
Organization of synthetic and analytical accounting of the receipt, depreciation, availability and movement of fixed assets. Synthetic accounting of fixed assets of the organization

Fixed assets of the organization (OS) are part of the production and technical base of the enterprise. Their organized and economical use is the first priority of the company. Organizations can own and dispose of equipment, transfer or resell it to other enterprises, exchange and write off. Read more about how synthetic and analytical accounting of fixed assets is carried out, read on.


Property used in the manufacture of products or services for more than a year or one cycle is called fixed assets. The value of assets should be more than fifty thousand rubles. According to the All-Russian OS classifier, these assets include: structures, buildings, equipment, regulatory devices, tools, computing equipment, vehicles, inventory, perennial plantings, etc.

synthetic accounting of fixed assets in budgetary institutions

OS according to the degree of operation are divided into objects located:

  • in use;
  • in reserve;
  • on maintenance;
  • at the stage of completion, modernization and liquidation;
  • on conservation.

Depending on the ownership rights of the OS are divided into:

  • owned by organizations;
  • under management;
  • received for rent, gratuitous use or management.

Depending on the purpose for which the operating system is used, assets are divided into production facilities and non-production-related facilities.


Synthetic accounting of fixed assets in the control unit is based on the initial book value, which is calculated based on:

  • actual costs for the construction (acquisition) of objects;
  • contributions by the founders of the assets to the capital of the agreed value;
  • assets received from other enterprises free of charge, which come at market value;
  • objects acquired under agreements (the price is indicated in the document).

The parameters accepted for accounting are subject to change only in case of completion, reconstruction, liquidation of objects. Modernization costs may increase book value equipment, if as a result of work their initial indicators improved. Documentary evidence of the reconstruction is the act of acceptance of objects. Based on it, entries are made in the inventory card.

Since the synthetic accounting of the receipt of fixed assets is carried out at the book value, which includes actual costs, it is worthwhile to figure out exactly what amounts associated with the purchase of fixed assets are subject to accounting:

  • paid to the supplier;
  • paid for construction work, information and consulting services;
  • state duties paid in connection with obtaining property rights to the object;
  • non-refundable taxes;
  • remuneration paid to the intermediary;
  • other costs.

Synthetic accounting for the presence and movement of fixed assets in accounting is carried out in the national currency of Russia. Therefore, in the case of the acquisition of assets for dollars or euros, conversion is done to the national currency at the exchange rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, which is valid on the date of posting of the object.

synthetic accounting for the movement of fixed assets

Over time, the cost of equipment changes as a result of repair or purchase of new facilities. For this reason, reevaluation should be carried out periodically.Therefore, the synthetic accounting of fixed assets at the enterprise is also carried out at replacement cost. It includes reproduction costs and current prices for the repair of facilities. The residual value of assets is calculated by subtracting accrued depreciation from the initial investment amount.

Synthetic accounting of fixed assets

Assets are accepted on balance in case of purchase, reproduction, transfer from founders, other persons. Synthetic and analytical accounting of the receipt of fixed assets is made out in groups. Each object is assigned an inverter number. It can be indicated by attaching a metal token or applying paint to an object.

OS receipt method Cost determination
Acquisition from other enterprises Based on the actual costs of the purchase and bringing the object to a state in which it can be used in production
Gratuitous receipt At current cost of OS
Manufacture directly by the organization At the cost of reproduction of the object
Contribution to the UK At agreed cost
Acquisition of fixed assets under contracts providing for non-monetary fulfillment of obligations Based on the price of similar objects
Reflection in BU At residual value

If one asset has several parts with different terms of use, then each of them is considered as an independent object. For these purposes, special OS acceptance and transfer acts are used separately for buildings, structures and other objects. Additionally, an inventory card is maintained for each machine or vehicle. The technical documentation for the facility is attached to it. The number is retained for a specific asset for the entire period of its use and for an additional five years after being written off.

Synthetic and analytical accounting of fixed assets in organizations with a small number of objects is carried out in the inventory book. Records are entered on the basis of acts of acceptance and accompanying invoices. All these documents are in accounting in a special file cabinet.

Consider the main postings in the balance sheet.

