
Permission for commissioning. Who issues permission to put an object into operation

The commissioning of a reconstructed or constructed capital construction object is carried out in accordance with a permit. This document indicates the completion of work in full, certifies the conformity of the finished structure with the urban development plan and design documentation. Let us further consider how to obtain permission for commissioning. A paper sample will also be described in the article. commissioning permission

General order

How to get permission to commission an apartment building? Who issues the paper? What documents are needed? To receive paper, the developer should contact the authorized body that issued the building permit, Gosstroynadzor. In this instance you need to write a statement. It is necessary to attach to it:

  1. Title papers on a piece of land.
  2. GPZU (urban development plan of the allocated territory).
  3. Permission for the construction of the facility.
  4. Acceptance certificate of the capital structure (when carrying out work under the contract).
  5. A document that confirms the compliance of the structure with the requirements established technical regulations.
  6. A paper confirming that the parameters of the constructed capital construction object correspond to the project. This document must also be signed by the person who carries out the construction (or by the customer, if the work is carried out under the contract).
  7. Papers certifying the compliance of the erected capital construction project with the technical conditions signed by persons representing organizations operating engineering networks. It should be noted here that the installation of equipment is carried out according to the projects. In this case, it is necessary to obtain relevant documents, for example, permission to commission a gas pipeline (if any).
  8. A scheme that displays the location of the erected capital construction, engineering networks within the land and the planning organization of the allocated territory. This paper is certified by the developer or customer. permission to commission the facility
  9. Conclusion issued by the State Construction Supervision Authority. This paper is necessary if a state construction examination is foreseen. This document certifies the compliance of the reconstructed, constructed, repaired capital object with the existing requirements provided for in the technical regulations, as well as design schemes.

Within ten days from the date of receipt of the application and the above papers, Gosstroynadzor makes a decision. After checking the received documents, the applicant receives permission to put into operation after reconstruction or completion of construction.

Reasons for refusal

The authorized body may not satisfy the application. Consider the main cases when the developer may not receive permission to commission a residential building:

  1. Lack of necessary papers to be attached to the application.
  2. Non-compliance of the building with the requirements established in the urban plan of the land; in case of reconstruction or major overhaul - to the planning and boundary project of the allocated territory.
  3. Inconsistency of the facility with a building permit.
  4. Inconsistency of the design documentation construction parameters. This provision does not apply to IZHS objects.

It should be noted that untimely receipt of documents cannot act as a basis, according to which permission can be refused. permission to commission a residential building

Additional reasons

The developer may not receive permission to put the facility into operation if the requirements established in Art. 51, Part 18 of the Town Planning Code. The law provides for a number of mandatory conditions, in particular: the applicant must transfer free of charge to the executive federal, subject, local authority or other authorized body that exercises state control over the use of atomic energy, as well as supervision of activities related to the development, manufacture, disposal of nuclear installations and weapons, certain information. In particular, these are data on:

  • The area, number of storeys and the height of the planned structure.
  • Engineering networks.

In addition, in order to obtain permission to put the facility into operation, you must provide copies of:

  • Results of engineering research (1 pc.).
  • The sections contained in the project documentation, or a diagram illustrating the planning organization, indicating the location of the IZHS object. Permission to commission after reconstruction

Document Content

Permission to commissioning of a residential building includes information set forth in such a volume that it is sufficient to register the structure with cadastral records. The composition of such data must comply with the requirements of Federal Law No. 211 for the text and graphic parts of the technical plan. Permission for commissioning acts as the basis for entering the necessary information into the state register. The form is approved by the federal executive body authorized by the Government.

Documentation Transfer

After completion of construction works, the person who carried out them is obliged to provide the customer with the following papers:

  • Results of engineering research.
  • Design documents.
  • Acts of inspection of structures, works, sections of engineering networks to ensure the construction.
  • Other papers on the basis of which permission for commissioning will be obtained. Permission to commission a sample

Important point

In the case of work related to the preservation of structures related to cultural heritage, the commissioning permit is compiled in accordance with the features established in the domestic legislation for such buildings.

Final stage

And the three-day period from the date when the permission to put into operation was obtained, the body that provided it must send a copy of the document to the executive (federal) authority authorized to conduct state construction supervision. This requirement applies to structures listed in clause 5.1, art. 6 Town Planning Code. If the paper is issued for commissioning other capital construction facilities, then a copy of it is sent to the executive body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation authorized to perform state construction supervision. permission to commission a gas pipeline


Upon completion of work, the contractor sends a notification letter to the customer. In confirmation of completion of construction or reconstruction, copies of permits, an act listing the work performed, and a list of responsible persons are attached to the notice. The package of documents includes data on third-party organizations involved in drafting projects, laying engineering communications, and performing highly specialized operations.

In addition, detailed diagrams and drawings are included, containing comments and notes. Technical documentation is an integral part of the paper package. It describes all the materials used. Before applying for permission to commission, the facility must pass a preliminary check. The costs of its implementation are borne by the customer. The verification is carried out by a specially created working group. It includes a trustee from the customer, representatives of supervisory authorities, operational services, specialists of the design organization. permission to commission an apartment building who issues The working commission checks the accuracy of the documentation, assesses the compliance of the structure and structural elements with the design requirements, and also carries out a test run of the installed equipment and utilities. The findings of the group are recorded in the corresponding written opinion. It determines the readiness of the structure for commissioning.

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