
Equipment for the production of SIP panels: an overview of the various types and configuration examples

The emergence of new building materials has made significant adjustments to the methods of civil and private construction. Traditional brick and concrete masonry began to be replaced by more practical assembly structures.

When organizing the technological process for their production, equipment for the production of SIP panels is necessary. But first you need to find out what they are.

What are SIP panels

The main task of load-bearing and interior walls in any building is to provide thermal insulation and noise absorption. Mechanical strength is also considered one of the determining factors of a good home. However, when applying standard construction technologies, the time of building construction is from three months to six months.

sip panel manufacturing equipment

To reduce this period, fundamentally new materials have been developed - multilayer structures. The production of SIP panels consists in assembling 2 different components in one building element, such as:

  • OSB plate. Consists of large softwood chips. Its feature is the different direction of the fibers in the structure of neighboring layers. Due to this, not only mechanical strength is increased, but also moisture resistance. Therefore, these plates are called approximate chip.
  • Expanded polystyrene foam (PSB). It is made by heat treatment of granules. Using extrusion (passing through a mold under pressure), the product acquires the final appearance of plates up to 100 mm thick.

The structure of the SIP panels is consistently glued boards: OSB -PSB - OSB. For production, you can take ready-made components or arrange production of your own. But the latter option is more expensive, as it requires several production lines.

Production technology

For a detailed review of the manufacturing process, you can take the simplest version of the organization, in which ready-made plates are used. For the initial configuration with production equipment, this will be the best option. The technology for the production of SIP panels consists of the following steps:

  1. Preparatory. The surface of wood boards is cleaned from dust and degreased.
  2. Using a special machine, longitudinal layers of glue are applied to the inside.
  3. Then the OSB and PSB boards are connected. For the best quality, production presses are used.

The final stage of manufacturing - the product is left in a horizontal plane to maintain shape.

sip panel production

In addition to specific components, special importance is attached to the adhesive composition. During the operation of the plate, it must not lose its properties. Therefore, only special grades are used which, after application to the surface, do not lose their properties within 3-5 minutes, otherwise there is expansion and loss of performance.


A distinctive feature of production is a large selection of equipment types. Machines can work in automatic, semi-automatic and manual mode. Depending on the required capacity of the workshop (product release per shift), the optimal set is selected. It should consist of the following elements:

  • Table for cutting polystyrene foam. This is a mandatory component, as manual processing will not be able to provide perfectly even edges of the workpiece.
  • Equipment for applying adhesive. In this case, you can do with manual coating technology.However, it should be borne in mind that the processing speed will be an order of magnitude lower than in automatic installations.
  • Pressing equipment. It is a table whose overall dimensions correspond to the dimensions of SIP panels. After connecting the plates to each other, they are installed in a horizontal position on the press for the production of SIP panels. Further, using mechanical or automatic presses, external pressure is exerted on the product.

sip panel production technology

This list includes the basic equipment necessary for organizing the production of SIP panels. When choosing a line of a given power, it is necessary to take into account the specifics of each type of machine.

Line picking

How to choose the right equipment for the production of SIP panels? Determining is the initial budget. Based on this, you can purchase an expensive fully automated line, or buy a minimal set of equipment. Before this, the specifics of each production process should be considered.

PSB cutting should be carried out only with the help of a special cut table. Manual processing will not be able to ensure proper dimensional accuracy of the foam panel. For a minimum configuration, you can purchase inexpensive mechanical equipment with manual control.

With small dimensions of the boards, surface glue processing is carried out using a small installation that works similar to a paint machine. Under air pressure, fluid enters the gun, and the worker applies the required layer. However, the execution speed and accuracy in the thickness of the adhesive are lost. Therefore, it is recommended that you install an automatic gluing table.

Pressing is carried out by the pressure method created by automation, or mechanically. It is important to observe the required force and time of exposure to the surface of the plate. Otherwise, its quality will be low.

Organization Tips

After you have selected equipment for the production of SIP panels, you can begin to install it. For the correct location of the machines in the workshop, a plan for their installation is drawn up. The order of the machines must match the process. This will reduce the time required to transport the product from one machine to another.

sip panel press

Equally important is the arrangement of a place to store plates. They must be in a horizontal position, the warehouse is equipped with a forced ventilation system and heating. The distance from the storage location to the cutting machine (the first in the production cycle) is minimal. Guided by these principles of organizing the production of SIP panels, it is possible to launch a line for their production as soon as possible.

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