
List of professions for girls after grade 9 and 11. Popular professions for girls in Russia

Now in the world there are a variety of professions for girls. And in Russia, the issue of employment plays an important role. Therefore, you always need to think about who you want to become in the future. You need to start at school. The list of professions for girls is diverse. But which of the items are most in demand in modern Russia? Where to go to study after grade 9 or 11? What can you expect in the future?professions for girls

Personal aspirations

Of course, the first thing you need to pay attention to is your personal aspirations. Professions for girls are where the variety of options is almost unlimited. Unless just demand and competition. Therefore, a woman can choose for herself any direction that she likes.

But at school, not everyone understands what they want to achieve in life. Therefore, you will have to choose a profession somehow. To be able to find a job, it is customary to turn to demand. Some specialists in the country need more (in fact, there are more than enough places for personnel), some less. The list of professions for girls after grade 9 (or 11) is diverse. But which points should I pay attention to first?


The first option that is perfect for women is the work of the designer. Most often interior. This profession is in demand in Russia and does not require special physical labor. Only mental. And women, as you know, are often physically inferior to men. Therefore, you need to choose such work so as not to "drag the cement" for days. This will negatively affect fragile women's health in the future.

A designer (or interior designer) is a profession for girls after grade 11 or 9. Most often, those who want to master it go to technical schools. Only creative thinking is required. In other words, originality. Among men, designers also meet, but women are more suitable for this direction. What professions in Russia for girls are there still? What can you find in demand?


Please note: most of the stores at the checkout are girls. Cashiers are who else the country needs. In principle, you can get a job without education. It would be a desire, but such opportunities are available. In any case, while this direction is experiencing a shortage of personnel.list of professions for girls

The cashier is not the most popular and prestigious profession in Russia, but it is important. And the country needs such employees. So, if there are absolutely no options, you can consider a similar proposal for a girl. This is not shameful, as many believe. The main thing is that you yourself can do monotonous work all day.


Professions for girls after grade 9 (or after 11) very often include such a point as kindergarten teachers. Such employees are extremely important. And they are constantly lacking. In addition, teachers are also included here.

If you look closely, it is women who are most often chosen as employees for working with children. Therefore, a variety of nannies, educators and teaching, in principle, are mainly female work. This direction, unfortunately, is not in great demand now. All this is due to the fact that the wages of staff are low, and the responsibility that will be assigned to working with children is disproportionately high. Nevertheless, a good profession for girls in Russia is a teacher or teacher.

Medical workers

What's next? What other professions can I offer for girls after grade 9? It is a well-known fact that the modern world needs medical workers. This also applies to lists of popular destinations in Russia as a whole. Only ordinary staff, who are in huge shortage, are trained after 9th grade. In a variety of technical schools, for example.professions for girls after grade 9

A nurse, nurse, or any other medical professional is a female profession. Men are rare here. Therefore, it is customary to ascribe "femininity" to these works. You want to help people, but you don’t feel like working with children - you can try your hand at medicine.


What other professions are there for girls? There are a lot of them. And the next vacancy is a makeup artist. This profession is mastered, as a rule, after the 9th grade or even while studying at school / university. It is enough to take the appropriate courses and get a diploma (certificate) of graduation.

The sense of style in girls, as is commonly believed, is more developed. Therefore, make-up artists work well for them. The competition here is already great, but there is still a shortage of personnel. A makeup artist can make a good living, the main thing is to find a place where your work will be well paid.


A huge problem is the choice of a profession after grade 11. For girls, the list of available destinations, to be honest, is much more than for men. And in most cases, you can start building a career not after 11, but after grade 9. The next vacancy, which is offered exclusively to the female sex, is nothing but a manicurist.professions for girls after grade 11

Girls come here with great pleasure. In any case, at the very beginning of a career. It is enough to learn how to do manicure, as well as finish a technical school or special courses. You are given a certificate or diploma with which you can start working.

Competition in this direction is, of course, high. And many do not stand it. Therefore, a manicure master is that work that is in demand and popular. At the same time, one really has to compete for a place in employment. Only talented and worthwhile personnel remain in this activity and build a successful career as a manicurist.


Diverse there are professions after grade 11 for girls. The list is only increasing annually. And often in it you can find a job as a waiter. Perhaps this particular vacancy allows you to start a career as early as school age. Or when the girl entered the university.professions after grade 11 for girls list

This work is not so difficult, although some efforts will have to be made. No substantial education is needed here - it has already been said that even a schoolgirl can get a job as a waitress. This is exactly what happens in practice. But why is this profession so still in demand?

All due to working conditions, as well as career growth. If possible, a graduate will run away to where he will be paid more, but he does not need to spend the whole day on his feet. Especially when it comes to employment in the specialty. Therefore, among the waiters more and more schoolchildren and students are found, and less often - already adult and educated personnel. Over time, students leave this direction and give preference to something else.


Don't know what professions there are for girls after grade 11? Here you can offer a lot of places for employment. There is such a profession as a manager. Optional on sales. And just a manager. That is a manager. This is sometimes called the administrator. Practice shows that most often these two vacancies mean the same thing.popular professions for girls

Women are good performers. And they should work in a variety of beauty salons, as well as manage services that are more designed for the female half of the population. Therefore, meeting a male administrator, for example, in a spa is a rarity.

To get a job, you can either finish college (after grade 9 or 11, at your discretion), or get a higher education ("Management", "Service and Tourism"). Sometimes employment options are possible immediately after school. That is, without any education in principle. The deficit is caused by a huge staff turnover - the lack of active career growth often repels. Especially careerist girls who want to earn a lot and do nothing. Not the most promising profession, but for the population it is important.


Another good option is a photographer. Yes, now they are full of them everywhere, not only in Russia. And the competition in this case is simply huge. But there are few really worthy photographers. Therefore, these are also suitable professions for girls.

Why are women most often required for this or that job? Firstly, to attract customers. Consumers are drawn to the female sex. And, most likely, the girl will be more successful than the man in this case. Secondly, women have a subtle sense of style and a well-developed inner voice. It helps to succeed. Thirdly, the girl photographer is more trustworthy and disposed to herself.professions in Russia for girls

Want to be a photographer? Complete the relevant courses or direction at the university. In extreme cases, a technical school after grade 9 or 11. Very often, people start a photographer’s career without any education at all. The main thing is talent. If he is, then you can achieve great success without a diploma. Now it’s clear where the girl can go for employment.

In principle, each person has the right to choose their own profession. But, for example, there are a lot of lawyers and economists in Russia, not only among girls. And it will be extremely difficult to find a job. Professions for girls after grade 11 (and before) are diverse, but in any case, it is everyone’s individual choice. A woman can choose the direction that she likes the most, and build her career.

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