
Description of the profession of a banker: advantages, training, job responsibilities

The description of the banker's profession cannot be started without remembering its history, because even in antiquity it was popular. And now it implies a demand for large financial institutions, great prospects, literacy and, importantly, financial security.

Bankers appeared, one might say, from about the moment when mankind refused to exchange goods in kind and introduced a liquid unit - money. But the history of the emergence and development of money is a separate issue. And in this article we will talk about people whose hands regulate the main cash flows of states, and what is the profession of a banker (a description of its nuances and features). We will also touch a little on those who were directly related to the development of monetary relationships, and thereby laid the foundation for a new profession - a banker.

The first bankers - money changers

profession banker history of occurrence

The appearance of money changers was due to a number of factors related to the peculiarities of the use and storage of funds. So, in ancient times, money and gold were transported in chests and on live transport, in the form of horses or camels. And this, most often, threatened to meet with robber gangs that lived in forests and mountains. They posed a real security risk when transporting valuables.

Wealthy merchants began to look for ways out of this situation. BUT market laws and then there were: where there is demand, there is supply. There were people who took merchants' money on receipt. And their other colleagues, already in the country of arrival of the client, issued the entrusted amount for a fee. These were the so-called money changers.

They sat in their shops and owned information about the money of other countries. They also helped change the money of one country to the money of another - in a word, they performed the functions of current exchange points and banks. Over time, money changers accumulated substantial capital, which allowed them to grow into large financial enterprises. They financed various projects. Their clients could be ordinary people with modest savings, or rich people with decent capital.

The ingenious has changed or the prophet of the banking sector?

Today it sounds pretty prestigious: "Profession is a banker." The history of its occurrence, as you have already seen, is very fascinating.

And one of such "money-changing" offices today has power over the whole world - this is Mayer Rothschild's office, founded about 300 years ago. This man founded the largest financial dynasty, which today produces dollars. In the literal sense of the word.

However, the history of the Rothschilds is not an event, but a phenomenon that plays a key role in the history of mankind. This is the most striking and stunning example of the capabilities of a banker. pros and cons of the banker profession

In addition, the world knows many more stories of financial geniuses that could have modestly introduced themselves: "Profession is a banker." The description of each such story inspires future cash flow executives.

Portrait of a modern banker

Over time, the named system improved, but the essence of the activity remained the same. True, the profession of "banker", the description that you read in our article, has somewhat changed. This is due to the fact that current financial institutions provide a wide range of financial services. Now, bankers are required a considerable amount of knowledge and skills. In their work, they have to solve a number of issues, sometimes even going beyond financial transactions.

These responsibilities include tasks of the legal, marketing and IT departments of banks. So, a specialist in the legal department should be both a banker and a lawyer. Since in order to resolve contentious issues, it is not enough to know only the “Law on banking activities. " In addition, the specialist should be well aware of all the subtleties of banking.

profession banker description

So it is in the bank’s IT department. Even the most highly skilled programmer without knowledge of the basics of financial transactions will not be able to write a program for the bank. So, as you see, all the banker's professions require a lot of additional skills and knowledge.

Where bankers are in demand

Many young people dream of hearing in their address: "He has a profession - a banker." Who is a banker? Depending on which department of the financial institution this person will work in, his responsibilities will differ. And the bank is not the only place where bankers are in demand.

University graduates who have received the specialization of Banking can work in insurance and investment enterprises, in the financial departments of other organizations and credit institutions. banker profession

But still, the most promising and prestigious is working in a bank. Here, the banker must fulfill a number of duties. They can be conditionally divided into those that are associated with money, and those that play a supporting role. So, the lending department is engaged in:

  • consideration of applications for loans;
  • exploring the capabilities of the client;
  • risk assessment of the bank;
  • directly monitors the debts of individual customers.

In the case when a loan is requested for business purposes:

  • the banker studies the state of the funded industry as a whole;
  • assesses the prospects of a particular business plan.

In mortgage lending, he analyzes the risks associated with financing a specific property and evaluates its liquidity. But if others talk about market trends based on causal relationships, then the banker has his own mathematical and statistical methods that give the most accurate financial forecasts.

