
Education in Belarus: colleges and universities

Today Belarus is a highly developed state that does not lag behind European countries. The literacy rate of people is quite high and now stands at 99%. The percentage of the population with secondary, secondary vocational education is 98%. Now education in Belarus is well funded. In this regard, the country is not inferior to the European powers. In this developed state there are more than 8 thousand secondary, higher and special educational institutions in which about 3 million people study.

education in Belarus

Education system The Republic of Belarus

The Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus allowed people to receive free basic, additional and special education. It complies with all international standards.

Belarus is included in the ranking of highly developed countries of the world, is on a par with many European countries and occupies the 14th position among them. She also ranks first among the CIS countries.

By the level of education, Belarus took 21st place, after European highly developed countries. The rating was compiled by the UN International Development Program.

Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus

Education in Belarus now has a rather high level, this is evidenced by the fact that this state was accepted into the European Higher Education Area in 2015.

Vocational and secondary specialized education

The Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus has taken care of vocational and secondary specialized training, which has been functioning perfectly since the times of the USSR, which cannot be said about the CIS countries. The Belarusian experience is used by many countries, including even Russia. There are about 200 colleges in the republic, which annually graduate 35 thousand people in various specialties. Specialized secondary education in Belarus provides an opportunity to receive 130 institutions, which annually train 40 thousand people. Colleges in Belarus have an excellent technical base, thanks to which qualified specialists leave a couple of years later.

Today, a lot of people leave school after the 9th grade and are going to get special secondary education. The best places to do this are colleges.

colleges of Belarus


In Belarus, citizens of this country, foreigners and stateless people can enter colleges from 17 years old if they have a secondary education.

It is allowed to combine college education with study in another institution.

They are admitted to colleges in Belarus according to the results of entrance exams, which contain tests in several subjects. They must be identified and composed by the teachers of this institution.

Belarusian colleges are enrolled by competition, the best will be determined by entrance exams or interview results.

Entrance examinations will be carried out by decree of the rector, that is, he must decide where it will be held, at what time and when it is necessary to carry documents for admission.

Admission of applicants

In order for an applicant to be admitted to college, he must bring the necessary papers in the specified time. As a rule, this is a document on secondary education, a passport, a medical certificate, a document that confirms that you have completed preparatory courses (optional), 6 photos and a statement addressed to the rector, which will need to be written already in the college itself.

Without entrance exams can go to the budget:

  • Winners of international olympiads.
  • Winners of various regional competitions.
  • Applicants who have a secondary education with a medal.
  • Orphans.
  • People who graduated from the cadet school.

Popular colleges in Belarus

Today, the most popular are Minsk College of Entrepreneurship, Minsk College of Architecture and Civil Engineering and Minsk College of Business and Law. They are the leaders in the ranking of 300 institutions across Belarus. Of course, it will be quite difficult to enter there, but if you are aimed at this, study, try, and you will succeed.

Higher education

Higher education in Belarus makes it possible to obtain 52 institutions, of which 9 are privately owned. Every year they train about 70 thousand highly qualified specialists.

Belarusian State University

Specialists are trained in 16 profiles, which include 350 specialties of both the first and second degrees. Higher education in the republic can be obtained on full-time and part-time studies.

Higher educational institutions provide an opportunity to choose the language in which the educational process will take place. It can be Belarusian, Russian or English for foreigners. There are 120 organizations in the country that have graduate school, and 60 institutions in which there is a doctoral program, where scientists are trained.

Higher educational institutions in Belarus cooperate with enterprises of the country and with international companies. Such, for example, is Belarusian State University. After graduation, students should be offered a job, this is a huge plus, given the high unemployment rate. It is worth noting pedagogical universities in Belarus, thanks to which about 10 thousand talented teachers appear annually, and the state helps them in finding jobs.

Higher education for foreign citizens

For foreigners who are going to enter higher education institutions, but do not have citizenship, in Belarus there are separate rules. Foreigners can get an education:

Gomel State University

  • At the expense of the state or for a fee - this is consistent with all international treaties.
  • On a paid basis - foreign citizens can enter the university after the final certification, when they master the educational program.
  • Another option for admission on a paid basis is that an interview will be held where the foreigner must show the level of knowledge of the Belarusian or Russian language.

The cost of higher education

During the introductory company, each applicant wants to enter the budget. But there are much fewer places than those who want to take them. Those people who could not get on the budget can use a paid form of training. As a rule, in different universities - different costs of education.

pedagogical universities

Today, the Belarusian State University is considered the most expensive higher educational institution in Belarus. Students studying in it need to pay an average of 63,000 rubles a year. And the highest prices at the faculty of international relations. Oddly enough, in Belarus it is now considered the most popular specialty.

The second place is occupied by the Belarusian State Economic University. The cost of training in this institution will cost an average of 47,000 rubles per year.

Gomel State University closes the top three. For the year of study at this prestigious university, you need to pay about 46,000 rubles.

The cheapest education can be found, as a rule, in non-prestigious universities, one of which is the Private Institute of Management and Entrepreneurship, where the price for all specialties is almost the same and amounts to 16,000 rubles per year of study. Next to it is the Institute of Entrepreneurship, in which about 16,500 rubles will have to be paid for a year of study. In this higher educational institution, the cost of studying in all specialties is the same.

If we consider all Belarusian universities, the average tuition fee is 28,000-37,000 rubles. For example, pedagogical universities in Belarus accept students for a fee if they are willing to pay 35,000 rubles.For the entire time of study, a student who studies for a fee needs to pay more than 140,000 rubles.

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