
The rarest professions in the world: review, list, rating, features and reviews

Greenkipper, oenologist, cavist is not just a set of letters, these words mean truly interesting and rare professions. And these are far from all the amazing directions. Recently, a large number of professions have appeared that were not previously known. Now people are surprised to hear unusual names. Sometimes they are so incomprehensible that you cannot immediately say exactly what a person is doing. However, despite the exotic nature of these activities, it cannot be said that they do not bring benefits to society. Many of them help not only any specific areas of activity, but also the whole of humanity. Even the rarest professions can be very useful for the life and development of the whole world. It is interesting that some classes appear only in one or several countries, most often this is due to the specifics of the climate, nature and social features in a particular place.

The rarest food professions in the world

We can definitely say that every year there are more and more of them. Many people are interested in this issue, so the media periodically cover various rare professions. The list of such classes we will consider. A special group is represented by specialties related to cooking.

  • Tea Taster (or Tester)

This is a rather rare activity, which is aimed at understanding the taste of tea and processing it in the right way. Tea in itself does not always have a pleasant taste. To achieve the perfect drink, a specialist such as a tester is involved.

rare professions

  • Burgerologist

Almost every person sometimes allows himself to enjoy unhealthy food in fast-food establishments. Most often in such cafes you can see burgers. If you pay attention to the sandwich, you will notice that not everywhere this dish is prepared in a high-quality and delicious way. A burger specialist should know not only the recipe for the perfect burger, but also be able to cook it. He must also have the skills to manage a restaurant.

the rarest professions in the world

Interesting research professions

Research always remains relevant for humanity, as it allows us to discover new facts and develop science. However, sometimes quite unusual areas are explored that no one thought seriously before. That is why rare professions can now often be found in the scientific field. One example of this work is the pandas researcher. Pandas are very cute and cuddly animals. Unfortunately, now they are on the verge of extinction. In connection with this situation, a whole range of measures is being taken to prevent this. Specialists are involved who can stop extinction and increase the population of pandas.

rare professions list

The rarest testers

You can often hear about the profession of a tester from various sources. Tests of many things are carried out quite often, such a phenomenon is not considered something unusual. But there are rare professions of testers that cause surprise and sometimes even bewilderment.

  • Sleep Accessories Tester

The profession is of interest because only one person in the world works in this position. His responsibilities include periodically testing new samples of bedding that are being developed for a chain of luxury hotels. The tester is then required to make suggestions and adjustments to improve the product.

  • Water Slide Tester

Such a tester should have special knowledge, because the functioning and safety of water slides depends on his work. He must be able to adjust the speed of water, its quantity, the height of the slides themselves, and also provide for all the nuances of their use.

Winemaking professions

Of course, not all rare professions are listed above. The list of such specialties is replenished year by year. It is interesting that many people dream of changing their regular work and trying their hand in unusual areas. For example, many are interested in the production and sale of wines and other drinks.

  • Oenologist

An oenologist is responsible for growing grapes for wine production. His responsibilities include the selection of grape varieties for planting, the selection of fertilizers, the search for new technologies. Oenologist is responsible for product quality.

rare occupations of people

  • Kavist

Rare professions are often found in the production and sale of wine. Cavist also belongs to this area. This is a specialist who, focusing on dishes, helps to choose the most suitable drink for them.

  • Blender

This specialist is engaged in mixing various cognac spirits in order to obtain cognac. This is one of the key processes in the manufacture of this product. The profession of a blendist is considered to be elite, it requires a long training and a lot of experience.

Other interesting professions

  • Pearl Diver

Not every inhabitant of the planet will be able to get such a job, because for this special weather and climatic conditions are necessary. This type of activity is very well paid, since the industrial extraction of pearls cannot satisfy the needs of jewelry manufacturers. The search for pearls is not only a difficult task, but also quite dangerous.

what professions are rare

  • Greenkipper

This is the specialist who is responsible for maintaining the sporting lawns in good condition. Greenkeepers are especially in demand in golf clubs, as the most stringent requirements are imposed on golf courses. This area of ​​activity appeared many years ago, so its basic principles have long been developed.

rare professions of the world

What is the rarest profession?

It would seem that the rarest professions in the world have already been described. However, this is not so, if you choose the rarest, it will be the caretaker of the island. There is only one such specialist in the world. It was needed when one of the travel companies developed a program to promote leisure on one of the paradise islands.

His responsibilities included six-month residence on the island, photography, blogging and pages of social networks. Pay for the work of the caretaker amounted to more than one hundred thousand dollars for 6 months of work. Rare professions of the world are very diverse, but it is interesting to talk about our country.

Rare specialties in our country

It is worth noting the rare professions in Russia, in fact, they are no less than in other countries.

  • Sign language interpreter

An sign language interpreter is a specialist who speaks sign language and is able to translate from any national language into sign language, or vice versa. A huge number of people communicate in sign language in the world, thanks to which the profession of sign language interpreter is very in demand in the labor market. However, there is a great shortage of specialists in this field, firstly, it is quite difficult, and secondly, there are not so many institutions where they teach sign language translation.

On the shoulders of such a specialist lies the crucial task - to help the full participation of hard of hearing people in society.

  • Postager

Postager is another rare profession, which is mainly common in the theater field. Postiguet specialist is engaged in the manufacture of wigs, as well as such interesting products as mustaches, beards, braids, sideburns. This is a rather time-consuming task that requires special skills, because it is worth attaching one hair incorrectly, and the product can immediately lose its appearance.

Rare male professions

Rare professions of people can be divided into 2 groups: male and female. There is a whole list of male specialties that are extremely rare. Such occupations are more likely not a work, but a vocation or work of life.

Dergal is considered such a male profession in Russia. Many people have never even heard the name of this profession. Dergal is engaged in the assembly of algae. This is a very difficult job, in addition, it is strictly seasonal, which is not always convenient, but the salaries of specialists in this field are pretty good. Mostly representatives of this profession collect sea kale.

Another example of a rare profession among men is a specialist who is engaged in shearing cows. You might think that nobody needs this, but this is a very sought-after shot. Their services are used by cow owners who prepare animals for participation in various exhibitions and fairs.

Rare female professions

Now it’s worth talking about female specialties. There are many answers to the question of which professions are rare among women. Of course, in recent years, the border between male and female professions has noticeably erased. However, spheres in which to meet a woman are still rare are still very rare.

  • Gondolier

There is only one woman in the world who does this hard work. She works in Venice, where this type of activity is traditionally considered masculine. However, despite this, the Venetian was able to take special courses and successfully passed the exams.

  • Glass blower

This profession has also always been considered more suitable for men. But there are female specialists who cope with this task no worse, and sometimes even surpass their male colleagues in skill.

rare professions in Russia

So, in the world there are a huge number of rare professions, many of them are very interesting and can not only bring good income, but also become a thing of a person’s whole life.

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