
Account 60 in accounting: features of calculation, application and reviews

To ensure the activities of the enterprise acquires materials or services. All calculations with counterparties are displayed through account 60 in accounting.

The essence of operations

The provision of services is most often confirmed by the contract, which sets out the obligations of the parties, the timing of settlements and other conditions. However, services can be provided without signing documents. Such transactions are also lawful.

account 60 in accounting

If the goods are purchased on a prepaid basis with a trusted supplier, you can not sign the contract. It’s enough to set an invoice for payment delivery. It may indicate the terms of payment (usually 3 days) and the terms of delivery. Such transactions are regulated by the Civil Code.

They sign up for contract services more often. This primarily relates to a long relationship. If it is a one-time consultation, an agreement is not necessary. In any case, the completed transaction is drawn up by an act or waybill. If the supplier is on a common taxation system, he will additionally issue an invoice.

What is a 60 account?

Suppliers are organizations that deliver material values, assets, provide services. To account for settlements with them, 60 accounts are used. This is an active-passive account, i.e., the movement of funds is carried out on debit and on credit. It displays cost data:

  • Goods and materials, works performed, services rendered, including provided electricity, gas, water, etc .;
  • identified excess inventories;
  • received services for transportation, communication, etc .;
  • advances issued for the shipment of goods and materials or work performed.

Account 60 “Settlements with suppliers” displays the movement of funds between the company and all counterparties, regardless of what the payment was made on.

 60 key accounting records


Almost all primary accounting documents have a unified form. The delivery is accompanied by TORG-12. The acceptance certificate of work is not unified. But it is necessary to include the following details in it:

  • number, date of compilation;
  • names of parties to the transaction;
  • if the contract was previously concluded, the act should contain a link to it;
  • bank details of the parties.

Having received the primary documents, they must immediately be reflected in accounting. Consider the basic accounting entries for account 60.

Settlements with suppliers

The company purchases goods with cashless payment from the supplier on the general taxation system. The minimum set of documents accompanying the transaction should include waybill (TORG-12) and invoice.

In the BU, the following entries are made:

  • DT41 KT60 - amount of goods accepted (excluding VAT);
  • DT19 KT60 - VAT on the product;
  • DT68 KT19 - VAT deduction based on the invoice;
  • DT60 KT51 - payment to the supplier.

60 account isSettlements with intermediaries

The company used the services of a third-party organization to deliver the goods. The minimum package of documents is the act of acceptance of services and invoice. Account 60 in the accounting for this transaction will contain the following entries:

  • DT44 KT60 - the cost of the service received (excluding VAT);
  • DT19 KT60 - accrued VAT;
  • DT68 KT19 - VAT deduction based on the invoice is reflected;
  • DT60 KT51 - payment for transport company services.

The company received an invoice from a communications service provider. The following entries are displayed in the control unit:

  • DT26 KT60 - the cost of the service received (excluding VAT);
  • DT19 KT60 - accrued VAT;
  • DT68 KT19 - VAT deduction based on the invoice is reflected;
  • DT60 KT51 - payment for communication services.

account 60 in accounting video

Equipment purchase

The company acquired the OS. Delivery and installation are carried out by two different organizations. All suppliers are on a common taxation system.We display through account 60 in accounting "Settlements with counterparties":

  1. DT08 KT60 - capitalized equipment (excluding VAT);
  2. DT19 KT60 - accrued VAT;
  3. DT68 KT19 - reflect the deduction of VAT on the basis of the invoice;
  4. DT60 KT51 - payment to the supplier;
  5. DT08 KT60 - payment for transport services (excluding VAT);
  6. DT19 KT60 - VAT on road transport services;
  7. DT68 KT19 - reflect the deduction of VAT on the basis of the invoice;
  8. DT60 KT51 - payment for a trucking company;
  9. DT08 KT60 - the cost of installation and commissioning services (excluding VAT) was taken into account;
  10. DT19 KT60 - VAT on installation services;
  11. DT68 KT19 - reflect the deduction of VAT on the basis of the invoice;
  12. DT60 KT51 - payment for equipment installation services.
  13. DT01 KT08 - putting the OS into operation.

Analytical accounting

Analysis of account 60 is carried out for all counterparties and contracts. The final balance indicates that either the goods were paid for, but have not yet been received, or the debt to the supplier. According to the analytical accounting information should be displayed in sections:

  • accepted settlement documents for which the payment deadline has not yet arrived;
  • on documents not paid on time;
  • on issued bills;
  • late payments on bills;
  • on a commercial loan received.

account 60 settlements with suppliersSynthetic accounting is carried out according to settlement documents (within the limits of acceptance) based on the number of values. If a shortage or arithmetic errors were found upon acceptance of the goods, account 60 in accounting is credited with score 76-3 “Settlement of claims” in the amount of discrepancies between the actually received goods and the amount in the documents. VAT is displayed in correspondence with DT18.


