
Continuous work experience. The procedure for calculating continuous employment

Continuous work experience - what is it? This is the question that will interest us today. What is needed for him? And is it so important in the modern world? All this worries many citizens in Russia. True, some are quite inclined to believe that continuous work experience is in itself useless. And no need to worry about him. Are citizens right in this case? Or not? And what are the features of maintaining continuous work experience? Let's try to understand this topic.continuous work experience

What is the experience

But to begin with, it is worthwhile to clearly understand what is at stake. What is seniority in itself? And without that it is clear that this is a rather important point. It is "activated" in the appointment of pensions, affects the size of state subsidies and assistance.

Seniority - the period in which a citizen carries out one or another activity. Simply put, it works. An important point: a person must be formalized. Or do business. Then his experience will be counted. When not retiring, it is taken into account first. And continuous work experience - what is it?

Where did the concept come from?

In the modern world, this term is used extremely rarely. And it is not found as often as it could. The thing is that this concept came to Russia since the Soviet era. It was then that continuous work experience for the sick leave, pension, and life in general, was of great importance. Perhaps no worker could do without him.

But in modern realities this concept is now less common. Continuous work experience (Labor Code of the Russian Federation) - this is not so significant. Although in itself the meaning of this term is. Let's find out which one.

Continuous experience

Continuous work experience is the duration of work in the same organization. It is this formulation that is legalized today in Russia. True, there are also a few exceptions. According to them, a labor guard is able to be considered continuous under certain circumstances, even if you change your workplace.

In general, you should rely on the concept of "work in one organization." It's pretty easy to understand, isn't it? Continuous labor length of service for calculating a pension, like the "work time", it’s important. So some give continuity a certain meaning. Sometimes even too big. Is it worth it? And how exactly in the shopping mall does continuous work experience count? What does it affect, if any? About all this further.why do you need continuous work experience

The nuance of conservation

It has already been said that our today's term means working in one organization. But if you change the company, there are some conditions under which the experience will be preserved. There are not so many of them. But in general terms, the situation is described quite easily.

The thing is that under certain circumstances you will be given from 1 to 3 months to search for a new job. At the same time, continuous employment after termination of employment will not be interrupted. True, there are quite a few nuances here. And you should learn about them and only then discuss whether this feature is really important for the modern world or not.

Own wish

The most common case is dismissal of your own free will. And, of course, the question immediately arises: is it possible to maintain continuity of experience if you yourself leave this or that company?

Honestly, yes. Every citizen has such an opportunity. But using it is sometimes difficult.In TK, a continuous seniority will be retained upon dismissal of one’s own free will (without special reasons), if no more than one month has passed from the moment of your "rest" to the next job.

Practice shows that most often people try first to find a new company for work, and only then leave the old one. Therefore, very often the continuity of experience remains. And this, of course, pleases. True, there are some features. You should also learn about them. After all, it is not always possible to independently leave the place of work. Sometimes this is a necessary measure or even inevitable.


The nuances of maintaining a continuous working experience include such moments as the reduction or liquidation of the enterprise. Well, or bankruptcy (which is extremely rare to be). In these cases, you can also count on the experience being retained. Of course, some restrictions and conditions are provided by law.

So, if an employee is cut or fired in connection with the liquidation of the enterprise, he will be given 3 months to search for a new job. Could you handle it? Then the continuous work experience will be extended. And he will not be interrupted. Not? We'll have to start all over from the very beginning. In principle, here, as a rule, more problems arise than with the dismissal of one's own free will. It is impossible to be ready for 100% never to be eliminated and reduced. Nevertheless, the proposed period for the search for a new place of employment cannot be extended.continuous work experience of shopping mall of the russian federation

Special conditions

Persons living in the Far North or in conditions similar to this locality also have their privileges regarding the continuity of work experience. And some foreign nationals with whose countries an agreement was signed on social support of employees, too.

Such comrades are able to maintain continuity of work experience, as in all previous cases. At the same time, he will be allocated no more than 2 months to search for work. Not too much, but practice shows that this is usually enough. Continuous work experience for benefits (any) is considered to be extremely important. But is it? We have to clarify this moment. Just for starters, let's look at a few more situations in which some citizens are able to find themselves.

According to the article

Rarely, but this happens. We are talking about dismissal "under the article." In this case, is it possible to maintain continuity of work experience? Honestly, if you are fired for any specific reason (violation), then you won’t get out of here.

That is, in case of forced dismissal due to the fault of the employee, the continuous experience is terminated. It is logical, because you could always foresee the outcome of events. And somehow adjust your actions so that you are not fired "according to the article", but leave after your own will with the possibility of preservation. So keep in mind: continuous work experience is interrupted in this situation. It is in your interests to preserve it by all means, if you consider it necessary.


It's no secret that caring for a child counts as a seniority. But if a woman goes on maternity leave, is it possible to maintain continuity? Honestly, there is no exact answer here. Someone says yes. And some deny the first position.

The Labor Code says nothing about the continuity of seniority and maternity leave. In general, it is worth considering that in this case it will not be saved. Why? A woman ceases to be considered employed, and also completely changes the nature of her activities. And she on maternity leave will not perform her duties. Therefore, you should not hope that when a child appears in the family, you will be able to "slip through". But why do we need continuous work experience? And what to do if for health reasons you cannot work for some period? Is it all interrupted?Does continuous work matters


Not at all. Fortunately, the Labor Code of the Russian Federation has a clause that takes into account the special state of human health.In case of serious illnesses that impose a taboo on conducting activities and work, continuous work experience can be maintained. How exactly?

