
The population of Sevastopol and Crimea

In this article, we will study the population of Sevastopol, which is 77th in terms of population among the subjects of Russia and the last among regional units of Ukraine. Analyzing the data of the Federal State Statistics Service, it can be determined that by January 1, 2016 the number of residents of the city of Sevastopol (as figures of the Russian Federation) amounted to 416,263 people. This amount includes urban residents - 385 777 souls (92.68%) and rural residents - 30 486 souls (7.32%). By January 1, 2015, 398,973 people lived in the metropolis, of which 368,601 were urban residents, and 30,372 were rural.

year 2014

According to the regular account of October 1, 2014, it can be seen that 390 161 people were permanent residents of Sevastopol, which is of federal significance (of which urban residents - 366 114 souls (93.84%) and rural - 24 047 people). It is known that the permanent population of Sevastopol on October 1, 2014 was 348 513 souls, the city of Inkerman - 11 854 souls, and 5 747 people lived in the village of Kacha.

Sevastopol population

In the Federal Crimean District in 2014, on October 14, a population census was carried out, which showed that the permanent population of Sevastopol (as a subject of the Russian Federation) is 393 304 people, of which urban residents - 363 134 (92.33%) and rural - 30 170 people in 39 villages.

Since the transfer to the jurisdiction of Russia, the number of inhabitants of the metropolis has begun to increase rapidly due to the record high migration influx from both Russian and Ukrainian lands.


In 2001, a permanent population census of all lands subordinate to the Sevastopol City Council was conducted in Ukraine. The results showed that this category includes 377.2 thousand people (of which urban residents - 355.6 thousand and rural - 21.5 thousand).

 population of Sevastopol

By the way, then statistics found that the present population of Sevastopol is 379.5 thousand souls (of which urban residents - 358.1 thousand people and rural - 21.4 thousand). Thus, in 2001, 340 190 and 342 451 souls of the real population lived in the city.

National building

So, the population of Sevastopol is known to us. And how are things with its national composition? In 1989, an All-Union census of the electorate was conducted in the USSR, the results of which showed that 20.6% of Ukrainians, 74.4% of Russians and 5% of Crimean Tatars, Belarusians, Jews, Greeks, Armenians, Germans, Moldovans, Poles and others (more than 26 nationalities and nationalities).

 the population of Sevastopol is

For some time, the metropolis was part of independent Ukraine. During this period, the number of Russians decreased with a symmetric increase in the number of Ukrainians. This was due to a change in national identity and mechanical growth. So, if in Sevastopol in 1959 only 17.0% of Ukrainians lived, by 2001 their share had increased to 22.4%. At the same time, the share of Russians decreased from 76.8% to 71.6%. In 2001, an All-Ukrainian population census was conducted, the result of which found that the proportion of ethnic Russians living in Sevastopol ranks third among other Ukrainian cities. By the way, according to this index, only Theodosius and Kerch overtook this city. Statistics created within the boundaries of the City Council show that 71.6% of Russians, 1.6% of Belarusians, 22.4% of Ukrainians, 0.5% of Crimean Tatars, 0.3% of Armenians, 0.3% of Jews lived in Sevastopol 0.7% of Tatars, 0.2% of Moldavians and 0.2% of Azerbaijanis. And if you study the 2014 census, you can understand that the population of Sevastopol is 81% of Russians, 14.2% of Ukrainians and 4% of residents of other nationalities.

The beginning of the twentieth century

In the late XIX - early XX centuries, Great Russians (63.5% or 34 014 people out of 53 595 city dwellers, census on the original language of 1897), Little Russians (13.7% or 7 322 people), Jews (6.9%) inhabited Sevastopol. or 3,679). Poles (5.1% or 2,753 people), Tatars (3.4% or 1,817 people), Greeks (2.9% or 1,553 people), Germans (1.7% or 907 people) also lived on this territory. ), Armenians (0.8% or 439 people), Turks (0.4% or 209 people), Belarusians (182 people), Estonians (131 people), Georgians (125 people) and other nationalities. You must admit that the population of the city was very diverse at that time. Sevastopol today is a very interesting metropolis.

the population of the city of Sevastopol

According to the census of 1897, Jewish Rabbanites lived in it: only 3,910 souls, or 7.4% of all citizens.Of these, 830 families identified themselves as Karaites, and 70 as Crimeans.

