?”
  • "How will I feel if I do not complete this action?"

6. Perform an action.

In this situation, it is important not to justify oneself in an immoral choice. And for this you need to clearly understand what is good and what is bad.

Duty and conscience

Most moral choices in our lives are dictated by conscience. For a civilized person, responsibilities and duties are of great importance, but only conscience determines how to act properly personality. Therefore, conscience is an internal moral self-control based on a deep knowledge of one’s responsibility and duty.

There is an opinion that conscience does not apply to the mind of a person, but is a purely personal feeling. And not in all cases, a person can soberly realize why conscience allows him to perform certain actions, and forbids some. It is internal moral self-control that allows a person to feel in harmony with the world around him, because when he acts at the behest of his conscience, he is sure that he is acting fairly and honestly.

How proudly the statement sounds: “I will act in good conscience!” ... If it weren’t for it, then humanity would expect terrible consequences, and so the world rests on the deeds of good people.


On the one hand, conscience as an internal regulator checks the actions of a person and acts as the main basis for the fulfillment of moral duty. On the other hand, a conflict may occur between duty and conscience, since sometimes the interests of the person himself do not coincide with the public interests. To understand who is right - duty or conscience, it is possible only taking into account all circumstances and depending on the correct personal interpretation of the word "duty".

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