
Non-verbal and verbal communication. Verbal and nonverbal means of communication

Everyone is a social being. We cannot live without communication. Being born, the child already falls into a social group consisting of medical staff and mother. Growing up, he communicates with family, friends, gradually acquiring all the necessary social skills. It is impossible to live a quality life without communication. But this is not such an easy process as it seems at first glance. Communication has a multi-level structure and features that must be considered when transmitting or receiving information.

Communication as a way to carry out vital activities for a person

verbal communication communicationWell-known psychologists have determined that a person in his life makes two types of contacts:

  1. With nature.
  2. With people.

These contacts are called communication. There are many definitions of this concept. Communication is called:

  • a special form of interaction between people and their interpersonal relationships;
  • friendship or business relationship of a person with another person;
  • the interaction of a group of people (starting from 2 people) for the exchange of information, knowledge of the world around us, which can be of an affective-evaluative nature;
  • conversation process, conversation, dialogue;
  • mental contact between people, which manifests itself through a sense of community, the implementation of joint actions, the exchange of information.

What is the difference between communication and the concept of communication

Communication covers all aspects of human contact. These are contacts with nature, and with neighbors, and at work. Communication is subject to certain requirements and rules. This concept implies specific goals for communication, which at least one of the parties to the communication process has. Verbal communication (speech is its main means) is subject to strict rules, depending on its type. A communicator (a person who takes an active part in the communication process) has specific tasks that are designed to affect another participant in the conversation. This process is more appropriate in business communication. That is why there is the concept of "verbal business communication which is applicable only in official communication and involves verbal exchange of information.

Two main types of communication

verbal communicationThe process of exchanging information and influencing all participants in communication is divided into two large groups. In these groups all communication functions should be carried out, otherwise it will not be productive.

Verbal communication involves verbal transmission of information. In this process, someone is talking and someone is listening.

Non-verbal communication occurs due to the implementation of the optokinetic system of signs. Gestures, facial expressions, pantomime are appropriate here, special attention is paid to tone and intonation, eye contact occurs. This way of communication externally expresses the inner world of a person, his personal development.

Verbal communication - what is it?

verbal communication

We use verbal communication almost every minute of our interaction with people. We constantly exchange information, teach someone, listen to the flow of words ourselves and so on. Verbal communication involves listening and speaking. In the process of such communication, its own structure is determined, it is attended by:

  • "What?" - message.
  • "Who?" - communicator.
  • "How?" - specific transmission channels.
  • "To whom?" - object of communication.
  • "What effect?" - the influence of interlocutors on each other, which pursue certain goals for communication.

Means of this type of communication

verbal communication speech

Verbal means of communication include speech, language, word. Language - as a way of communication for people and the transfer of information - appeared a very long time ago. It is a communication tool. The word of the language is a symbolic symbol that can have several meanings at the same time. Verbal communication can not do without speech, which is oral and written, internal and external, and so on. It should be noted that internal speech is not a means of transmitting information. It is not accessible to people around. Therefore, verbal speech communication does not include it in its system of means.

Speech helps a person to encode certain information and transmit it to the interlocutor. It is through her that the informant influences his interlocutor, instilling in him his point of view. While the interlocutor can perceive her in her own way. Here the basic functions and verbal means of communication begin to work.

Her forms

The forms of verbal communication include oral and written speech, as well as such forms of interaction as a monologue and dialogue. Depending on the development of events, spoken language may acquire signs of dialogue or monologue.

Forms of verbal communication include various types of dialogues:

  • actual - exchange of information with the recipient with only one purpose - to support the conversation, sometimes it is perceived as a ritual (for example, when the question “how are you” does not involve listening to the answer);
  • informational - an active process of exchanging information, speaking or discussing an important topic;
  • debatable - arises when there is a contradiction in two or more points of view on the same problem, the purpose of such a dialogue is to influence people to change their behavior;
  • confessional - a confidential type of dialogue, which involves the expression of deep feelings and feelings.

Monologues in everyday life are not as common as dialogues. Verbal and non-verbal communication can be present in a monologue, when during a report or lecture a person not only provides information, but also accompanies it with facial expressions, gestures, elevated tone and changing intonation. In this case, both words and gestures become a certain code of the transmitted message. For the effective perception of these codes, it is necessary to understand them (it is difficult for a Russian person to understand the Chinese, just as certain gestures are incomprehensible to a simple layman).

Types of Verbal Communication

features of verbal communication

Speech communication has its own types. The main ones we have already listed - this is speech in all its manifestations, dialogue, monologue. Features of verbal communication are that it contains more private types of communication.

