
Equipment for the production of animal feed. How to choose a machine and granulator

Nowadays, the basic principle of profitability in a livestock farm is the proper feeding of cattle. It is important for those farmers who prepare food for their animals on their own what is the equipment for the production of animal feed.

As you know, each compound feed is created specifically for a certain category of animals, and therefore has some features in the processing and preparation for use.

feed production equipment

What is an extruder?

So, what kind of equipment is used for feed production? There are a fairly large number of units, but the most popular of them are extruders for the production of animal feed.

This device is mainly used for the processing of blasted grain and is used on livestock farms, as well as in feed workshops. This device is capable of producing from 70 to 100 kg of feed in one hour. Consumes up to 6 kilowatts. Has a weight category within 230 kilograms.

animal feed extruders

Extruder principle

He is able to prepare feed for both cattle and pigs directly for feeding. In the process of processing grain undergoes some changes. Dry gelatinization of the grain occurs, followed by fiber transformation, followed by the death of unfavorable microflora.

To unfavorable microflora include fungus and mold. This is due to the high pressure and temperature in the equipment. The extruder is able to process peas, barley, wheat, which are the main types of feed for pigs. The above products provide a high increase in the mass of pigs.

Extruder Installation

This equipment for the production of animal feed can be installed on any flat surface, in particular on the floor. The device does not require installation of the foundation, after a minute of operation, the equipment gives out the first finished feed. In addition, the grain before feeding into the extruder does not require prior steaming.

feed pellet mill

What is a granulator?

There is special equipment that makes pellets from conventional feed. This is a feed pellet mill. The principle of creating pellets from feed is as follows. The necessary raw materials are placed in a tank from which it enters a matrix having a temperature of up to 110 ° C.

There, the feed is pressed tightly against the walls of the matrix and passes through round holes, where at the exit it is cut to the desired size. Such an operation is performed using a specialized internal device. At the end of processing, the finished product is obtained, which goes through the process of packaging and packaging.

Multifunctional feed mill

In order for growth to be observed in animal husbandry, high-quality feeding with combined feeds is necessary. So, you can not do without such equipment as a machine for the production of animal feed. This device can be quite functional and perform several actions at the same time.

Every detail of a feed mill plays an important role. The composition of the product, which is added for the production of combined feed for livestock, remains the same upon exit, that is, it does not lose useful properties that directly affect the development of animals. Such equipment for the production of animal feed can work with the following types of products:

  • grain mix and clean grain;
  • fat soy;
  • bran product;
  • green mass;
  • chopped straw;
  • grain with mold.

For the processing of each type of product, certain standards are established. On average, a machine is capable of producing one ton of finished products in one hour.

How to choose equipment for the production of animal feed?

Today on the market you can find a fairly large number of machines and granulators for the production of animal feed. If these are units of known models, then operation problems should not arise. And if this equipment is rare, then it is worth considering that replacing worn parts and preventing the units themselves can result in large financial losses.

Therefore, when choosing this or that equipment, it’s worth taking a note of it and, perhaps, it’s better to overpay once by buying a good machine, than then to lay out tidy sums for its repair.

Modern equipment has a good suction capacity, dosage accuracy and, in addition, it is more energy intensive. It best performs operations such as the introduction of liquid or dry mineral mixtures, crushing of raw materials, subsequent mixing, granulation, and the expansion of feed. After all these stages, the food is disinfected and absorbs the medicinal additives. The price for such equipment varies from 100,000 dollars to 5 million euros.

Some Russian feed producers choose European companies as suppliers of equipment. The cost of such products is high, as well as quality. Plus, every three years it is necessary to carry out maintenance. However, if the plant will operate at least 80%, then the equipment will pay for itself in 3-5 years.

feed mill

Is it possible to cook compound feed at home?

Perhaps the production of feed at home. What does that require? First of all, it is worth determining for what type of animals combined feed will be produced. Do-it-yourself cooking compound feeds is the key to a healthy lifestyle for your cattle.

By making granular food at home, you will be sure of the presence of nutrients in its composition. Remember that such food for farm animals should include products of not only plant, but also animal origin. The proposed product can be prepared at home, without extra effort.

compound feed production at home

From the above information it can be seen that it is quite simple to produce feed, it is only necessary to have certain products for each type of farm animal.

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