
Industry: production in Moscow and the Moscow region

The industry of the Moscow region affects all aspects of human life - from food and vehicles to chemical and defense products. The enterprises of Moscow and the region are closely interconnected and have a powerful scientific and technical potential, highly skilled labor resources are involved in their work.

Production in Moscow and the Moscow Region: main types of enterprises

By industrial volumes production Moscow takes the first place among the Russian regions, the region - the second. The enterprises mainly use imported raw materials, as there is no mining industry.

production in Moscow and the Moscow region

The defense and agro-industrial complex of the region are grouped in the regional territory. It is worth noting the success of farmers in the meat and dairy industry: in the spring of 2015, the Moscow region took 4th place in meat production and the leader in milk production. In addition, there is a growth trend in this area.

Production in Moscow and the Moscow region affects the following main areas:

  • food;
  • equipment and transport;
  • tools and building materials;
  • equipment for various purposes;
  • agriculture and livestock;
  • furniture;
  • textile and others.

In almost every industry, a number of enterprises are involved, which positively affects the quality of products due to high competition.

Production of double-glazed windows in Moscow and the Moscow region - high-tech activities

The construction boom that engulfed Moscow and the Moscow region predetermined the need for a powerful production of double-glazed windows and windows. In the region there are a sufficient number of enterprises (Windows Consult, LLC SMU Braver, etc.) that carry out activities in this direction to satisfy the needs of the entire capital and region. Here, perhaps, the competition reaches its maximum level.

double-glazed window production in Moscow and the Moscow region

A huge number of enterprises are involved in the production of double-glazed windows in Moscow and the Moscow region, high-tech expensive equipment and well-trained workers are required here, since this type of activity requires compliance with rather strict GOSTs (GOST 24866-99 "Double-glazed windows for construction purposes. Technical conditions" and GOST 30779 -2001 "Double-glazed windows for construction purposes. Method for determining atmospheric resistance and assessing durability"), including testing of samples Cereal and high precision in their assembly. Only after successfully passing all the necessary tests, the manufacturer is issued a certificate of compliance, according to which it can carry out its activities.

About metropolitan furniture manufacturers

Along with construction, furniture production is also developed. Competition in this sector is quite high. Manufacturing companies offer a wide range of their products, materials, colors and designs that can satisfy the demanding residents of the region. Materials of both domestic and foreign production are used.

Moscow furniture manufacturers, such as Quality and Timing, AREAL FURNITURE, RV-Mebel factory, and MEGO-RESOFT design studio, offer their clients a full range of services: from the development of individual design projects to the assembly of furniture at the facility .This approach allows you to cut off intermediaries, as well as minimize material and time costs to attract different companies and coordinate actions between them, which positively affects the overall result of the work.

furniture production Moscow

The requirements of the furniture market in Moscow encourage many manufacturers to maintain a staff of professionals at all levels of the production process. This makes it possible for some firms to earn a reputation of reliable partners with quality and conscientious execution.

Nuances of approaches of furniture manufacturers to customers

The specialization of furniture factories in relation to the client affects two areas: custom manufacturing and serial production. Serially produced furniture costs slightly less than individually made furniture, since its manufacture no longer requires the participation of designers, gauges and designers, since all the necessary procedures have been done before, and the process goes on a conveyor basis.

Some companies make furniture both in series and on order, thereby expanding the range of potential customers. Most large enterprises are located in the regional territory furniture manufacture. Moscow also teeming with furniture shops, factories, and shops. The latter serve not only as a sales tool, but also provide an opportunity for potential customers to assess the quality of the exhibited products and, on this basis, decide for themselves to cooperate with this manufacturer.

