
Shooting business: how to open a shooting range. Equipment and requirements for shooting range

How to open a shooting galleryAccording to many years of observation, in most cases the gambling arrows of the shooting range are adolescents. But among adults there are also many fans of shooting.

Based on all this, we can say that a small business can bring quite good profits. And it is about the main points that are characteristic for this type of entrepreneurship that will be discussed in this review. So how to open a shooting gallery?

It is necessary to start with the fact that shooting ranges are divided into two categories - professional and entertaining. The former, as a rule, are widespread in a rather large number in many sports clubs and public organizations. Such complexes are intended primarily for the preparation of law enforcement agencies, police and filming. Individual clients can also be trained there.

The popularity of shooting organizations is gradually growing

On the one hand, the demand for small business is quite large. On the other hand, it is not so well developed in our country. To date, organizations of this kind can literally be counted on the fingers. Moreover, many of them are closed type and are necessary for any state organizations.

For the rest of the population there are very few shooting organizations. Therefore, this entrepreneurial venture can be quite profitable. In addition, organizing a small-arms enterprise is not so difficult as it might seem. If the question arose about how to open the shooting gallery, then you can safely proceed to the search for an answer to it.

A variety of weapons can attract people

A particular piquancy to the shooting range gives a wide variety of weapons. In modern conditions, you can buy almost anything. And it is worth noting that the interest of potential customers can be attracted with the help of weapons.

To do this, you only need to purchase such models that are especially popular among the population. Accordingly, for these purposes it will be useful to conduct specialized surveys that will help to form an idea of ​​the interests of visitors.

The main advantage of this type of business

The use of air weapons does not require a variety of licenses. In addition, unlike other diverse enterprises, not much space is required. At least for the first time. It is necessary to spend only two thousand dollars on this, while it will be a little more difficult to open a shooting range.

What types of shooting galleries are there?

You can organize a shooting range of a mobile type, which is easy to transport at the right time and located in crowded places. For outdoor recreational shooting you only need to register with tax organizations (from the standpoint of an individual entrepreneur).

If it was decided to open a shooting gallery of a stationary type, then space is required. It is quite easy to find by renting the necessary space. It should be noted that there are no exorbitant requirements for small business.

When searching for premises, you need to pay attention primarily to vacant or semi-underground cellars. Renting such an area will not make you spend a lot. For the shooting gallery does not require too much area. Enough even 50 square meters.

The main requirement for the shooting gallery

Shooting Range Requirements
Before you open the shooting range, you will need to consider all the basic nuances of this process.There is only one requirement when opening a small entertainment complex - the walls should be trimmed with a bullet collector.

It can be purchased as a separate material or created independently. For self-creation, you will need a soft pad and a tarp, which will prevent a rebound. On this, the basic requirements for a shooting range end.

In addition, the walls can be decorated with various paintings, which can serve as an advertisement offered by representatives of youth parties. Thus, in addition to the main business, partnerships can also be formed.

The only equipment for shooting ranges that is required to start a business is a weapon and a target. But, as it turned out, the organization of the shooting gallery is very expensive when you purchase all the necessary equipment. This is mainly due to the fact that you need to purchase at least ten types of weapons which include air rifles, pistols and, if possible, a submachine gun.

Business plan

Basically, rifle organizations in modern conditions open at certain recreation centers, as well as in entertainment centers. With the help of the shooting gallery, many entrepreneurs simply increase their customer base. But how to open a shooting gallery, which will become an independent institution?

To open an entertainment complex in the form of a shooting range, which will use air guns, you do not need to collect a large number of permits and licenses, as is customary when opening a shooting range for professionals.

The requirements for a shooting range, namely for equipment, are not too strict. Based on this, we can say that for the full-fledged operation of the shooting gallery, two or three thousand dollars may be enough, which will serve as the initial investment. What else may be required?

