
Assignment Order: Subtleties of the Question

The order of assignment of duties to the employee has recently become commonplace in almost any enterprise. Compiling such a document is not difficult. It is only necessary to strictly observe a certain sequence of actions and not violate the Labor Code.assignment order

Reasons for issuing the order

There are situations when one of the employees for one reason or another is absent from the workplace. But the company should not at this time change the usual rhythm of work or stop altogether. The way out of this situation is an order to assign the duties of this employee to someone else. But before that, the employer must decide by whom and in what way these duties will be performed. There are three completely different options:

  1. You can temporarily transfer one of your colleagues to the position of currently absent employee.
  2. Assign his duties to another employee, and he also has to carry out his work.
  3. Invite a person from the side. He will temporarily replace the main employee.

The choice should be made by the management of the enterprise, and only then draw up an order for the assignment of duties. Only two factors can influence the decision-making: labor resources (availability of employees who will be able to perform additional functions) and material capabilities (to make partial or full payment).

sample assignment order

Step-by-step instruction

There are several reasons why the employer decides that a certain range of responsibilities will be performed by another employee in the future:

  1. The main employee is absent at the moment for a good reason (vacation, business trip and others).
  2. It is necessary to fulfill duties, relevant positions (professions), which is not in the staff list.
  3. An employee combines work in various professions.

In each of these cases, the following actions must be performed in turn:

  1. The head of the unit must make memo addressed to the director of the enterprise, which sets out in detail the reasons that prompted him to make an appropriate decision.
  2. Coordinate the issue with the management.
  3. Obtain written consent from the employee.
  4. The personnel service issues an appropriate order to assign duties to a particular employee.

To solve such a problem without creating conflicts, it is necessary to observe a strict sequence of these actions.

cashier's order

Necessary measure

Quite often, enterprises have a different kind of situation. For example, one or another unit is absent from the company’s staff list (or the staff is very small), and the duties that correspond to this specialty must be fulfilled. What to do in this case? How to legitimize the situation? This issue is easily resolved. It is only necessary to have at hand a sample order of assignment of duties. It is compiled, in principle, in an arbitrary manner. The title of the order indicates the position whose duties will need to be performed. Next is the ascertaining part, which explains the main reason. After that, the administrative part outlines the essence of the issue. For example:




March 06, 2015 No. 17-P

Samara city

On the assignment of duties of a mechanic

Due to the lack of the position of chief mechanic in the staff list of the enterprise

I order:

  1. Assign the duties of the chief mechanic to the chief engineer Timofeev A.V.
  2. I control the execution of this order.

Director of LLC Veter I. Karpov

Familiarized with the order:

Chief engineer __________ Timofeev A.V.

Date Signature

If a certain surcharge is established for the performance of duties, this fact is reflected in the order as a separate clause.

interim order

Cashier Responsibilities

If the state does not have a cashier unit, then the order may look like this. But there are often situations when there is a vacant position, but management is in no hurry to take on a separate employee. In this case, a slightly different order is drawn up to assign the duties of the cashier to another specialist (accountant). In fact, this will be a combination of professions (Article 60.2 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), so the sequence of actions should be as follows:

  1. The employer in writing invites a specific specialist to additionally perform the work of a cashier and receives written consent from him.
  2. An appropriate order is issued indicating the amount of payment.
  3. An additional agreement is drawn up to a previously concluded labor contract (contract).
  4. Worker gets acquainted with cashier's job description and concludes an agreement on full liability.

It is worth remembering that the duties of a cashier in no case can be performed by the chief accountant, since the "Regulation on Chief Accountants" does not allow these specialists to combine with the main work the responsibilities associated with personal responsibility for money and material assets available at the enterprise.

Someone else's work on time

If one of the employees is absent from the workplace for some time, then his duties for this period are assigned to another member of the team. This usually occurs due to illness, vacation, or business trip. There are two possible solutions to this issue:

  1. Temporary transfer to a post. The employee is paid a salary for a new profession with all the surcharges retained (with the exception of personal allowances). As a result, the amount should in no case be lower than his average salary at the previous place of work.
  2. Temporary performance of duties along with the performance of their main work. In this case, the amount of payment is determined as a percentage of the salary for a new specialty.

In both the first and second cases, a temporary assignment of duties (or transfer) is compulsory, which details the following information: the period of completing additional duties, the payment that is due for this work, and the reason for the absence of the main employee.

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