
Responsibilities of the cashier-operator

What are the main functions and duties of the cashier? This is a specialist whose main task is to conduct cash transactions with plastic bank cards. He accepts and issues cash, securities, electronic money. Without cashiers, it is simply impossible to imagine the work of trading companies, banking structures, transport companies and other institutions.

A bit of history

The beginning of the cashier's profession was laid by treasurers and clerks who described and distributed property seized by the troops. Cashiers as we present them appeared in the 19th century when the Ritti brothers, the Americans, invented a prototype of a modern cash register.Cash Register PrototypeSince then, of course, much has changed, and now the work of a cashier rarely consists only in receiving and issuing money. Most often in modern companies, the position of a cashier is combined with the position of an accountant, operating officer, controller, bank employee. The requirements for such financial specialists are different. The general requirement is increased attention, because their work is connected with money.

Responsibilities of the cashier-operator

For example, there is such a position as a cashier-operator. This is such an employee, who, in fact, is the face of the bank, because it is his first to see customers.

The cashier-operator carries out operations with customer deposits. The list of what a cashier in a bank should do is quite extensive:

  • carrying out operations for receiving and issuing cash to a client;
  • conducting operations and issuing bank plastic cards (both debit and credit);
  • verification of banknotes;
  • control cash flow;
  • preparation and maintenance of cash statements;
  • transfer of money for collection.The duties of the cashier of the operator

In addition, some banks may introduce additional requirements. The duties of a cashier in a bank may include knowledge of foreign languages, the availability of specialized education, knowledge of orders of the Bank of Russia. Much depends on the specifics of the bank. A cashier can keep, open and close deposits of both individuals and legal entities, draw up money transfers, verify the authenticity of the signature and the correctness of paperwork, keep daily documentation. If the cashier conducts operations with foreign currency, the employer will require the employee to have a certificate of foreign currency cashier.

Cashier in the bank. Pros and cons of work

Of course, being a bank teller is quite prestigious. For some, the fact of working in a bank gives a feeling of confidence. For others, such work is only the first step to begin a fast-paced, ambitious career. After all, history knows a huge number of examples when the most famous bankers and financiers began to take off the career ladder precisely from the position of cashier. But despite the fact that it is an honor to be a cashier at a bank, such work has a number of drawbacks. Cashiers have a great responsibility for the safety of funds, including material. At the workplace there are constant rush jobs, a tight schedule, a large amount of work, high workload, and a negative psychological background. There is a risk of robbery raid, which should not be forgotten.job duties of a cashier in a bank

The main duties of the cashier in the store

In other organizations job descriptions of the cashier look a little different. For example, a cashier in a store combines the functions of a cashier and a seller. He also needs maximum attention. But, in addition to this, the employer will require knowledge of a computer, office programs, 1C, cash discipline, the procedure for processing cash documents. Although work experience is often not required, cash register skills will only be a plus. In general, the main duties of a cashier in a store are as follows:

  • receiving money from customers (cash and non-cash) for goods;
  • ensuring accounting and safety of money at the checkout;
  • verification of banknotes, including using special equipment;
  • management cash book;
  • collection of money for collection to a senior cashier or collector;
  • drawing up cash statements.The duties of the cashier in the store

To get a job in a trading company as a cashier, it is enough to take specialized courses to get the necessary skills. It is not necessary to complete a specialized university. But if the employee has the specialties “Economics and Accounting”, “Finance and Credit”, “Banking”, “Commodity Research and Expertise of the Quality of Consumer Goods” in his arsenal, he can apply for the position of cashier.

Senior cashier. His job responsibilities

There are a lot of cashiers in large grocery food stores or household appliance stores. In shopping centers there is such a position as a senior cashier. His job responsibilities are to organize the work of the remaining cashiers. He carries out the following works:

  • if necessary, changes the schedule of cashiers;
  • notifies them in a timely manner of new regulatory acts;
  • informs the head of the information about the appearance of the employee in a state of intoxication;
  • monitors the proper operation of all cash registers;
  • in case of malfunctioning of cash registers makes a request for their repair;
  • gives out the necessary amount of consumables (cash register tape);
  • conducts internships for new cash desk employees;
  • provides cashiers with the necessary bargaining chip;
  • at the end of the shift removes the Z-report from cash desks;
  • provides a report to the chief accountant.cashier's duties

Cashier of Pure Water

In the understanding of the majority, the “classic” position of a cashier is a cashier-controller. He is engaged in cash settlements with customers, sells and issues subscriptions and tickets. The work of such a specialist is not always carried out in a certain place, controllers with a portable cash register can accept payment for services from the population, for example, for electricity and other utility bills.

duties of the cashier controller

The duties of the cashier-supervisor are to determine or calculate the appropriate fee, accept cash, issue a check. Cashiers are financially responsible people, so for each mistake they will be fined from their salary.

Is the cashier a female profession?

The cashier profession is considered quite common, and it is believed that it is most suitable for women. Maybe due to the fact that the profession is pretty monotonous and monotonous? Cashiers are often the face of the company, because it is they who meet and escort guests, and women are better at being friendly. Be that as it may, both men and women with their pleasant appearance and goodwill are able to create a favorable impression of the company. Therefore, employers when choosing for this position will give preference to a sociable person.

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