
Do I need a building license? Step-by-step instructions on how to obtain a building license

A license for the construction of the Gosstroy of the Russian Federation is needed to carry out the activities of the enterprise on the market in the field of construction architecture and housing policy.

building license

Types of construction and licenses for its implementation

The main types of construction are:

  • engineering surveys carried out during the construction of buildings related to the first and second level of responsibility;
  • activities related to the design of such buildings and structures;
  • their direct construction.

A building license can be conditionally assigned to one of two main groups. The first type - permits issued for the operation of industrial facilities of increased danger. The second group is represented by licenses for the implementation of safety reviews of industrial production facilities.

Building licensing authority

The Gosstroy of Russia or the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Construction and Housing and Communal Services is a federal executive body that interdisciplinary coordination and regulation of activities in the field of construction, urban planning, architecture and the housing and communal complex are carried out. Previously, such licenses were issued by the Ministry of Regional Development.

Obtaining a construction license is necessary for the business entity to operate under the conditions of operation of hazardous industrial facilities, as well as in the implementation of activities related to ensuring safety measures in industry.

License for fire safety

The authority that issues the license of this type is the State Fire Supervision Service of Russia. This license is required for the enterprise to operate in the market of services in the field of control, production and security adjustment.FSB license for construction

Among the licenses of this category, the following should be highlighted:

  • development of measures aimed at ensuring fire safety;
  • examination of technical and organizational solutions to ensure fire safety;
  • organization of the fire protection of various settlements and departments, as well as business entities, regardless of the legal form;
  • the implementation of departmental control fire safety;
  • installation of fire fighting equipment, fire extinguishing means with the conduct of appropriate tests;
  • training of employees in fire safety measures.

Thus, it can be seen that in each field of activity there are various permits for security measures. In this case, we are talking about supervision in the energy sector, and passenger transportation, etc.

Design License

The answer to the question of whether a building license is needed under modern economic conditions is negative. These innovations took effect in early 2010. Now the license for the construction of buildings and structures is replaced by a SRO permit.do i need a building license

A modern enterprise operating in the construction sector should join the SRO. Such organizations are formed as nonprofit partnerships and are subject to mandatory registration in accordance with applicable law. As already mentioned above, if there is a membership in the SRO, then a building license is not needed.

Such self-regulatory organizations have the right to use the status, which allows to quite effectively improve the quality while monitoring all the work performed. They develop and approve standards and regulations in a particular area. The legal status of SROs is regulated by the relevant federal law.

SRO authority

Since a building license is no longer needed, self-regulatory organizations are given the appropriate powers:obtaining a building license

  1. Registration of tolerances, which are issued in the form of special certificates and are necessary for the enterprise to work in the field of construction, overhaul and reconstruction, as well as architectural and design work. Such permits can only be issued after consideration of the relevant documents that confirm the professional skills and qualifications of employees in the enterprise.
  2. Monitoring the work of a business entity.
  3. Maintaining a register of enterprises - members of SROs.
  4. Training, certification and advanced training of employees, which ensures a high level of professionalism, as well as the competence of employees of an enterprise in a particular industry.

FSB Construction License

Sometimes even those enterprises that have nothing to do with state secrets and secret documents may be faced with the need to obtain such a license.

This permission document will be needed if there is a need for construction and repair work at any sensitive facilities. Information on financial, military or foreign policy operations is classified as “State Secret”. Therefore, admission to it may mean that a business entity may use such information when carrying out construction work at this particular facility.

building licenseThis is what the construction license issued by the FSB provides. To obtain it, it is necessary first of all to undergo a special check, according to the results of which the Federal Security Service formulates a conclusion on the compliance of the applicant with the requirements presented to him.

The FSB license is issued for eight years in two stages:

  • obtaining a license for three years;
  • extending it for the next five years.

The design of such a permit gives its owner a number of advantages. An enterprise that deals with state secrets cannot do without it.

This document also covers the field of trade, security business and information technology.

This license is required when participating in tenders. For example, in order to be eligible to participate in a competition for the design of a military town, an enterprise must obtain special permission.

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