
A new educational standard in schools: exploring the nuances

The expression “educational standard” has been heard by both teachers and parents over the past few years. But not everyone fully understands the specifics of the Federal State Educational Standard and the need for its implementation in kindergartens and schools. What are the main differences between these innovations from the classical educational process? What should parents tune in to? What will be the graduate who will learn new educational standards?

educational standard

Features of GEF

Modern preschoolers and primary school students have experienced numerous reforms. Since 2009, the Ministry of Education introduced education for students in grades 1–4 according to new state standards. Since 2010, an educational standard has been developed, repeatedly discussed, and finally approved for general basic education (grades 5–9). High school students will also not be forgotten, gradually and the stages of full (secondary) education will be reformed.

Ministry of Education

GEF for first graders

The basic educational standard for first graders has significant differences from the classical curriculum used in the Soviet education system. Kids who are plunged into a new school environment for them fall into the hands of talented teachers. The main task of the teacher is the development of the personality of the child, the formation of his desire for self-development and self-education.

education institution

GEF first generation

An educational standard is a set of some mandatory requirements that are needed to implement basic (general) education programs. There are three groups of similar requirements:

  • to learning outcomes;
  • to the option of forming the educational process;
  • to the conditions for the implementation of the goals.

GEF of the first generation involved the assimilation of certain skills by schoolchildren, that is, the acquisition of knowledge. At the same time, due attention was not paid to the development of students' creative abilities, to the system of extracurricular activities. The main objective was the objective result of training, the amount of knowledge accumulated during the child’s stay in the school.

new educational standards

GEF second generation

The new educational standard is aimed at the full disclosure of the child’s personality, the formation of collective and individual work skills, and the employment of children outside school hours. GEF on education poses a task for the school - to form a citizen who is able to solve everyday problems and independently choose his own professional development path. Teachers play the role of tutors (mentors), that is, direct the educational activities of each student. The Ministry of Education pays special attention to individual education, which involves the preparation of curricula for each student.basic educational standard

Levels of Standards

There are two levels of educational standards. A mandatory option implies that each child receives knowledge, skills, and subject skills, that is, the foundations for creating the “foundation”. Based on it, specialized training is carried out, the results of which directly depend on the desires, abilities, capabilities of the child.

The tasks of the school include not only training, but also education. The main emphasis in the standards of the new generation is on the following aspects:

  1. Formation of feelings of patriotism in schoolchildren.
  2. The development of tolerance, the ability to answer for committed acts.
  3. Education of worthy citizens of Russia.

GEF focuses on the spiritual and moral development of students, not forgetting about physical health. The reason for this attention was the increase in the number of diseases among children.The foundations of a healthy lifestyle, according to the second generation of GEF, are laid precisely at the initial stage of training: the guys receive information about dietary norms, rules of behavior, ways to improve health. Teachers familiarize their wards with negative factors that worsen their well-being, explain ways to improve health. There are special programs in schools, extra hours are allocated for physical education classes. Each school independently chooses the option of building the educational process, taking into account the recommendations of the Ministry of Education.

In elementary school, you can choose one of several educational programs that require the use of innovative technologies. Federal State Educational Standards imply constant training of school personnel, providing teachers with all the necessary methodological, technical, and informational support.


In order to assess the differences between the old and new educational standards, we note their specificity. Previously, to assess the success of the child, the teacher focused on the marks that appeared in the ward's diary. Each student has a “portfolio of achievements” in the new standards, which summarizes diplomas, certificates, test results, and control slices. All the results of the student are clearly visible to his mentor, parents and the child himself.

The attitude to the role of the teacher has also changed. If earlier he simply explained the educational material, checked the level of knowledge of the student, now he is an active protagonist in the life of the classroom collective. The teacher tries to reveal the individual characteristics of each student, to create conditions for motivation for independence. By previous standards, the same curriculum was used for all children. Now parents have the right to choose those areas that will be studied by his child in an in-depth version. Allocated time to visit extra-curricular sections, electives, circles.

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