We supplement the list of tasks of the banker:

  1. The investment department sets the task of evaluating and analyzing long-term investments and, in addition, participates in the purchase of large enterprises and further monitoring their development.
  2. The bank earns part of the funds through the sale of shares and securities. The activities of the banker from this department is to issue bills and other securities and their implementation.
  3. The department that brings together the specialists who serve us daily is called the operating department. Its employees work directly with the population and perform various cash transactions.
  4. One of the relatively new, but demanded services - servicing bank cards - is carried out by specialists of the plastic card department. Their task is to issue and service cards sold by the bank in order to obtain additional profit.
  5. The face of each bank is the reporting department. The employees of this department generate not only accounting data for reporting to tax authorities. Their main task is to generate reports on all aspects of the bank. This information plays an important role for clients and investors. In addition, on the basis of the data received, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation makes a decision to extend or revoke a bank license.
  6. The Department of Economic Analysis studies the trends in the economy and determines the vector of development of banking policy. Their mistake can lead to multimillion-dollar capital losses of the bank.
  7. The IT department of the bank today bears a special responsibility. The employees are faced with the task of securing customer data and operations performed by the bank. If the database is poorly protected, then any virtual fraudster can withdraw funds from the bank.
  8. The marketing department is studying the needs of potential customers.In addition, it should provide the largest possible flow of customers in a highly competitive environment. This department works closely with the media and advertising agencies.
  9. The legal department is called upon to resolve all controversial issues in the activities of the bank. The employees of this department are involved in the drafting of contracts, monitor the implementation of the obligations of the parties and participate in the courts. Their task is to organize the activities of the bank within the framework of established laws and norms.

Profession banker - description for the children

Due to the popularity and prestige of the profession, children from an early age may be interested in it. But try to explain to them what the profession of a banker is! Description for children is quite difficult to give. Not every adult is able to immediately understand and explain the classic formulations of banking.

If the child insists on explaining the essence of the banker's profession, then we can briefly say that the banker is a person who knows how to accumulate money and how to spend it wisely. In addition, he gives other people large amounts of debt, and they should return a little more in return. From this difference, bankers make money. And the place where they conduct business and record who they gave a loan to is called a bank.

At the same time, we recommend that you refrain from talking about interest rates and collection services. This can damage your child's psyche. profession banker salary

Banker Opportunities

If you ask a young man how he represents a modern banker, he will certainly answer that he is a man in an expensive car, who has a personal office in a respectable building and is dressed in an expensive suit. However, these are just external attributes of success, an indicator of a certain status.

Choosing the profession of a banker, any young person has the right to count on the future when he will be included in the top management of the enterprise. As a result, this will lead to gradual financial prosperity and greater privileges. Moreover, financial well-being can consist not only of wages.

The banker is obliged to know the basics of macro- and microeconomics, accurately make financial forecasts, be able to analyze the profitability of each event and know the methods of capital increase. Many, of course, are interested in how the banker profession is paid. Salaries in Russia for these specialists start at 100,000 rubles per month.

Unique benefits of the profession

A person who is well versed in the financial sphere can apply his knowledge for personal purposes. For example, to receive additional profit in the form of investment, purchase of securities and gold bars profitable in the future. It is also important to note that the profession of a banker, credit and client specialists, dealers, etc. are most in demand in the economy.

Modern banking systems able to benefit even from crisis periods. And in this regard, this area is unique. Considering that in a crisis and in a stable time, people are only busy solving monetary issues, Bank operations never lose their relevance. Depending on the trends in the economy, a bank can simply shift its focus from one operation to another. Some economic conditions are favorable for attracting funds in deposits and deposits, while others are favorable for issuing loans at solid rates. In any case, the bank makes its profit.

Inevitable flaws

profession banker who is a banker

Considering all the "pros" and "cons" of the profession of a banker, it is impossible not to mention its shortcomings. After all, even vocation sometimes requires effort on oneself. And the routine profession of a banker is no exception to the rule.

All his activities are carried out using a computer, papers and a sedentary lifestyle. We have to work mainly with numbers. This requires maximum care. And since these figures are not just numbers, but money, the responsibility for their correctness is very large.

Novice banker in business: what to expect

Large organizations place very stringent requirements on corporate discipline. Due to the prestige of each vacancy, in case of any deviations, they do not stand on ceremony with employees - they are fired.

In addition, all modern banks are equipped with video surveillance cameras. This is, first of all, a security measure against intruders, but through the same camera you can clearly see what each employee does at his desk. With such a total observation, there is no place for frequent tea parties and smoke breaks. The employee must always be in place.

profession banker, history description

How to become a successful banker?

Under such conditions, for professional growth it is not enough just to cope with your duties. If you want to make a career, you have to show yourself from the best side.

The banking sector will never lose its relevance. And this does not end her portrait. The profession of “banker” (description, history and prospects) is very multifaceted, so those who have the desire to grow and develop in a comfortable life can safely go in this direction. And there are enough prospects and unlimited opportunities in this area for everyone.

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