Contents of operation Accounts
Purchase of industrial facilities
Received OS at cost

Transferred to legal entities for OS

In the amount of accrued VAT on purchased objects

Capitalized objects









Received equipment as a contribution to the UK
The size of contributions to the UK after state registration is calculated

OS contributed to deposits in the authorized capital

Transferred objects to use







Other cases of receipt of equipment
Gratuitously received from legal entities and individuals under a gift contract, including as a subsidy 08 98
Enter gratuitously received OS

Accrued depreciation on the OS

Non-productive OS received free of charge







Capitalized OS, which was identified during the inventory 01 91






Reflected increase in the value of objects:



Capitalized objects by a unitary organization

Receipt of equipment for joint activities

Transfer of objects to trust

The basis for the reflection of equipment as a contribution to the authorized capital in the balance sheet is a memorandum of association. Synthetic accounting of fixed assets is carried out by objects.

synthetic accounting of fixed assets of the organization


In use, the equipment wears out. To maintain its condition, repairs are being made. According to the volume of work and the frequency of implementation, current, medium and major repairs are distinguished. The first two are a partial replacement of parts, the correction of individual elements of the object. Overhaul is a change of worn out elements to more durable ones. The costs associated with carrying out these works are taken into account in production costs:

  • DT 20 KT60 - the cost of repair.
  • DT19 KT60 - VAT.


The organization of analytical and synthetic accounting of fixed assets is carried out depending on the terms of the contract. The object may be on the balance sheet of the lessor or lessee.In the first case, the lessee, according to the OS transfer act, takes it into account 001. After the termination of the contract, the property is subject to return to the lessee. The records are kept in the control unit: KT001.

If the right of ownership is transferred to the lessee without surcharge, then a record DT01 KT02 is made in the BU (for the value of the payments paid). If payment takes place, then the following entries are made:

  • DT08 KT60 - the amount payable.
  • DT01 KT08 - the book value of the object has been increased.

If, under the terms of the contract, the object is on the tenant's balance sheet, the following entries are formed in the accounting unit:

  • DT08 KT60 - for the total value of the property.
  • DT19 KT60 — VAT.
  • DT01 KT08 - posting of the object.

After the expiration of the contract, the right to the leased asset is transferred to the recipient: DT01 KT01.

synthetic accounting for depreciation of fixed assets

Synthetic and analytical accounting of depreciation of fixed assets

From the balance sheet of the organization, the cost of equipment is deducted by depreciation. Exceptions are objects received free of charge, donated, objects of external improvement, forestry, plantations, livestock, land.

Depreciation is charged throughout useful life that is, at a time when equipment should be profitable. The deadline is determined upon acceptance of the facility according to centralized data, technical specifications, expected performance, and other restrictions.

Depreciation may not be accrued for facilities that have been under reconstruction for more than 12 months or have been mothballed for more than 3 months. Depreciation can be charged linearly in proportion to the volume of output, by decreasing the balance, according to the number of years of use. Let's consider each of them with an example.

Linear way

Write-off of the cost is carried out in equal amounts over the entire period of use of the object.

Depreciation rate (At) is a constant that is expressed as a percentage. Accumulated wear increases evenly. The residual value is reduced to zero.

A = PS x On: 100.

The initial cost (PS) of the equipment is 10 thousand rubles, the service life is 5 years, the accrued depreciation amount: 10 000: 5 = 2 thousand rubles.

Decreasing Balance Method

The amount of accrued depreciation is gradually decreasing every year. For example, we change the conditions of the previous task. By order of the head, the depreciation rate of 40% per annum is established. Calculations are carried out in thousand rubles.

1 year: 10 x 0.4 = 4

2 year: 6 x 0.4 = 2.4

3 year: 3.6 x 0.4 = 2.4

4 year: 2.16 x 0.4 = 0.864

5 year: 1.296 x 0.4 = 0.5184

Total: 9.2224 thousand rubles.

But this method does not bring the residual value to zero, since the norm applies to the residual value, and not to the original. Synthetic accounting of depreciation of fixed assets is carried out on objects.

synthetic and analytical accounting of fixed assets

Write-off of value by the number of years of use

This method of calculating depreciation involves writing off the value in an amount equal to the shares of the remaining years of use:

A = PV x K = PV x (Number of years remaining: Total number of years).

Consider this method under the conditions of the previous example. Calculations are carried out in thousand rubles.

The sum of the numbers is: 5 + 4 + 3 + 2 + 1 = 15.

1 year: 10 x 5: 15 = 3.33

2 year: 10 x 4: 15 = 2.4

3 year: 10 x 3: 15 = 2

4 year: 10 x 2: 15 = 0.864

5 year: 10 x 1: 15 = 0.5184

Total: 10 thousand rubles.

