
Intangible production: features, role in the economy

Currently, the sphere of material and intangible production is widely developed. Possessing objective differences, these activities closely interact with each other. Meanwhile, in the modern world, the sphere of intangible production is becoming increasingly important. Consider its features.

intangible production

General information

Material and intangible production are the key areas of activity of modern enterprises. At the same time, the second, as was said above, has recently become increasingly important. Meanwhile, intangible production cannot be called self-sufficient. Businesses cannot do without real-world resources. Nevertheless, recently it is intangible production that acts as a source of added value. Moreover, communications, special knowledge, intellectual labor are factors of economic development and competitiveness of enterprises, industries, regions.

The specifics of modern economic activity

Current production is primarily the impact of the mind. It is provided by engineers, designers, accountants, designers, HR specialists, marketers, experts and so on. The value of manual labor is quite actively reduced. This trend is especially clearly visible in high-tech industries. Economic development at the present stage, thus, highlights intangible production. It receives the status of the primary area of ​​employment, a key investment area. It is it that acts today as a determining factor in the welfare of society.

intangible production

The problem side

In Russia today, there are two oppositely directed processes: an increase in the share of the service sector and deindustrialization. The latter is manifested in a decrease in the share of processing industries, while the extractive industries are strengthened. To a certain extent, this trend is compelled and from the point of view of the prospective development of the domestic economy is negative in nature. It shifts the economic system from an industrial state to a pre-industrial one. Accordingly, here we can speak more about regression than about development.

At the same time, an increase in the share of services of financial and trade enterprises is noted in the economy. This trend is generally characteristic of the industrial stage. Thanks to the development of the service industry, there is an internal redistribution of GNP from donor regions (Western Siberia, the Urals) to the center. In the coming years in Russia, experts predict a significant migration of labor.

sphere of material and intangible production

Analysis specificity

An assessment of the depth of post-industrial development areas needs to be carried out not only within the framework of the sectoral structure of investment and employment. Equally important is the degree to which intangible production is distributed. In particular, it should be determined what is the proportion of information technology among the factors of social development in general and its economic activity, in particular.


Currently, there is a fundamental change in the role of material services and production. Today it serves as a business service. At the same time, the content of business activity itself is shifting to the sphere of intangible production. Even in such a well-known branch of the economy as clothing production, one can see its predominance.Today, in this area, most of the employees are not directly involved in production, but in design, implementation, logistics, marketing.

tangible and intangible production

Services are beginning to occupy a dominant position not only in individual countries, but throughout the world. For example, the share of tourism has increased significantly. Important features of these services should be noted here. Unlike, for example, activities related to the export of natural resources (forests, in particular), the tourism sector has the ability to reproduce. So, people came to the village, went on excursions, at sea, in museums, galleries and left, leaving their money. With these funds, restoration, maintenance of cultural and historical monuments, construction of new or repair of existing hotels are carried out, the infrastructure of resorts is developing.

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