Language setting

As you can see, time passed, and the population of Sevastopol was changing. Consider now the language situation in this city. The 2014 census indicates that 364,708 of the 379,153 residents of the metropolis, or 96.19% of the total population of this land, are considered Russian as their native language. And the Ukrainian language is considered to be the native language of 8083 people or 2.13%, the Crimean Tatar language - 1559 people or 0.41%, the Tatar language - 2220 people or 0.59%, the Azerbaijani language - 429 people or 0.11%, the Armenian language - 515 people or 0.14%.

The census of 2001 showed that 90.6% of Sevastopol residents consider their native language Russian, and 6.8% - Ukrainian.

Other characteristics

And let's study the local population in more detail (Sevastopol). By 2009, its average life expectancy was 69.7 years (for men 63.7 years, for women 75.2 years). The city had the lowest mortality rate for children in Ukraine (with an index of 4.9 per thousand people).

Crimean and Sevastopol population

This metropolis won second place after Kiev in terms of employment: against the background of an increase in the total number of employed people from 61.5% to 62.9%, a positive progress in the movement of workers is manifested. It is known that the replacement rate for expelled workers rose to 104.5%.

Oh, how beautiful Sevastopol is in the summer! Its population is gradually growing. This city was one of the three most visited Ukrainian regions. Due to visitors on holidays, the number of its inhabitants increased to one million people. It is known that 32.5% of the inhabitants of the city have higher education - this parameter put him in third place in Ukraine after Kharkov (45.72%) and Kiev (37.3%).

A sample survey of households in the metropolis showed that their number is 133.5 thousand. Typically, three people live in these households (2.48).


And now we will study the modern population of Crimea and Sevastopol. In the federal Crimean district, as of January 1, 2016, there were 2,323,358 permanent residents: 1,190,116 people lived in the Republic of Crimea, and 416,263 people lived in Sevastopol.

It is known that the Republic of Crimea is in 27th place among the subjects of Russia, and Sevastopol (a city of federal significance) is in 77th place. The statistical services of the city of Sevastopol with special status and the Autonomous Republic of Crimea determined that as of January 1, 2014, the total number of their inhabitants was 2,342,400 permanent residents, including 1,958,604 souls in Crimea.

 population of Sevastopol

From 1989 to 2001, a population census was not carried out, but the Republic of Crimea moved from 8th to 7th place in Ukraine as a part of Ukraine, standing out for its relatively slow depopulation rate. The latter was explained by the fact that Crimea retained its migration charisma, and its migration balance had a surplus, which in terms of absolute value was second only to Kiev (the times when Crimea became part of Ukraine). This indicator was formed as a result of intra-Ukrainian movements and an active influx of migrants from other countries. First of all, it was the Crimean Tatars who repatriated to Crimea, as well as attorneys of other previously repressed peoples (Armenians, Greeks, Germans and others).

Krymstat data show that by October 1, 2014, the number of permanent residents of Crimea was 1,965,262 people (including 742,217 rural and 1,223,055 urban residents), and the real population was 1,974,017 souls.


In 2014, on October 14, a census was conducted in the Crimean Federal District. Its result showed that the number of citizens amounted to 1,323,050 souls, or 57.91% of the total residents of the Volga Federal District, including 959,916 people in the Crimea, or 50.755. At that time, 961,719 souls, or 42.09% (in the CFD) and 931,549 people or 49.25% in the republic, lived in the village.

A sharp decrease in the urban population and an increase in the rural population is due to the fact that from 2001 to 2014 in the Crimea all urban-type settlements were assigned to rural settlements.

Sevastopol population

By the way, the population of Crimea has increased significantly since the time of the All-Union Registration of 1989 due to the resettlement in the villages of Crimean Tatars, who come back to the peninsula.


Most Greeks, Russians, Bulgarians and Ukrainians living in Crimea profess Orthodoxy. The Uzbeks scrupulously study Sunni Islam, and many Azerbaijanis are unshakable Shiite Muslims. There are many Protestants, Catholics (including Greek Catholics), Jews (including Karaites and Krymchaks).

We hope that with the help of our article you could get the most complete picture of the population of Sevastopol and the Republic of Crimea.

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