
Civil service in the Russian Federation

Public service is professional activity, aimed at ensuring the implementation of powers in state bodies. It is carried out only in competent structures. There is no public service in state institutions and enterprises.

civil service

Main directions

The public service is classified into the following types: military, law enforcement, civil. The latter, in turn, is carried out in two directions. Civil service is provided at the federal and regional levels. It is carried out to ensure the implementation of the powers of bodies performing managerial functions in the social and economic spheres.

Civil service in the Russian Federation

The activities of authorized bodies are associated with the adoption of decisions of a security nature, as well as the implementation of actions aimed at their implementation. The legal status of employees of these structures does not provide a clear indication of the tasks for the implementation of the functions of law enforcement, military command and control. It follows that the passage of the state civil service excludes the activities of employees in positions in the Armed Forces and other troops, formations and structures that ensure the country's defense and security. In addition, the performance of duties established for law enforcement, in institutions and units.

civil service in the Russian Federation

The order of civil service

This is a system of legal rules, as a result of which the professional activity in question arises, changes and ceases. Passing state / municipal service requires a number of mandatory elements. They are fixed by industry regulations. These elements include:

  1. Admission to public service.
  2. Passing certification.
  3. Moving from one post to another.
  4. The provision of vacations.
  5. Termination of professional activity.


The procedure for passing the state civil service, as well as work in law enforcement structures, provides for the contractual basis of professional activity. Enlistment in the ranks of the Armed Forces is carried out upon appeal and voluntarily. General rules for the adoption of citizens are regulated by the relevant law for civil service. So, in the regulatory act it is determined that under the contract citizens who speak the official language of the country (Russian) and have reached the specified age may be enrolled in the state.

civil service

Substitution of posts

In the Federal Laws on the types of civil service and in other regulatory documents, taking into account the created opportunities for selecting candidates and other conditions, there are two ways of enrolling in the state: on a competitive basis and without a competition. In the latter case, an appropriate decision on the appointment is made. It is approved by an authorized employee or state body according to the nomenclature of posts. The competition involves assessing the professional skills of citizens who have submitted an application. Appointment to the appropriate position is carried out by adoption of a regulatory act (order). From the moment of its publication, the citizen is assigned duties, a trial period is established. Its duration is from 3 to 12 months. For some categories of employees, admission to the position is accompanied by an oath.


Civil service in the Russian Federation is recorded in the personal file of a citizen.It is conducted from the moment of enrollment in the state until the date of dismissal. Employees of relevant bodies and units are assigned diplomatic ranks, class ranks, military and special ranks. Certification of employees of law enforcement, military and other government agencies is carried out to determine the conformity of the professional qualities of the post. This check is carried out every three years. If necessary, unscheduled certifications can be carried out. civil service in the Russian Federation


The passage of public service is accompanied by periodic rearrangements of personnel. Moving can be carried out on a post:

  1. Parent - as part of a career advancement with the consent of the employee.
  2. Equivalent - if it is necessary to replace another position or in order to most effectively use the employee's skills, taking into account his personal and business qualities, as well as the level of professional training. Such displacement may also be related to family circumstances, the state of health or the age of the employee. In any case, such a permutation is carried out with the consent of the employee.
  3. Subordinate - in the conditions of liquidation of the state structure or reduction of posts when it is impossible to transfer to an equivalent post. Such a rearrangement can also be caused by the state of health of the employee, his personal request, as well as official non-compliance or the commission of a disciplinary offense.

civil service law

Termination of activity

The grounds for termination of the contract, dismissal to the reserve, resignation of an employee are determined by industry regulations. The Federal Law details the reasons and consequences of termination of an employment contract, dismissal from a position, including at one’s own will. The general grounds for terminating the contract are:

  1. Agreement of the parties.
  2. The initiative of the employee or representative of the employer.
  3. Termination of the contract.

Reasons for termination of the contract at the initiative of the employer

Termination of the contract is allowed if:

  1. The passage of public service was accompanied by repeated violations, failure to fulfill their duties. In this case, the termination of the contract is possible in the presence of disciplinary action.
  2. During the certification, a discrepancy between the level of professional training of the position was revealed.
  3. Once a gross violation of duties was committed, there was a truancy, an employee appeared in a drunken service.
  4. The disclosure of information relating to secrets protected by law has been revealed.
  5. The employee committed theft.
  6. The employee renounced citizenship.

passage of state municipal service

A responsibility

Passing public service involves strict compliance with the provisions of the Federal Law and other industry regulations. The latter, among other things, include job descriptions and other local documents of the state structure. In case of violation of the prescribed requirements, it is provided disciplinary liability. It is considered as one of the forms of coercion and is used by authorized persons and bodies against citizens who committed an offense. Responsibility implies adverse consequences for the perpetrator.

It is aimed at ensuring discipline mainly within the limits of official subordination. As a rule, sanctions are applied not by subdepartmental structures (inspections, courts, etc.), but directly by the body in which the violator works, or by a higher organization. It must be said that in the legal literature it is noted that disciplinary liability of a special nature differs from the general one in terms of the circle of subjects covered by the relevant provisions, penalties, categories of persons and structures empowered to apply them, as well as the rules for appealing imputed sanctions.

The specifics of disciplinary measures

Their application is regulated by internal charters of bodies or special Provisions. The distinguishing features of disciplinary liability applicable to civil servants are:

  1. The presence of three grounds: procedural, factual and regulatory. The first is related to the adoption of the relevant legal act, according to which a specific measure is applied to a specific violator.
  2. Responsibility comes for disciplinary misconduct. However, in some cases, sanctions can be applied for another violation.
  3. Disciplinary sanctions are imposed by the subjects of linear power within the limits of official subordination.

The essence of the disciplinary offense is the failure to fulfill or improper performance by the employee of the duties that were assigned to him.

state civil service


Civil service is carried out in strict accordance with established regulatory requirements. Citizens holding positions in government agencies are responsible for their actions. Their work is of particular importance to society and the state as a whole. In this regard, employees should have a certain level of professional training, skills and experience.

In order to improve the public service system, the legislation provides for regular checks of the compliance of employees with their positions. Certification allows you to evaluate the competence of employees, their attitude to professional activities. As in any other field, civil servants can move from one position to another. One of the grounds for such permutations is the certification results. An employee can be transferred to either a lower or a higher position in accordance with the indicators obtained during the verification of compliance.

Civil servants enjoy several advantages. For example, the military retires not by age, but by length of service. In this case, payments are calculated using industry ratios. The state provides employees with other social guarantees.

Currently, there is ongoing work in terms of improving the system. Of particular importance is the implementation of information technology. The system has been widely developed interagency collaboration. This significantly reduces the processing time of applications, decision making.

Particularly relevant is interagency cooperation for law enforcement agencies and military structures. Civil servants due to their activities are associated with information constituting a secret protected by law. Under no circumstances should they disclose it.

An important component of employee activities is discipline. For violations, disciplinary liability is provided up to dismissal.

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