  1. A conversation is a verbal exchange of opinions, thoughts, and knowledge. Two or more people who communicate in a relaxed atmosphere can participate in this process. A conversation is used when a problem is highlighted or a question is clarified.
  2. The interview is a little different from the conversation formality. The topics of interviews are narrow professional, scientific or social issues.
  3. A dispute is a debate on scientific or any socially important topics. This type is also included in the concept of "verbal communication." Communication within a dispute between people is limited.
  4. The discussion, in turn, is also public, but the result is important in it. It discusses different opinions about a particular issue, presents different points of view and positions. As a result, everyone comes to a single opinion and solution to a controversial issue.
  5. A dispute is a confrontation of opinions, a kind of verbal struggle to defend one’s opinion.

Features of speech communication processes

forms of verbal communication

Verbal communication processes can take place with certain difficulties. Since two or more people participate in such communication with their own interpretation of information, unforeseen tense moments may arise.Such moments are called communicative barriers. Both verbal and non-verbal means of communication are subject to such barriers.

  1. Logical - a barrier at the level of the logic of perception of information. It occurs when people with different types and forms of thinking communicate. Acceptance and understanding of the information provided to him depends on the human intellect.
  2. Stylistic - arises in violation of the order of the information provided and the discrepancy of its form and content. If a person starts the news from the end, the interlocutor will have a misunderstanding of the purpose of its presentation. The message has its own structure: first, the interlocutor’s attention arises, then his interest arises, he proceeds from the transition to the main points and questions, and only then a conclusion appears from all that has been said.
  3. Semantic - such a barrier appears when people with different cultures communicate, the meaning of the words used and the meaning of the message do not match.
  4. Phonetic - this barrier arises with the peculiarities of the informant's speech: vague speaking, quiet intonation, displacement of logical stress.

Non-verbal communication

Non-verbal communication is an external form of manifestation of the human inner world. Verbal and non-verbal means of communication are related in one message to a different degree. They can complement each other, accompany, contradict or replace. It is proved that the transmission of information by means of words is only 7%, sounds occupy 38%, and non-verbal means occupy 55%. We see that non-verbal communication occupies a very important place in the communication of people.

The main means of communication without words are gestures, facial expressions, pantomimics, eye contact systems, as well as a certain intonation and tone of voice. The main means of non-verbal communication are also human poses. For someone who knows how to interpret them, postures can say a lot about a person’s emotional state.

Features of non-verbal communication

verbal and non-verbal means of communication

In communication without words, everything is important: how a person holds his back (posture), at what distance he is, what gestures, facial expressions, postures, looks, and so on. There are certain areas of non-verbal communication that determine the effectiveness of communication.

  1. Public - more than 400 cm from the informant, such communication is often used in classrooms and during rallies.
  2. Social - 120-400 cm of distance between people, for example, at official meetings, with people whom we do not know well.
  3. Personal - 46-120 cm, conversation with friends, colleagues, there is visual contact.
  4. Intimate - 15-45 cm, communication with loved ones, you can not speak loudly, tactile contact, trust. With a violent violation of this zone, blood pressure may increase, heart rate may increase. This phenomenon can be observed in a heavily loaded bus.

Verbal and non-verbal communication are processes that will help achieve efficiency in negotiations if you do not violate these zones.

Sign language

Gestures are called socially worked out movements that can convey a person’s emotional mood. There are a very large number of gestures, and all of them are classified according to the purpose of transmitting information by a person and his internal state. Gestures are:

  • illustrators (supplement the message);
  • regulators (the relation of the person is visible);
  • emblems (common symbols);
  • Affectors (transfer of emotions);
  • assessment;
  • confidence;
  • uncertainty;
  • self-control;
  • expectations;
  • denial;
  • location;
  • dominance;
  • insincerity;
  • courtship.

By the way a person behaves during a conversation, you can determine his internal state, how much he is interested in the exchange of information, and whether there is sincerity.

Facial expressions

Human facial expressions are also a way of informing. When the face is motionless, 10-15% of all information is lost. If a person is cheating or hiding something, then his eyes meet the eyes of the interlocutor less than a third of the time of the whole conversation.The left side of a person's face more often gives out emotions. With the help of the eyes or curvature of the lips, accurate messages about the condition of the person are given. This is due to the behavior of the pupils - their narrowing and expansion is beyond our control. When we experience emotions of fear or sympathy, the pupils change characteristically.

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