
Sample staffing: paperwork

The staffing table does not apply to primary documents. This is a local regulatory act with a list of the organization’s employees and the number of employees in the state. The document also reflects the size of the official salary.

A sample staffing is presented in the photo below.sample staffing

Uniform form

The form is filled in by the personnel officer of the organization, economist or accountant. The document is established by the head of the enterprise. A sample staffing table reflects the moments: the validity period of the paper - year, number.

Unified form T-3 - staffing. The form is approved by the Resolution of the State Statistics Committee. The document is compiled by structural units, the order of subordination of employees is observed.

Articles 15 and 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation do not oblige the employer to keep a schedule, but tax and labor services primarily ask for this form. And the absence of a company’s staffing schedule, the inspectors equate with breaking the law, they have the right to fine the organization up to 50 thousand rubles, an official - from 1000 to 5000, article 5, 27 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation.

You can use a sample staffing or create your own form approved by the director.

Filling the “caps”

The company is entitled to draw up a document in a recommendatory or approved form, but more often the T-3 form is used.filling staffing sample

How is the filling of the staffing table? The example contains the main points of the paper:

  • the name of the organization shall be affixed in accordance with the constituent papers;
  • OKPO code is indicated, if there are several of them, then only the main value is affixed;
  • the column “Approved” contains the date, number of the regulation on the approval of the staff document, indicates the total number of employees in the state.

Filling out a form table

The blank table consists of 10 columns; new rows are added as needed. If the value is not entered in the column, the line remains empty.

Filling the staffing table (sample design table) implies:

  1. The column "Structural unit" - paragraphs 1 and 2, "Name" and "Codes". State organizations or enterprises with harmful working conditions are required to enter the name of units, for commercial companies this clause is optional.
  2. Paragraph 3 - employee position. State-owned companies are guided by the accepted classifier of specialties, commercial structures can use their names. The name of the profession must coincide with its name in the work book.
  3. Column 4 shows the number of employees in the state opposite each position.
  4. Line 5 indicates the rate at the rate (salary).
  5. Paragraphs 6, 7, 8 - various allowances: length of service, traveling work, harmful working conditions and other nuances.
  6. Column 9 shall indicate the total amount for each employee with allowances.

The sample staffing table also contains the column "Note", the line is filled in cases:

  • “Northern” allowances and academic service, reference is made to the law of the Russian Federation No. 4520-1 or Federal Law No. 125;
  • for employees on piecework pay.

The line “Total” - the total value of all positions (wages of employees). The schedule is signed by the personnel officer and chief accountant.

Document Change

filling staffing exampleSchedule - a planning document, and it is compiled for a year. But it is impossible for this period to provide for reorganizations in the organization: changes in salaries, increase, acceptance or dismissal of employees. Therefore, the shape of the T-3 is often adjusted.To do this, an order is issued for amendments to the staff list (minor changes) or a new document is approved with significant changes in the enterprise.

In case of reduction of employees, renaming of posts, changes in the rate, the order for adjustments in the schedule shall be approved at least two months in advance - Articles 74, 180 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Staffing for IP

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation mentions the provision on the staffing table for individual entrepreneurs, Article 57. If an individual entrepreneur has concluded an employment contract with an employee where job functions are indicated, then an individual employee must draw up a staff document.

If the employer enters into an employment contract that spells out a specific field of activity and the exact work of the employee, then the schedule is optional.

The sample staffing for an individual entrepreneur contains the same columns as for commercial organizations; the document is completed in the same order. An entrepreneur can use a uniform or his own form to fill out a form.sample staffing for un

IP solely sets all the items in the schedule. An exception is the performance of work with restrictions or benefits provided. In this case, the employer is guided by the generally accepted directories of professions:

  • ETKS - a single guide to qualifications and tariffs.
  • CEN - directory of posts.
  • OKPDTR - the all-Russian classifier of posts and tariffs.

SP independently sets the schedule by issuing an order. The employer has the right to supplement, change the document any number of times at its discretion.

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