
Organization of interagency cooperation. The effectiveness of interagency collaboration. Problems of interagency interaction. Improving interagency collaboration

Interdepartmental information interaction is carried out in the framework of the provision of municipal and state services to the population. It involves the exchange of data and documentation, including in electronic form. interagency collaboration


The exchange of information and documentation is carried out between municipal and state bodies that provide relevant services to citizens and legal entities. Authorized units subordinate to federal or territorial structures, multifunctional centers, and specialized departments of extra-budgetary funds also participate in the system of interagency cooperation.


The organization of interagency cooperation acts as one of the areas of reform of the administrative system. It focuses on increasing the availability of municipal / state services. This task is achieved by reducing the amount of documentation provided by the applicant. Authorized structures should receive the missing materials and information independently. organization of interagency cooperation

Normative base

For the first time, requirements for the creation of a system of interagency cooperation were formulated in the Federal Law No. 210. Subsequently, they were included in the Concept of removing administrative barriers that have existed for a long time in the country, and increasing the level of accessibility of municipal / state services for 2011-2013. The program fixed the foundations of interagency cooperation, general rules and the timing of its implementation. The concept was approved by government decree No. 1021-r of June 10, 2011. The Ministry of Economic Development and Trade has developed guidelines for the transition of local and federal authorities to the provision of services through an interdepartmental interaction system.


Currently, the exchange of data and documentation in electronic form is a priority area of ​​interagency cooperation. For this, the CMEA was formed. The electronic interaction system consists of regional segments. Thanks to the MEIS, the authorized bodies are able to quickly exchange the necessary materials, which significantly reduces the time for considering applications. interdepartmental information interaction


The preparation of proposals regarding organization issues, the interaction between the authorized bodies, is entrusted to the Interagency Group. To implement the provisions of Federal Law No. 210 and the above Concept, a list of public services was formed, the provision of which is carried out as part of the exchange of data and documentation between competent structures. Similar work is done by local government institutions.

Functions SMEV

In the framework of interagency cooperation:

  1. Are underway security policies applied to registered electronic services.
  2. Messages are routed to systems during asynchronous and synchronous exchanges.
  3. Incoming and outgoing calls are logged.
  4. Message delivery guaranteed. It is carried out by the mechanism of the repeated call of the electronic service in case of failure.
  5. Alerts operators about violations in the system.
  6. Information is transmitted to interested users about events in the subscription interaction service.
  7. Dynamically generated statistics on the use of services are generated.
  8. Signing of messages is carried out digitally.
  9. Format-logical control of each incoming message is performed.
  10. Exchange processes are monitored using SMEV. interagency issues

Interagency Issues: Registration

One of the tasks of the system is to ensure the reliability of the transmitted data. Currently, the outgoing document is registered by the sending authority, and then again by the receiving entity. This raises the question of guaranteeing the integrity of the information bases of departmental systems. For example, an attacker, having learned the passwords of administrators, can change or delete a particular record.

Unique identificator

It is assigned to each document, regardless of whether it is outgoing or incoming. The unique identifier acts as a sequence number. It unambiguously defines both the document itself and the registration card. Meanwhile, the number is unique to a specific departmental system. This means that messages with the same identifier can get into the central database.  basics of interagency collaboration

Improving interagency collaboration

According to experts, it is possible to resolve the issue of guaranteeing the integrity of databases by introducing a third party. It will be the administrative center of the system. In its database there would be no attached files, that is, directly the documents themselves. In this case, it would contain key information about them. Such a system, on the one hand, must have fairly high requirements for performance and uninterrupted operation. Along with this, it should ensure the integrity, authenticity, reliability of the materials sent.

This task is achieved due to the fact that, in addition to the mandatory details that are provided for in the Regulations for the Rules for Record Keeping, the card also contains a checksum calculated according to the transmitted document. As a result, triple registration of documentation is formed. As for the unique identifier, it is assumed that a single centralized system will be created covering all regional segments. In this case, each document will be assigned its own number, regardless of the location of the registering authority. the effectiveness of interagency collaboration

Limited access

According to the Plan, the requirements for SMEV should include the possibility of working with official documentation. This means that departmental systems must comply with the standards established for software and hardware systems processing materials, access to which is limited. The implementation of this task is difficult for most executive structures of power. Experts believe that this problem has 3 solutions:

  1. It is necessary to allocate additional funding for the modernization and certification of complexes. At the same time, almost all workplaces of state and municipal employees should be equipped with software and hardware.
  2. Reduce the level of requirements. This, according to experts, is permissible, since the work is carried out with documentation that does not contain state secrets.
  3. Focus on processing messages that do not contain "for official use" information. At the same time, the implementation of a system of working with these documents should be postponed until all relevant issues regarding the transition to an electronic exchange of open access information are resolved. improving interagency collaboration

Digital signature

Another factor affecting the effectiveness of interagency cooperation is the Federal Law governing the visibility of documentation in electronic form. The government establishes additional requirements aimed at ensuring the compatibility of digital signatures in the registration and processing of incoming messages. This moment is extremely important for the organization of interaction. It should be noted that at the beginning of the 21st century, several certification centers emerged under federal structures that used formats and standards that were incompatible with each other. As a result, each system needed its own private key: one to submit reports to the Federal Tax Service, the other to work with the treasury, and the third to send departmental documents. In addition, incompatible funds were used by banking and other commercial entities.


Despite a number of existing problems, the system of interagency cooperation has a number of positive aspects. First of all, citizens do not need to independently collect information in different municipal and state structures. To contact him, he should provide only personal documents (certificate of birth, passport, etc.). The agency will collect all the other documentation that is required to provide the subject with the service on its own. Moreover, the legislation establishes that the authorized body is not entitled to request information from a citizen that is at the disposal of another government agency.

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