
Equipment for the production of cable products: preparatory and extrusion lines

One of the good ways to earn money is to establish production for the creation of cable products. These can be wires with various purposes, connecting cords and other products. In total, experts have about 500 items. Each of them is in demand in the market.

Necessary equipment

Equipment for the production of cable products

Before purchasing equipment, it is necessary to analyze the market, determine the main sales channels for future products and understand what is best made. Equipment for the production of cable products can be designed to create conventional electric or telephone wires, products for pumps, security and fire alarms.

A number of factories are engaged in the manufacture of special extrusion lines that are designed to create various cables (both power and control). They can be both with aluminum and copper cores, the size of their cross-section and quantity are set depending on the purposes for which they are made.

Lines cable manufacturing equipment consist of a number of components. They include a giving, traction and receiving device, a machine designed for reverse twisting, a coextruder, a special extrusion head, a technological tool, a cooling bath made of steel. Each of the components is a necessary element, if necessary, they can be changed without affecting other parts of the line.

Preparation for manufacture

Cable waste

If you decide to purchase equipment for the production of cable products, but you have never before been engaged in such activities, then you need to familiarize yourself with all the nuances. The manufacture of such goods is a high-tech process.

First, conductive elements are twisted on special equipment, a wire is laid, and this is all placed under the polymer shell. The process begins with metal processing - wire rod, which is the main raw material for the manufacture of products.

Using a machine for drawing under pressure from billets with a diameter of up to 0.9 mm make a wire with a thickness of 1.6 to 4.3 mm. After that, skein is made of the processed metal, which will subsequently be twisted into a strand. As a result of machining, the quality of the metal deteriorates, in order to return the properties, it is subjected to heat treatment and then cooling.

Cable manufacturing

Only after the completion of all preparatory stages does work on the manufacture of the cable itself begin. In a special twisting machine, skeins are combined into a strand, which is a workpiece for the production of a number of wires. After that, the equipment for the production of cable products - the extrusion line - comes into operation directly. On it, the process of creating insulated wires and cables will be completed.

Cable Requirements

If you decide to buy a modern line, it will be equipped with various technological controllers that monitor the manufacturing process. You can program the work using the installed touch panels. The manufacturing process is as follows.

A wire is fed from the discharge device, it enters the extruder head with a certain tension, while it heats up to 100, and sometimes up to 150 degrees Celsius.There is molten plastic, it is extruded through a special annular gap and superimposed on the wire. After that, the cable enters the cooling bath, which contains ordinary water. Then it is blown, dried and tested under tension. The final step is to wind it onto the bay.

Production Features

Cable Production Line

When purchasing cable manufacturing lines, it is important to pay attention to the accompanying documentation. In the kit, in addition to the equipment passport, there should be technical specifications for the wires produced. This is the only way to find buyers who know the requirements for cable products and choose a product not at a price, but based on its technical characteristics.

With proper work, this production is quite profitable. It is also important to find specialists who will be able to carry out normal quality control of the products received in order to avoid getting the marriage on sale. It is better to recycle the produced wire than to spoil the reputation.

It is worth noting that many plants also offer equipment with which you can dispose of waste cable products. If a few decades ago, most often used burning, which caused indescribable harm to the environment, now special processing lines are being created. Most of them simply crush the cable into parts, separate the metal cores from the insulation and sort them.

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