
Equipment for the production of concrete rings: what is needed and the technology for the production of material

Concrete rings are often used to build a well for drinking water or a septic tank. And also such products are used in the mass construction of tunnels for various communications.

They can be purchased at the store or made by yourself. In addition, you can open your own mini-factory for the manufacture of such products. Naturally, you will need to properly purchase equipment for the production of concrete rings.

Business benefits

equipment for the production of concrete rings

You should first understand what the dignity of the case is. So, among them the following can be distinguished:

  • high profitability;
  • quick payback;
  • the use of affordable materials;
  • a small number of machines;
  • high strength of the product;
  • ecological purity of the product.

Naturally, the presented elements can have a large diameter and weight, but in some cases they cannot be replaced, so there will always be a demand for this building material.

What are the products presented made of?

molds for the production of concrete rings

Before you buy equipment for the production of concrete rings, you need to figure out what raw materials are needed. For work you need:

  • cement (preferably high quality - grade M-500 and higher);
  • water;
  • sand (naturally, it must be clean);
  • various additives that give the product certain properties (frost resistance, lack of reaction of components with a liquid, increased strength).

If necessary, reinforcement and crushed stone can be additionally used.

What machines are needed to work?

vibroform for the production of concrete rings

Now you can figure out what equipment for the production of concrete rings you need to purchase. So, for work you need:

  • concrete mixer or large mixer (it all depends on the size of production);
  • a forklift truck (crane crane), which is used for loading and unloading;
  • vibroform for the production of concrete rings;
  • mixture feed tape;
  • tray for mold (if provided).

Vibroform is a special collapsible device, which is a welded structure made of metal of a cylindrical shape.

Ring production technology

Now let’s see how the process proceeds. So, for starters, we prepare all the equipment for the production of concrete rings. Often the lines are sold already automated, so you only need to monitor the work.

Now you need to prepare a concrete solution. To do this, mix water, cement, sand, plasticizers in certain proportions. This should be done carefully. You can also add other ingredients. Next, a specially made reinforced metal frame is inserted into the mold.

In order for the element to then easily separate from the mold for the production of concrete rings, there should be a rubber gasket at its bottom. If you are going to make an element that is designed to drain water, then you will need to use special educators of openings or holes.

It should be noted that when using vibroforms, the mixture must be supplied manually. Further, the equipment turns on for a few minutes. The device of such an apparatus is very simple. It consists of an external formwork, a core that has a smaller diameter, a vibration platform and a cover.

After the mold has already compacted concrete, it is necessary to formulate the surface of the future product. That is, the joint needs to be aligned.After completing the entire procedure, the mold is simply disassembled and installed to make the next element. Please note that products produced by the vibration method must be well steamed in a special chamber.

Features of the manufacture of the product using formwork

concrete ring formwork

In some cases, the item presented must be so large that you cannot use any shape. In this case, you will have to do the formwork. To do this, you need to build something like a form. That is, you need to install an external cylinder and an internal one. The distance between the walls is equal to the thickness of the future ring.

Inside the mold, the surface should be smeared with clay. Naturally, the surface on which the cylinder will be mounted must be flat. Both parts of the form must be well fixed and fastened together.

Formwork can be made of steel sheets or plastic. In this case, the first option is more durable. That's all, the formwork for the production of concrete rings is ready. Next, you will only need to disassemble it after the solution has solidified.

It should be noted that such a business with good promotion and high-quality work pays off quite quickly. At the same time, at first you can buy used equipment, as you expand your business, just change it.

That's all the features of the production of concrete rings. Success!

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