
Who to go to study: the most popular professions in Russia

Before deciding on whom to study, you should figure out which profession is most in demand in Russia and which professions will be in demand and promising in our country in the future. Today, lawyers or, for example, economists are considered the most prestigious and highly paid specialists, but, unfortunately, today the labor market is full of these specialists.

According to Rostrud, the most sought-after professions in Russia in 2015 are working specialties, agricultural workers and engineers.

So what professions should you pay attention to first of all? This article provides a list of the most sought-after professions in Russia.

Web design

Today it is impossible to imagine a company that does not have its own website. This, at least, is not solid, but as a maximum, it does not allow it to develop rapidly. Today, not a single company can do without a site: neither large holdings, nor small companies, nor even private traders. There will always be a lot of work for programmers, 3d designers and web designers.

IT specialists

The development of the computer world is constantly gaining momentum - without it, nowhere. The number of computer equipment, users of the World Wide Web and various features is only increasing every day. Indeed, even people of retirement age use personal computers for communication, part-time jobs, and even to pay for receipts. Just ten years ago, it was even hard to imagine! In this regard, the demand for specialists in software, computer design and testing of new components is growing. The most popular professions in Russia in this area are programmers, system administrators, 1C programmers, local area network engineers, developers, etc.

the most sought-after professions in Russia


In connection with the growth of the level of environmental pollution, in some five to ten years highly qualified ecologists will become very popular. The use of nanotechnology is becoming more widespread and affordable, giving more and more work to relevant specialists.

list of the most popular professions in Russia

Management and marketing

It is no secret that the more experience and professionalism a businessman or manager has, the more profit the company will receive in the process of its life. The skills of good professionals today are very highly paid. Representatives of such professions are highly appreciated. In addition, employees in this field - businessmen, advertising specialists, sales or purchasing managers and marketers - will be in demand for a long time to come.


Banking is a rather rapidly growing area in which a large part of the population is involved. And despite the fact that today labor market it is oversaturated with specialists in this industry; nevertheless, professions in this field are very much in demand. The most sought-after professions in Russia in this area are financiers, loan specialists, accountants and financial analysts.

what is the most sought-after profession in Russia

Tourism and hotel business

Every year, the interest of citizens in tourism is only growing: day after day the tourism sector is gaining more and more turnover. Speaking about what is the most popular profession in Russia for women, many sources say in chorus: this is tourism and hotel business. Indeed, it is in this area that the most representatives of the weaker sex are involved. The work is very interesting, diverse, prestigious and highly paid. The most popular professions in Russia for women are managers, administrators and employees of the reception desk.


Construction is an area of ​​activity that will always be important. In addition, due to the active development and in connection with the shortage of personnel, the profession of architects, engineers, specialists in construction craft will be in demand for a very long time. And wages will remain quite high.

Working specialties

Most graduates of schools choose professions in the economic sphere, therefore, in the field of working specialties, there is a certain shortage of workers. It follows that the demand for workers specialties is growing rapidly. The labor market has a large shortage of representatives of working professions, and, whatever one may say, people will always need and will need electricians, locksmiths, turners, installers, blacksmiths, various craftsmen, etc.

Medicine and education

Specialists in the field of education and medicine are always needed - this is a fact. However, it is worth noting that, unfortunately, such professions are characterized by very low wages compared to others, except, of course, paid institutions. However, work for owners of such professions will always be.

Translators and Linguists

Development international relations increased interest in oriental languages ​​(as well as widespread public opinion that knowing one language is not enough) will provide work for specialists in this industry for a very long time.


Recently, psychology has attracted increasing interest among businessmen and ordinary citizens. The first with the help of various trainings want to rally the team, increase the level of managers and increase profits. And the people want to better understand themselves, other people and, with the help of all the same trainings, learn to raise their spirit and change themselves for the better. Therefore, psychologists, psychoanalysts and other psychologists are becoming more in demand, and their work is well paid.

the most popular professions in Russia for women

There are various lists: 100, 20, 10 or 5 of the most popular professions in Russia. However, you should not think that all the other specialties will "sink into oblivion." This article provides a list of the most popular professions today, but you should pay attention to the fact that logisticians, chemists, physicists, and biotechnology and electronics specialists are also needed in the labor market.

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