Proportional charge-off

Accruals are made depending on the volume of output, applied only to facilities directly related to production:

A = F x PS: OH, where:

  • F - the actual volume of manufacture.
  • OH is the normal volume of output.

Depreciation is charged from the month following the adoption of the property for accounting until the full repayment of its value.


A manufacturing company acquired an object worth ten thousand rubles, on which 50 thousand units can be manufactured. products. Depreciation per piece of the product is 0.2 rubles.

In the first year 16 thousand units were manufactured, in the second - 14 thousand units. Calculate depreciation:

one.A1 = 16 x 10: 50 = 3.2 thousand rubles.

2. A2 = 14 x 10: 50 = 2.8 thousand rubles.

In a similar way, calculations are carried out in subsequent years.

organization of analytical and synthetic accounting of fixed assets


Having considered how the synthetic and analytical accounting of depreciation of fixed assets is carried out, we will study how the value of objects is written off.

Operation Score Operation Score
Realization, other disposal DT 01 Balance - the amount of depreciation at the beginning of the year
Depreciation on an object:

- production purposes

- commercial use

- leased

- non-productive use





Balance - the amount of depreciation at the end of the period

Synthetic accounting of fixed assets in budgetary institutions

In state organizations, OS means assets with a useful life of more than a year, which are intended for operational management, performance of work. It can be either separate objects that perform individual functions (furniture), or a complex of equipment with all accessories, a library fund. Moreover, the value of the objects does not matter.

As at the enterprise, in the state organization an inventory card is issued for each object with a detailed description of the equipment parameters. The period of use of the OS is determined on the basis of:

  • information from legislative acts of the Russian Federation;
  • manufacturers' recommendations specified in the technical documentation for the equipment;
  • expected wear, depending on the features of use;
  • warranty period.

In the case of completion or reconstruction, the period of use increases.

Synthetic accounting of fixed assets is carried out by objects. Each of them is allocated an inventory number. If the OS consists of several parts that perform different functions and have excellent terms of use, then each element is assigned a unique number. Exceptions are objects worth up to three thousand rubles, as well as those that make up the library fund. The value of such assets is written off at a time when they are taken into account. All entries in the balance sheet on the disposal, retirement and movement of objects are drawn up in the balance sheet on the basis of the relevant acts.

synthetic and analytical accounting of the movement of fixed assets

The disposal of the OS is issued in the case of:

  • making a decision on the liquidation of the facility;
  • if the asset is transferred to another government agency;
  • suspension of the right to manage the facility.

OS in budgetary institutions grouped into movable / immovable, especially valuable property, leased items, other types according to OKO classification. Each of the groups is assigned its own code.

Materially responsible persons are responsible for the storage of objects, maintain lists of assets. All operations with the operating system are documented in the "Journal of Asset Transfer."


Synthetic and analytical accounting of the movement of fixed assets is carried out on objects. Within one structural unit, the movement of an asset is formalized by internal movement. The invoice is issued in 3 copies. The first copy remains in accounting, the second at the responsible person, the third at the recipient. Information about the movement is entered in the registration card at the new location.


The disposal of fixed assets from the balance sheet is carried out as a result of sale, write-off, investment in the form of a contribution to the authorized capital, liquidation, donation, etc. To determine whether the object is suitable for use, whether it should be deducted from the balance sheet, a special commission is created. She takes an inventory and decides on the liquidation of the facility.

Synthetic accounting of fixed assets of the organization at their disposal is carried out on objects. To complete the liquidation, it is necessary to draw up an act to write off the OS, the vehicle. The document is executed in two copies. The first remains in accounting, the second is transferred to the responsible person.

synthetic accounting of fixed assets at the enterprise

Synthetic accounting of the movement of fixed assets is carried out on objects in the context of cost. To account for the write-off of objects to account 01, an additional sub-account “Equipment retirement” may be opened. For DT, the remaining value is shown, and for CT, the amount of depreciation.Upon completion of the disposal procedure, the carrying amount is written off from DT01 to KT91.

Consider the main postings in the balance sheet.

Disposal costs Score Gains from disposal Score
Residual value

Implementation costs


Disposal income





Sales revenue

OS write-off loss:

- within the revaluation of the object

- remaining amount





The financial result from the liquidation or disposal of equipment is shown in account 91. DT summarizes the costs associated with write-offs, and CT shows all revenues. All amounts are reflected in the financial result, but the loss does not reduce the base for taxation. Values ​​from write-offs are recorded at market value by posting DT10 KT91.

Here is how the synthetic accounting of fixed assets at the enterprise is carried out.

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