
Continuous work experience: how to calculate correctly and is it needed today?

Today we have to get acquainted with such a concept as continuous work experience. What it is? Why is it needed? How is it calculated? And is it worth it to strive for in the modern world? All this will be discussed. Indeed, work experience itself plays an important role for a person. Especially when the question arises of the appointment of pension payments and state support. So it’s worthwhile to deal with our current issue as soon as possible. This is not so difficult. The main thing is not to rush and delve into all the nuances of the concept.Continuous work experience

What is the experience

But what is seniority? Continuous or normal - this is not so important. What are we going to talk about now? Maybe you should not even worry and provide yourself with what this concept means.

Experience is, you can say, the time of your work. How much you officially worked and contributed to the tax service, as well as the Pension Fund. The length of service in itself is very important. And it needs to be increased. At the moment, in order to be able to receive at least some kind of pension, you will have to have about 5 years of work experience. During this period, different points are counted, but, for example, in vocational schools, studies are not taken into account. This must be taken into account. And military service in the army, caring for children, as well as for elderly people over 80 years of age and disabled people of the 1st group - easily.

Continuous experience

In principle, what is the experience in itself, we decided. But now it’s worth understanding the essence of our today's topic. Continuous work experience - what is it? Many are interested in this moment. Indeed, sometimes citizens think that he gives some special privileges in the future.

Continuous work experience is a term that has appeared in the minds of people thanks to labor legislation since Soviet times. And therefore, they still treat him with some importance, respect. What is it?continuous experience is considered

Continuous experience is considered the period of work in one organization. In other words, this is how much you have worked in a particular enterprise. In some cases, you can change jobs and keep this privilege. There are a lot of conditions in this regard. We will also have to talk about them today. And to conclude at the end: is it really necessary in the modern world to have continuous work experience or not?

Own wish

The first case of a job change is, of course, one's own desire. Honestly, such events happen all the time. Few people want to be fired for an article. In this situation, it is better to free the workplace yourself. At the same time, the work book will not be stained by any articles and indications of your disorder.

If you voluntarily left your workplace for no reason, you risk interrupting your work experience. True, a certain period for the search for a new job will be given. Now it is no more than a month. Practice shows that continuous work experience is preserved quite often. Few people agree to refuse to work, and then stay at home without money. People usually look for a new place, only then they quit.

Far North

But for residents of the Far North there are their own privileges regarding our current issue. The thing is that continuous work experience is maintained if a person with the status of stay in the Far North got a new job no later than 2 months after dismissal. Thus, we can conclude: in comparison with the rest of the population of Russia, the rest period is slightly increased.Of course, you should get a job as soon as possible. But this is optional.military service

The labor book in this case, as in all others, will not be affected. She generally has no special records of continuity of experience. Unless people themselves are able to draw the appropriate conclusions based on the information received. This is not so difficult. But we still have the last category of people, which has the right to continuous work experience with the loss of a job. Who are we talking about?


For example, the condition applies to citizens who have been dismissed from their jobs due to liquidation of the enterprise, as well as bankruptcy, reduction. In addition, people who have some serious illnesses that provide temporary disability can also be included here. The total length of service, as well as continuous experience, will not be affected in this case with the loss of a job.

But there is a limit to everything. The maximum permissible period of rest in this case is 3 months and not a day more. In principle, a pretty good period for which you can find a job and leave for a new company.

But is continuous work experience so necessary? And how to calculate it?

New counts

Honestly, since 2015 in Russia, seniority (continuous) is calculated differently than before. Now this is the period of work exclusively in the same organization. True, with rare exceptions.employment history

Which one? For example, if you instantly change the company in which you worked for a new one, but preserving the direction of activity, as well as specialties and professions. The period of study at the university does not count towards the length of service. And so far there can be no question of that.


There are some exceptions to our current situation. The thing is that continuous work experience is maintained if special conditions are met. There are not so many of them, so you can remember all the subtleties without too much difficulty. Although, whether it is worth doing or not, each citizen decides independently. If you are interested in the conditions for maintaining a continuous work experience that are not relevant to the cases already listed, there are several key points.

For example, if a parent leaves because of caring for a child with HIV infection. This clarifies: as soon as adulthood comes, the former employee will have to return to work. Anyway, where exactly. The main thing is that he will resume work.

If you retired for seniority, but decided to work, this also counts as a continuous work experience. This also includes military personnel who were dismissed if they had previously taken part in hostilities. Or, for example, when the former military served twenty-five years or more in the Armed Forces of Russia.

Accurate calculations

How does continuous service work count? Here everything is exactly the same as in all other cases. The calendar months are indicated, as well as the years in which the citizen worked. As you can see, there is nothing special about this.continuous work experience is maintained if

Important: official work is needed for seniority. Nobody is capable of answering exactly whether entrepreneurs can count on this feature. Indeed, in this case there will be no special entries in the workbook. In some cases, it is possible to count on continuous experience. To do this, you will have to try hard and prove your activity with all official contributions to the tax service and the Pension Fund. But is it really necessary? Honestly, to understand this is even before you begin to work. In order to know exactly how to behave when leaving, let yourself take a break or immediately rush to look for a new job with the same profession that you had.

Whether it is necessary?

And now the question that interests so many citizens: is it necessary to have continuous work experience in the modern world? Maybe without him, too, you can completely do without suffering?

Honestly, the way it is.Only people who still remember the Soviet era assure the usefulness of this experience. Allegedly in the future you will have some special privileges, benefits and allowances for retirement. In fact, nothing of the kind exists and is not planned in the coming years. Especially in the current crisis.

total length of service

Nevertheless, the experience itself affects the future pension. And your salary too. Therefore, it is worth worrying only that you have a sufficient number of points and working hours in general. Russia has now introduced a point system for calculating pensions, which began to operate in 2015. It is reviewed annually. And the pension system itself remains unstable in Russia. And therefore, it is impossible to say exactly what the future youth will face in the future.

In any case, continuous work experience is not so important for the modern world. Your task is to officially work for your pleasure, earn money and make certain contributions to the Pension Fund, as well as to the tax service. As has been said many times, only the total length of service is counted in calculating pensions. Of course, it is possible and even necessary to strive for continuous - for show and for personal satisfaction. But if you do not want to work for a long time and you are ready to serve at the workplace only for the purpose of at least some pension, you should not torture yourself. Lack of continuous work experience is not punishable, and its presence is not encouraged.


What is the end result? There is no continuous seniority as such in the modern world. More precisely, this concept exists, but it has no special practical application. And chasing him is not worth it.

Thus, if you do not plan to work for your own satisfaction or do not set yourself the tasks from the series "continuous work for more than 5-10 years", do not torture yourself. Get a job and quit when necessary or possible. After all, in the future, only the general experience that you have gained officially in your entire life will be taken into account.continuous work experience

Many now generally try to conduct entrepreneurial activities, as well as find jobs informally to hide from taxes. Or some other methods make a profit (for example, from renting an apartment). In general, whether to have a continuous experience or not, everyone decides for himself. This is a personal matter of a citizen. Urgent service in the army, the period of childcare until they reach one and a half years are counted here.

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