Sewing clothes in the metropolitan area

Local clothing production is developing quite actively. Moscow and the Moscow region have both large and small sewing shops and factories, which have their own specifics and priority areas. Some specialize in tailoring coats (JSK garment factory), others specialize in women's clothing of large sizes (FORUS company), while others focus on tailoring T-shirts with custom logo printing (Arion production company). The largest enterprises carry out sewing almost any kind of clothing: knitwear, top, corporate, uniforms, promoforms, hats, knitwear, various accessories, etc.

clothing production Moscow and Moscow region

Such production in Moscow and the Moscow region operates mainly due to private orders. However, some companies, adjusting to the market, established retail and wholesale sales of their products.

Manufacturing equipment for all industries

The region has sufficiently developed production of equipment. Moscow and the Moscow region concentrated on its territory a large number of powerful industries, as well as medium and small enterprises of various forms of ownership. They make equipment for:

  • trade;
  • Food Industry;
  • oil and gas industry;
  • medicine;
  • ferrous metallurgy;
  • light industry;
  • power engineering;
  • construction;
  • transport;
  • agriculture and many other areas.

Rocket and space, nuclear technology and electronic equipment are also produced. And recently, ZAO Metrovagonmash has begun mass-producing new-generation railcars for the metro. The largest enterprises in the industry: OJSC Machine-Building Plant, LLC ROSTAR, CJSC Podolskkabel and others.

Domestic mattresses for every taste

Some Moscow industrial enterprises have successfully launched the production of domestic mattresses. However, here competition is constantly growing, which forces company owners to take a competent approach to manufacturing products and attracting customers. The largest companies locate their production in the suburbs, as it is easier to deliver the necessary components, raw materials and equipment in large volumes.

manufacturing of mattresses in Moscow and the Moscow region

The most successful workshops and factories (Sonberry, Damascus, Virtuoso, Consul) are not only manufacturing mattresses. They managed to open their own retail chains, as well as establish sales in the regions of Russia, and even export products to other countries.Such enterprises usually have in their assortment several dozen models of mattresses designed for different budgets and consumer needs.

Naturally, the production of mattresses in Moscow and the Moscow Region was affected by the crisis of 2009, but still individual enterprises managed to overcome this period, continue their activities and even develop production with an increase in sales.

Leading industries

Production in Moscow and the Moscow Region is slightly different in structure and share in total industrial production. The success of the capital's manufacturers is pronounced in food production, engineering and metalworking. The share of these industries in the total volume of Moscow products is 31.9% and 28.9%, respectively. Food production in Moscow and the Moscow region specializes in the manufacture of meat, dairy, confectionery, pasta, vegetable and animal fats, and alcoholic beverages.

Agriculture is the pride of the region

In the Moscow Region, the leading industries are the same as in the capital: food, machine building and metal processing. However, the indicators are slightly lower than in Moscow - 26.7% and 26.8%, respectively. But agriculture is quite highly developed: it occupies a leading position among the regions in the Central Federal District in the production of crop and livestock products. The region has the largest number of chickens - 40 million. In crop production, feed production dominates - three fifths of the crops are fodder crops.

production in Moscow and the Moscow region

The trading equipment for business from capital manufacturers

Modern business cannot do without special equipment designed not only to accompany purchases and customer service, to be practical and convenient, but also to create a favorable atmosphere in the premises, as this factor is one of the components of success. For the manufacture of commercial equipment, high-tech materials are used (aluminum profile, glass, chipboard, plastic, MDF and chipboard with veneer, etc.), machine tools and tools, but this is not all that is required for the production of commercial equipment to function successfully.

Moscow and the Moscow region have placed enterprises (ViProm, Trading Equipment, Optima group of companies, etc.) on their territory, some of which are successfully operating in this industry due to their complex well-established structure and experienced staff.

production of commercial equipment Moscow and Moscow region

The largest and most successful enterprises include a design studio, a design bureau, production facilities, and a car fleet. They are able to fulfill an order for almost any business that requires shelves, shop windows, counters, cabinets, partitions, etc. This area is so developed in the region that individual manufacturers operate not only in Moscow and the region, but also in other regions of the federation .

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