
How much you need to work to get maternity: official data, law

Recently, many women have become interested in how much they need to work to get maternity. And this is a logical question. Nobody wants to "plow" at work, being in a position, and then stay with nothing. Money for a child is always needed and rather big. Therefore, it is important to know what is expected of a pregnant woman in Russia. How many years does it take to get maternity? What can a pregnant woman count on? And is it worth it to worry so much for work in such a difficult period for a future mother? We’ll talk about all this now.how much you need to work to get maternity

What are the benefits

According to current legislation, every woman can count on social support during pregnancy and childbirth, as well as in the first years of the baby’s life. But working girls, of course, get more. Therefore, many become interested in how much they need to work out to get maternity.

For starters, what kind of payments are due to expectant mother and baby? There are a lot of them. The main payments include:

  • by early registration (up to 12 weeks);
  • childbirth and pregnancy;
  • payment for the birth of a child;
  • payments up to 1.5 years;
  • compensation up to 3 years.

To be honest, most women try to work as long as possible to get more money in the end. In principle, this is a normal phenomenon in Russia, because payments are now accrued based on your experience. So how much do you need to officially work to get maternity?

Work experience and time

To be honest, here everything is quite complicated. According to the law, now a woman is obliged to work 2 years before going on maternity leave. By the way, in addition to this, you will also have to spend the first 30 weeks at the workplace. It is at this time that maternity leave is issued.how many years do you need to work to get maternity

Please note that work experience affects all payments. After all, there are some limitations. They are not too encouraging, but still have a place. What are you talking about? In 2016, new standards are applied for calculating maternity.

So, if a woman wants to get decent payments during pregnancy and therefore thinks about how much she needs to work to get good maternity, the answer will disappoint her. The thing is that a period of 6 years is set here. That is, in principle, in order to be able to receive maternity, it is necessary to officially work 2 years (or 24 months), and if you are counting on a “decent” amount, then at least 6 years. If the length of service is less, a "reward" is paid for childbirth and pregnancy, based on average earnings, but not more than 5965 rubles.

What affects maternity

Well, we already understood how much you need to work to get maternity. According to the law, at least 2 calendar years for the “standard” and more than 6 years for “large” charges. Please note that only official work is considered. If you did not work under an employment contract, then you will be charged only social benefits.

What items of activity affect the size of maternity? As already mentioned, this is nothing more than a seniority. The bigger it is, the better. But remember, if it is less than 2 years, there is nothing to rely on. Therefore, try to get a job as early as possible.how much you need to work to get maternity

Secondly, your income also affects maternity. After all, payments will be calculated in the amount of 40% of the average earnings of the recipient. The more you earn, the better. Nothing else affects the size of payments, neither your position, nor the activity itself. The main points for ensuring normal maternity benefits have already been named.

Payments in 2016

Well, it’s already clear how much you need to work to get maternity.Fortunately, a woman who is not working can count on such payments. But she will not receive a "reward" for childbirth and pregnancy. After all, such accruals are intended only to those who have worked officially for some time (according to Article 6 of the Law of May 19, 1995). Otherwise, one can only rely on social support. But how much will they pay you?

A lump sum allowance for early registration attracts many women. And they with great pleasure run to the doctor, even if there are no good reasons for early accounting. They will be disappointed, because in 2016 this benefit is only 515 rubles.

The payment (one-time) for the birth of a child is 15 512 rubles 65 kopecks. Both unemployed and working women receive it.how much you need to officially work to get maternity

If you think carefully, then all other payments will depend on the fact of work. Social benefits, for example, up to the age of 1.5 years for a baby will be 2908 rubles 65 copecks, and after that - only 50 rubles. Not too much, right? So it’s worth thinking about seniority. Indeed, in this case, the calculation of benefits up to 1.5 years will be based on the average number of days in a year, multiplied by a special coefficient - 0.4. And maternity will also be calculated a little differently. This is a bit more detailed.

Maximum and minimum

We found out how many months you need to work to get maternity - at least 24 calendar. But now let's try to deal with these payments. It has already been said that 40% of the average earnings will be taken into account. But these are not all the nuances that can and should be taken into account. There are also minimum and maximum payments for maternity leave. The minimum payouts here are:

  • 28 555 rubles 40 kopecks (conventional childbirth);
  • 31 818 rubles 87 kopecks (complicated delivery);
  • 39 569 rubles 62 kopecks (multiple pregnancy).

The highs are as follows:

  • 248 164 rubles 38 kopecks (usually);
  • 276 526 rubles 3 kopecks (complications during childbirth);
  • 343,884 rubles 93 kopecks (multiple pregnancy).


Now we know everything that can be said about maternity and social benefits for women, both working and housewives. To be honest, many try to work as much as possible, right up to childbirth. This technique will not greatly affect your maternity, but health can be quite. And it is good if this does not affect the baby in any way.how much you need to work to get good maternity

From now on, it is clear how much you need to work out to get maternity. You yourself can figure out whether it is worth officially finding a job, as well as how long to work. Maternity leave is usually issued at 30 weeks gestation.

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Good day!
Thank you for the article!
There are two important clarification questions.
Do you need to work 2 years in one organization or in several, having summed up the length of service both there and there?
And if it is possible (work in two companies for 2 years), then what if there was a break between work in these organizations (for example, quit, and after a month only got a new one)?

Thank you in advance for your reply!
Please tell me you need to work out 2 years or 6 years CONTRACT ??? )
I’m not working officially in the last six months.
I plan to get pregnant)))


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