You will be given 3 months to search for a new job. Or to return to the former. In this case, you can not worry about the experience - it will be saved. True, this happens extremely rarely. Indeed, when leaving the workplace due to a difficult situation (health condition), as a rule, returning to work takes more time. Or a person completely refuses employment because of illnesses and injuries. But everything is in your hands.

Next features

But this is not the end. The fact is that in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation there are still some conditions for maintaining "continuity". There are not so many of them, but they have a place to be. They are worth knowing. Maybe you are entitled to the so-called "conservation", but you did not use it?

The first category of people who retain seniority in the status of "continuous" is the military. If a citizen has served 25 years, and then retired, but soon decided to resume work, he will be given such an opportunity. And the privilege in the form of preserving the continuity of experience is provided in full.

In addition, the situation in the family is also taken into account in the Labor Code. If a citizen has a child with HIV infection, and because of this the employee leaves the workplace, he will be given the opportunity to maintain his seniority. In which case? If, upon reaching the age of 18, you agree to resume work. Although this practice is extremely rare.

What other options are there? For example, a change of job. But with the preservation of the profession and activity. Also a fairly common case. But only now it is becoming more and more difficult to realize it. So it’s better to "keep within" when leaving for 1 month for employment. In this situation, one can reliably rely on maintaining continuity of work experience.continuous work experience is the duration

What affects

So we almost figured out all the nuances of our today's topic. Many citizens are interested in whether the size of continuous work experience is so important. Does it affect something or not?

In principle, today this period is reflected in the amount of pensions and various state support for pensioners. And nothing more. In Soviet times, this type of experience was much more important. Good or not, is unknown. There are probably more advantages to eliminating the enormous importance of "continuity" than disadvantages. After all, different situations develop in life. And it is far from always possible to remain working in the same company for many years. Even if you really want to.

In general, the effect of continuous experience is absolutely the same as usual. There is no significant difference between these components. Is that a personal attitude to this issue. That is, a continuous labor guard is important only when you yourself set the task of working in the company as much as possible, no matter what. But for the state this does not play a special role. Citizens themselves have the right to choose how, how much and where they work. The main thing is to have a certain number of years of service by retirement age. And how exactly they will be received is not so important.

How is it considered

How is continuous work experience considered? Just like a regular one. In the work book, it will be displayed in the form of calendar months and years. Nothing difficult, right? The procedure for calculating continuous work experience is simple.

True, you will not see special marks in this document on continuity. Why? Because in modern legislation, as has been said several times, the importance of our current term is almost exhausted. And no one will distinguish between continuous experience and ordinary. After all, these are two components of a single whole. And their influence is the same.features of maintaining continuous work experience

Do I need

In the end, does continuous work experience matter for something in the modern world and for employment / work? Honestly, here everyone decides for himself. Practice shows that the importance of this factor has long become obsolete. And as a formulation, continuity of seniority takes place, but in reality - not quite.

In other words, for a modern citizen, it is important to simply work out as much and as long as possible in order to receive a good pension in the future. How exactly he will do this is already a private matter for everyone. The main thing is that everything should be official. That is, you must be officially employed. Or registered as an individual entrepreneur.

Continuous work experience is thus a relic of the past. As has been repeatedly emphasized, only as a "personal achievement" is it necessary. Occasionally, a new employer may pay attention to it. But this practice is extremely rare. The maximum that you can clarify with a huge duration of work in the same company is the reason why you left the "heated" place. Perhaps, of their own free will, or maybe you were fired or forced?

There are citizens among the population who assure us that in the future, continuity of seniority will again play a huge role. And that this period upon retirement will give some bonuses and additional subsidies or other support from the state. Some willingly believe in all this and try to hold on to their workplace in a particular corporation as long as possible.

In fact, all this is ordinary empty talk and speculation. The purpose of such misinformation is unknown. Maybe people want to work in only one company, or maybe just for fun. Practice shows that the calculation of pensions, sick leave and subsidies from the state in reality is affected only by the length of service as a whole. Therefore, it’s not worth believing that you are obliged to strive for uninterrupted for the sake of receiving any “bonuses” in retirement age. continuous work experience for sick leave


What do we have in the end? We were able to find out why a continuous work experience is needed. In addition, it is now clear what it affects and how it is calculated. You may notice that maintaining such a status is not so important. In practice, it has no significant effect. Unless on your personal awareness of the duration of work in a particular company. Continuous work experience for calculating a pension is also not needed - the usual one is enough.

In general, it is not necessary to trust citizens who extol this kind of phenomenon to invisible heights. Indeed, in modern legislation in Russia, the importance of continuous experience is reduced to zero. Yes, she had a place to be in the Soviet Union. Now the world has changed. And the pension system undergoes some significant changes every year. Therefore, to obtain a pension, it is more important to have a certain number of years of work and the so-called retirement points. This system is relevant for 2016. What will happen in the future is still unknown.

Although the forecasts assure: the importance of continuous work experience is unlikely to return and will be valid. This is an almost useless concept that should not be puzzled. Remember: it’s important for you to gain regular experience by retirement. The larger it is, the higher the payout will be. And nothing more. This is the main thing that should concern a modern employee. Of course, staying in the same company for a long time is convenient, but you should not torture yourself.

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