
How to choose equipment for the production of drainage systems

Familiar to all the drainpipes on buildings are part of an effective system for removing atmospheric precipitation.

Their installation is mandatory for apartment buildings and desirable in private cottages. Equipment for the production of drainage systems is selected in accordance with the planned volume of products and the type of manufacturing material.

Material selection

At the first stage of establishing a new production line, it is necessary to decide on several important parameters. First of all, this is the choice of material for the manufacture of structures for drainage systems. Since most of the elements are gutters or pipes, the feedstock must have the following qualities:

  • Ability to change configuration without loss of performance.
  • Resistance to atmospheric precipitation, temperature changes.
  • Easy assembly and installation.

equipment for the production of drainage systems

These parameters are met by a number of materials - galvanized iron, sheet metal and polymers. Despite the positive qualities of plastic, the latter has one significant drawback - low mechanical strength. Therefore, it is recommended to select equipment for the production of drainage systems, taking into account the use of galvanized steel sheets.

Preparatory work

First you need to pre-process the workpieces. To do this, a map of the cutting of steel sheets is compiled with a view to minimizing non-business waste. It is best to use specialized programs that take into account not only the optimal arrangement of parts, but also the thickness of the cut.

DIY gutter system

Do it yourself in the same way a gutter system. The thickness of the galvanized sheet can be from 0.5 to 1 mm. The optimum value is 0.8 mm. The contours of future products are applied to its surface, then cutting is performed. In the factory, this requires a guillotine operating in manual or automatic mode. Making drainage systems on your own, you can use an angle grinder (grinder) with a special disk for metal processing.


Modern machines for the production of drainage systems vary in the degree of mechanization: they can work in manual, semi-automatic or automatic mode. The choice directly depends on the planned purchase budget and the volume of future production.

machines for the production of drainage systems

For a small workshop, it is best to purchase the following machines:

  1. Manual guillotine for cutting.
  2. Milling machine. Required to give the sheet a cylindrical shape.
  3. Semi-automatic machine with several functions - production of edges and the formation of stiffeners on the surface of the product.

First, the workpiece is rolled. There (according to the required dimensions) it takes on the desired shape. Then the surfaces of the ends are bent, and a lock grip is formed. After connecting the edges of the product using double-sided shafts, pressing occurs. This completes the manufacturing process.


Often, even despite professional equipment for the production of drainage systems, gross errors are made in the manufacturing process. Some of them can be eliminated at a certain stage of production. But there are a number of inaccuracies that lead to a marriage or a hidden defect:

  • The connection of the individual elements of the system. For this, the bell method is used. That is, one end part of the pipe must have an extension into which the next segment of the system is installed.Using special crimping equipment, the connection is fixed.
  • Production of additional components. These include fasteners - clamps and brackets.
  • Rotary and dividing segments must be present in the product assortment; installation of complex systems is impossible without them.

Given these nuances, you can choose the best equipment for the production of drainage systems, which will become the basis for organizing a profitable business.

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