
Thought materializes and transforms as it happens.

Thoughts materialize. This statement in recent years has been firmly established in people's lives. However, even now, when humanity is imbued with the concepts of the Universe and the cosmos, there are people who deliberately ignore this statement. And that is understandable. For a long time, people were brought up in the era of materialism, when it was believed that there is only what can be seen and touched. And yet, if a person does not know or does not understand something, this does not mean that thought does not affect and does not act.

In this case, thought is that which acts unconditionally and always. This law works.Thought materializes

Thoughts tend to materialize and transform. How does this happen?
In this article we will try to consider and find answers to some questions. What are thoughts in general? What does “thoughts are material” mean?

Does thought materialize?

Such a curious question causes a lot of controversy and interests many. There are, of course, people who believe that the materiality of thoughts is nonsense. But there are also serious about this idea and quite actively using it throughout life. And this is most likely the right decision. Thought is a part of human consciousness, the existence of which would be impossible without it.

Do thoughts materialize? Of course, they at least somehow affect the human mind. As a rule, when a person thinks of something good, his mood improves. Thoughts about the bad, on the contrary, upset and lead a person to depression.Words and thoughts materialize

Definitely, this greatly affects the state of the human psyche. If it is true that thoughts materialize, then more questions arise. Is it possible to use them to determine or build a future or achieve some goals? And can any thought materialize?

Scientific background

If we turn to the Bible, then it follows that at the very beginning there was a word. And it is the thought that was uttered out loud.

Thomas Edison, who came up with the simplest incandescent lamp and many different necessary things, came to this not immediately and not simply. First, a great engineering idea appeared, which gave rise to a powerful field (torsion), was constantly energized (the thought was condensed, overlapping one on the other).

Thoughts tend to materializeThanks to thought, intangible energy turned into a tangible physical object.

Thought materializes. It is simply necessary to accept as truth (axiom) the fact that it is an instrument that turns energy into matter.

Academician E. Gulyaev scientifically formulated it as follows: matter is a form that takes energy, according to the information that consciousness generates (the principle of a torsion field in space).

How to make thoughts materialize?

The process of materialization of thoughts and words occurs every day, regardless of whether a person believes in it or not. This is happening unconsciously.

A person, thinking all the time that there is no time, that there is little money, gets it in reality.

If you constantly criticize your uncomplicated life in thoughts, think that the people around you are doing everything in spite, you can get a lot of factors that annoy and complicate life.

If a person all the time catches himself with the thought: “I will always be alone (or alone) and no one will love me anymore,” there is a high probability that he will remain lonely.Human thoughts materialize

Such facts from life can be cited endlessly. Everything that happens in thoughts ever becomes part of reality. In this regard, you should think about it, take the materialization of thoughts under constant control and turn it into conscious actions.

Where to begin?

So, human thoughts materialize.To check this, where do you need to start?
You need to start with awareness. It is necessary to realize and feel every thought, try to control it, and if suddenly it begins to have a certain negative character, you should try to replace it with a more pleasant, positive one.

How to make thoughts materializeThe task is very difficult, given that in 1 day a lot of thoughts arise in a person’s head, and they flow smoothly into one another. And they are repeated many times throughout the life span.

We must try not to let all thoughts in a row turn on the green light, but it is very difficult. Learning this may increase concentration of attention and the level of “white noise” will decrease (obsessive thoughts that haunt many people).

Ultimately, words and thoughts materialize. Only at the beginning of the process of work and struggle over oneself on the very first day there will be more thoughts not caught than conscious ones. But over time, the process of managing thoughts will happen better and better. And positive thinking will eventually become as automatic as it used to be negative.

Which plan thoughts materialize well?

To find out whether it is true that thoughts materialize, some rules must be established.
Do thoughts materialize?

If the process of tracking and stopping negative thoughts is already happening in the usual way, you should think about what thoughts should be replaced. Here are some guidelines for working on this:

1. Short are best remembered and perceived. It is necessary to formulate a new thought accurately and briefly, then periodically repeat it throughout the day.

2. There should be only positive. The wording should be only optimistic, without any negative particles. For example: “I am a charming person, people listen to me,” or even simpler: “Everything that happens to me is for the better.”

3. For the initial stages, it is allowed just to pronounce new thoughts in the head, but for the subsequent ones, for their successful materialization, you should connect emotionally. In other words, one needs to believe in what is being said and in the fact that thoughts actually materialize, even if the results are not yet noticeable. When thoughts reinforce emotions, they are fueled by the energy of desire and quickly become real.

Proof of

Why do thoughts materialize? The famous Russian psychiatrist V. Bekhterev devoted almost his entire life to this issue. He came to the conclusion, after numerous studies, that thought is a type of energy, and determined that the brain directly affects matter.Is it true that thoughts materialize?

According to the scientist, any activity, even psychic, can flow from one state to another and can not disappear in any way, according to the well-known law of conservation of energy. Thus, any thought that is expressed by a gesture, a word and even facial expressions or a look cannot disappear, disappear.

There is a very common expression: "Misfortune does not come." Many people have such periods in life when it seems that the world is collapsing around. For example, some unhappiness or unpleasant event occurred, and another, third came for him. In this case, the law of attraction applies, which attracts things that correspond to the vibrations of a person at that time. The result is a chain. How? If something happened, the person reacts naturally negatively. Such a reaction is again approaching such a reaction in the form of some kind of event, and again - negative.

Until a person consciously stops this flow, he will have to row against the current all the time.

A complex approach

A thought materializes if it is imperative to follow this advice: it makes no sense to do this throughout the day, giving free rein to your old habits (thinking unconsciously). It is ineffective.

It is easy to work with thoughts positively while in solitude.When meditating, you need to try to cultivate the habit of wishing good to everyone around you, even those who are rude or unfair. So you can learn to choose thoughts consciously, just like clothes, work or life partner. Conscious cultivation of the positive in oneself will greatly change life for the better.

How to strengthen the materialization of thoughts

In order for the process to succeed, it is useful and important to lead the right lifestyle. It is not for nothing that the familiar phrase once appeared to everyone: "A healthy mind is in a healthy body." She perfectly demonstrates the meaning of the materialization of thoughts.why thoughts materialize

Another important point in the transformation of desires is to use the “visualization method”. A person must first imagine in his imagination what he wants, feeling at the same time the presence of this desired in the present, and only then you need to think, and in the end it comes.

But, before practicing this method, you must first study it and find out how to use it correctly.


Be sure to monitor your thoughts and dream about the good and the good, because, be that as it may, the thought materializes and transforms!

If optimistic thoughts are beneficial, then, of course, evil ones are only harmful. Negative thoughts of criminals lead them to illegal actions. It turns out that people themselves engender evil with their negative thoughts and desires.

In the world, nothing happens by chance, just like that. All thoughts and actions are interconnected.

One must deal with oneself physically and morally, learn to think only positively. The result is a change in life for the better. Good is always attracted to good, and bad is always bad.

Only positive thoughts in combination with real actions can lead to the desired result.

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