
Profitable business: the production of animal feed. Production and marketing of animal feed

animal feed productionLivestock in recent years has gradually begun to restore its lost position in our country. The management finally began to understand the importance of this industry to ensure food security of the state, and therefore, state enterprises and private farmers finally began to issue loans under normal conditions, began to provide incentives for the purchase of all necessary equipment.

Unfortunately, the problem with feed for farm animals continues to be quite acute. This was especially noticeable in the infamous summer of 2010, when it suddenly became clear that farms simply did not have the proper amount of feed, and there was no one to buy them from.

Therefore, the production of animal feed will always remain in demand in the industry. If you wisely approach the organization of your business, then you will be able to perfectly provide yourself. First, we consider the main stages of the production of compound feed, for which there is always a high demand in agricultural regions.

What is feed?

This is the name of the combined feed composition for birds or animals. It is made on the basis of high quality grain raw materials, fish, meat or meat and bone meal, as well as mineral and vitamin supplements that compensate for the lack of trace elements in winter and autumn-spring.

In the same poultry industry (in its industrial version) you cannot do without such feed at all, since otherwise it is simply impossible to provide the bird with everything necessary. Thus, the composition of quail food includes many vitamins that are simply not found in standard feeds. If you do not use such additives on a daily basis, then you can not count on obtaining large gains and egg volumes.

What assortment to focus on?

In order for your production of animal feed to justify all the costs of it, you need to determine in advance the range of products. If you approach this issue without proper attention, you simply will not fit into this niche of the market, in which there are already enough strong players.

home business technology

Firstly, there is concentrated feed, which in its pure form is not used for feeding. It is used only to dilute conventional feed. Similar to this type are balancing additives, which are used to compensate for the shortage of certain minerals or trace elements in a particular region.

Finally, there are still full feeds. It is the production of animal feed of this type that is the most promising, since it does not require high equipment costs. The fact is that the manufacture of concentrates and balancing additives requires not only serious material support, but also specific raw materials, which in many cases will have to be bought abroad.

Naturally, in this case, one does not have to think about high profitability.

What is compound feed by its consistency?

Firstly, they distinguish the traditional loose type, which can differ in fine, medium and large grinding. Recently, the granular type has become popular, as it is easier to dose, and animals eat it more willingly.

Finally, the production of animal feeds may include the production of briquetted feed, which is especially suitable for use in farms that breed cattle.

What kind of preference? Experts say that in recent years, consumers have preferred granular varieties.

What raw materials are used in production?

So, what raw materials will you need to purchase in order to produce animal feed? The business plan should include the purchase of high quality hay, straw and oilcake. Of course, you will need a large amount of grain raw materials, which you need to purchase only from trusted suppliers.

Have you bought a batch of grains affected by fungal spores? A whole batch of feed will be sent for rejection, and you are guaranteed litigation with farmers who have poisoned animals.

Even more difficult is the situation with meat and bone, meat and fish meal. These products should be completely fresh, they will deteriorate quickly, and there are not so many enterprises that produce them. Solve this issue in advance! Finally, supplements with vitamins and minerals. Unambiguously purchase them only through the official representative offices of manufacturers. You can find out about these at local Zoovetsnaba offices.

Basic feed example

Consider, for example, the basic composition of quail food. It includes about 50% of high-quality durum wheat and about 15% of soybean meal. At the last moment I would like to dwell in more detail.

The fact is that soybean meal in recent years is increasingly being prepared by chemical means, using a lot of reagents. It is impossible to feed quails with such products! And so you have to immediately look for a normal supplier.

Among other things, it will require more than 10% of fresh and not rancid fishmeal, about 0.7-1% of fish oil (however, its need depends on the quality of the flour), as well as mineral additives. These include limestone flour, salt and monocalcium phosphate. This is the easiest option for feeding birds.

We purchase equipment

As a rule, home business technologies do not provide for the acquisition of really expensive equipment. Nice that feed production is no exception. So, for a small home factory you can buy the same line LPKG-1 for the production of granular feed for farm animals.

Up to a ton of compound feed can be produced on this equipment per hour, and only three people are required to work on the line. This equipment costs about 1 million 200 thousand rubles.

If you need more power, it makes sense to look in the direction of a similar line LPKG-3. It produces already up to three tons of feed per hour, and the number of staff increases to only four people.

A bit about staff

pet food business planIn this case, there is also the positive aspect that it is possible to attract unskilled workers.

It will only be necessary to hire one technologist who will be responsible for the correct dosing of mineral and vitamin supplements, while the rest of the workers will be busy loading raw materials and unloading finished products. Since the lines are fully automated, special intervention in their work is not required.

Thus, if you purchase this equipment for domestic production, then it will be possible to establish the production of compound feed for only two to three million rubles.

Of course, there is no escape from the cost of purchasing raw materials, but it is not possible to give concrete figures here. The cost of the same grain is constantly jumping, so in this matter it is better to rely on local specialists who know the realities of a particular region.

Cat and Dog Food

But all of the above information will be useful to you only if you plan to organize the production of feed for the needs of the agricultural sector.Are there any relatively affordable home business technologies that provide for the adjustment of food for cats and dogs? After all, the cost of the same canned pet food is very high!

Alas, in this case, everything is somewhat more complicated. To start with, you need to buy meat and offal to produce this type of food. You understand that their cost will be much higher than the price of the same hay or grain, which is used in the production of animal feed.

Consider what specifically will be required to start the production of dry food for cats and dogs.

Technical support

What equipment for home production will have to be purchased in this case? Firstly, you need a special dough mixing machine. Yes, do not be surprised: all products are first processed into a mass with a pasty consistency.

But much more important is the screw extruder into which this “dough” is fed for the purpose of molding finished feed pellets. A good extruder with high performance can cost you 600 thousand. Finished granules enter the air conveyor, on which they are dried, falling into a stream of warm air.

This process ends in a three-tier dryer. In most cases, the feed enters a special drum, where it is additionally treated with flavoring agents.

If we talk about how canned dog food is produced, then in this case it is necessary to purchase an industrial meat grinder, lines for boiling and packaging the feed, as well as an autoclave for sterilization of the finished product.

Organization of a store for the sale of feed, sales

So we got to the most important thing. Whatever path you take: whether you organized your production, or decided to buy ready-made feeds, you need to decide something with the sales.

However, in the manufacture of feed for cattle, one should not particularly worry: given the normal price and quality, they will be happy to take any farm that cattle breeds.how to open a pet food store

But what exactly needs to be considered before opening an animal feed store? First, you need a room. Unlike production, it is better to place it closer to the central part of the village.

Alas, the rental costs will be considerable. It will be necessary to obtain permission from the sanitary-epidemiological station, from firefighters and the local municipality.

In Rospotrebnadzor receive hygiene certificate. In addition to it, you will need to obtain veterinary opinions for each batch of raw materials and finished products, as well as hygiene permits for them.

Finally, the pet food store business plan includes staff payroll costs. It will include a salesperson (or several), a customer service manager, and a marketer involved in product distribution strategies. If sales volumes are large, individual drivers and movers will be required.

Do not forget about buying office furniture, computer equipment and shop windows.

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