
Sample order on bonuses: rules and features of compilation

Let's look at such an interesting topic as bonus workers. The Labor Code states that the employer has the right to use various incentive systems.

What is a prize?

Bonus - the amount of money that is given to an employee for certain merits in addition to the basic salary.

Employees of budgetary organizations are limited in the allocation of funds, according to the rates of a single tariff grid. Private companies have the right to set bonuses and other monetary rewards under a collective agreement.

bonus order

Types of premium

Bonuses are divided into two types: one-time and systematic, provided for by the collective agreement. The first option is episodic in nature, i.e., payments are made for certain specific events. The second implies a certain periodicity in payments. And therefore such type of premium listed in regulation on remuneration.

Drawing up an order

The bonus is paid in the event that an order is issued on bonus payments to the employee. Consider what it is.

Bonus Order is administrative document on the appointment of an employee monetary reward. In the process of his professional activity, a person can be rewarded for some merit.

Below you will find an example of a bonus order.

Order No. 15 of June 15, 2015

Ivanova N.N.

For many years of excellent work and significant contribution to the development of the branch of JSC South-Spectrum


To reward with the official salary of the chief accountant of the branch, N. N. Ivanova

Director I.N. Petrov

This document is a sample of a one-time bonus order.

bonus order

Bonus Regulation

The order must be consistent with the provision on bonuses. This is an internal legal document of an organization. Depending on the type of activity of the enterprise, tariff networks, types and conditions of remuneration and incentives are established. The regulation should include information such as the purpose of the award and the number of people falling under it. The director of the company personally signs it after drafting, then the team members get to know him and sign it.

A sample award order is not necessarily developed by the organization itself, but it can save management from unnecessary difficulties. If a single document is drawn up that governs the system of accrual of bonuses for all employees, there is no need to make a decision on the remuneration of each individual person. Employees will know when they can claim bonus payments.

The situation is always coordinated with personnel, the legal department, and, of course, accounting. Management has the right to regularly submit a list of bonus employees. After that, they draw up an order (the sample bonus order presented above can be taken as a basis), which should record the successes and achievements of each employee. In its design, two forms are used: T-11 and T-11a. The first is drawn up for one person, and the second - for several workers.

sample bonus order

As already mentioned, a sample award order is created at the initiative of the unit head. Information about the receipt of bonuses is entered in the employee’s personal card and work book, unless these payments are regular. After filling out the order, he is shown to a person for review, and he signs it. Subsequently, the paper is stored in the personnel department.The document necessarily contains the purpose or reasons for the reward, because any bonus are stimulating in nature.

In our article, we briefly examined how, how, and when the order on bonus payments is made. We hope that this information will be useful to you.

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