More information on the process of opening your own shooting gallery

  • Registration and license. To open a shooting gallery, you must first register. This can be done by registering a company or individual. As mentioned above, in order to start this business and conduct it, it will not be necessary to collect additional licenses.
  • Shooting room. To place a shooting gallery, you need a room with an area of ​​at least 50 square meters. In professional shooting galleries, the length of the platform to the target is up to 100 meters. If a shooting range is being created in shopping or entertainment centers, theme parks or complexes, as well as in places where there is everything necessary for entertainment, a distance of 5-10 meters would be sufficient for normal operation. There should be a separate room for tires designed specifically for this. Any floor of the building or basement is suitable. To avoid ricochet, tarp and softening panels must be used. The room under the shooting gallery is good in that it is not necessary to make expensive repairs.
  • Equipment. The main and only equipment of the shooting range is the target and weapons. This is the main investment part of the budget, which is spent to a greater extent. For full work, you need to have about 10 types of weapons. Another part of the budget expenses of the shooting gallery covers the repair and replacement of equipment, and sometimes without knowing, visitors break weapons. Goals for shooting can be disposable. The cheapest - about 3 rubles apiece - paper targets with standard rings. Due to modern computer technology with static targets per month, costs can be reduced to 800 rubles. Equipment for shooting at moving targets will cost 4-6 thousand rubles. However, all costs are not so significant, since the durability of such devices is quite large.
  • Staff. Depending on the number of weapons and the size of the room, for the normal organization of work, one to six people are needed.The main requirement for employees is the ability to work with customers, to explain safety rules in an accessible and competent manner. In addition, personnel should be well versed in the weapons from which they will be firing at targets. Over time, when it becomes necessary to expand your business, you will need to hire trainers who will train people in shooting.
  • You will sometimes need to spend money on gifts. If the shooting range is of an entertaining type, then it will not be possible to do without appropriate surprises for especially well-aimed people. This issue should be carefully considered in your business plan. In addition, the number of potential customers can be increased if tournaments or competitions of a different type take place in the dash. Accordingly, it will be necessary to acquire awards such as people like and will draw their attention to the organization.

All of the above items, when thoroughly considered, will help to understand how much it costs to open a shooting gallery. Much will depend on the financial capabilities of the entrepreneur, as well as on his ideas and preferences.

What can you say about attracting potential customers?

Before you open a pneumatic shooting gallery, you should understand that without an appropriate customer base he will not be able to bring the proper profit. You could even say that the existence of a shooting gallery without visitors is impossible. At this stage of starting a business, a choice should be made in favor of a certain direction of the organization. Based on this, one can understand which category of people will visit the rifle organization.

Also, the project will need to constantly invest money. About three thousand dollars. The profit will be quite high. However, in the case of creating a professional facility, as well as with a responsible approach to its organization, profitability can be increased. And it cannot be said that such an increase will not be too large.

In order to answer the question of how to open a pneumatic shooting gallery, you should draw up a quality business plan, on which a lot will depend. Therefore, it is necessary to provide for all kinds of details, to competently approach the organization of the shooting range. Only in this case, you can achieve great heights in this business sector.

What options to increase the popularity of a small arms organization can you come up with?

One simple option should be noted, with which you can only increase the popularity of the entire enterprise as a whole. It is about acquiring specialized weapons - crossbows and bows. In modern conditions, when progress does not stop even for a second, it is precisely such tools that are beginning to gain special popularity. So why not satisfy the needs of people and not get a variety of models of the same crossbows? Opening a crossbow shooting range is no more difficult than a simple one. And his popularity will not be much less than that of a conventional shooting range.

Acquisition of crossbows and paintball - all this will help expand the business

Equipment for shooting rangesOriginality can be shown not only with the help of various types of weapons of a specific nature. Targets can also help in this matter. It should be made so that they differ in shapes, sizes and those pictures that are depicted on them.

And the mechanism of their appearance can be quite original and interesting. This only spurs the instinct of the hunter in humans. And this is exactly what the entrepreneur needs.

With the increase in the size of your enterprise, you can turn your attention to such a sphere of entertainment as paintball. He begins to gain in popularity. Therefore, gathering people who want to shoot at targets other than the drawn ones on the basis of their rifle enterprise will be quite simple.

Naturally, such an extension requires additional and not very small costs. However, they will pay off even faster.In addition, a question will arise about how to open a shooting range. But all this will be decided in the process.

Do not stop there!

Shooting range, which is not so difficult to open, can bring quite a big profit. However, it is not necessary to stop there. It is worth trying to open similar complexes in other areas of the city. Do not forget about the seasonal sources of income from such activities.

When the warm season arrives, you can purchase a special tent, build a mobile stage with targets and drive around various amusement parks and provide your services. And you can independently install a mobile shooting range in the place where many people walk every day. In this case, the profit will be significantly increased. We hope that this review helped answer the question of how to open the shooting gallery.

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