Periodically, between counterparties checks the amounts of mutual settlements. According to its results, customer debt can be reduced or increased. Consider how the check (accounting) is displayed in the balance sheet. Account 60 is debited with accounts:

  1. 16 “Deviation in the cost of goods and materials”, 18 “VAT”, 92 “non-operating income and expenses”, if, according to the results of reconciliation, the amount of debt decreases. The second option is to reverse the corresponding record.
  2. For the amount of advances paid in correspondence with CT cash account.
  3. When paying off a debt, mutual benefits are set off - cf. 62, 76.

At the end of the month, for the materials not received, the amount of payment is credited with the inventory account. At the beginning of next month, the cost of the raw materials accepted is reversed. Amounts of payment continue to be included in accounts receivable.

Analytical accounting of the analyst on account 60


The organization acquires materials in the amount of 2.36 million rubles. (including 18% VAT - 360 thousand rubles). The buyer transfers the advance payment in the amount of 1.18 million rubles, the balance - upon receipt of the goods. The following entries are formed in the control unit:

  • DT60 KT51 - 1.18 million rubles - an advance payment has been transferred to the supplier;
  • KT60 DT10 - 2 million rubles. - the cost of purchased materials excluding VAT;
  • KT60 DT18 - 360 thousand rubles. - accrued VAT;
  • DT60 KT51 - 1.18 million rubles. - amount of surcharge.


To account for the operation on account 60, magazine order No. 6-AIC is used. Records are generated for each document (account, TTN, PH). Accounting is carried out by suppliers.

The journal consists of two sections: general ledger and analytical data. The last page provides a summary of the status of settlements at the end of the period. Data can also be displayed on separate journal forms. The accountants' reviews confirm that, in particular, it is easier for agricultural organizations to take into account operations for the purchase of valuables that are intended for capital construction.

check accounting account 60 catering

The left side of the journal reflects the postings from KT60 to the DT of accounts of inventory items, costs, investments in non-current assets. A separate line is recorded the amount of VAT. The right side displays the amounts with DT60, i.e. payment to suppliers. If the maturity of the obligation is extended, it is displayed as a separate entry at the end of the journal. The results of the left side of the journal are transferred to the general ledger, and the right ones are used for reconciliation of turns. Entries in the Book are entered according to settlement documents. A separate line in the journal displays surplus inventory items.

Payment data is logged based on bank statements cash warrants, other monetary documents. Write-offs of amounts of debt are reflected in accounting statements.


Loan turnover from the second section at the end of the period is transferred to the first section of the new journal, and then to the general ledger. Account balances 60 are displayed in the Analytical Data table. Turnover by CT60 (first section) is recorded in the column of the same name in the general ledger. The turnover for DT is displayed in the section “From the credit account. 60. " Entries are formed on the last page of the journal.

Consider how verification is carried out at enterprises in various industries (accounting).

Score 60:

  • Catering: DT07, 10 - with data from 46-APK.
  • Production enterprises: cf. 20-1 - with the data of the report No. 18A, count. 20-2 - with the data of report No. 18B.

Score 11 enterprises of all industries are compared with:

  • 73-APK;
  • revolutions DT60, KT51 and 2-APC data; KT55 and 3-APC data; KT66 and 4-APK data, etc.

The results of form No. 6-AIC must comply with synthetic accounting data:

payment amount + write-offs for a month + outstanding debts + outstanding amounts = total of column 14 + debt at the beginning of the month.

check accounting account 60

Form 6a

The Contractor Settlement Transactions Register can also be used to display planned payments. First, the amount of debt is recorded at the beginning of the period, the name of the supplier:

  • receipt of valuables for a certain period - in column 5;
  • the amount of VAT - in column 6;
  • columns 7 and 8 remain empty.

The registry is open for 3, 6 or 12 months. Records are reflected for every 30 days in chronological order for each document of the supplier.


When making settlements with suppliers, an important role is played by the moment the funds are credited: upon receipt of the goods or in advance, with a subsequent surcharge. In the first case, account 60 “Settlements with suppliers and contractors” will be used as passive: on CT, the amount of the company's debt is reflected, and on DT, its repayment. In the second case, the opposite is true: for DT, the amount of receivables is formed, and for CT, accounting for payment is formed.

Advance settlement

If there is an advance payment, the calculations are complicated. Additionally, a sub-account 60-2 is opened, to which the advance amount is credited. After delivery of the goods, values ​​are received, the advance amount is transferred to account 60-1. Subaccount 60-2 closes at 0.

Postings are presented in tabular form.

DT CT Operation
60/2 50 (51, 52) Advance issued
08, 10, 20 60/1 Received goods and materials, services taken into account
60/1 60/2 Offset issued

Accounting for bills

In this case, the following postings are possible.

DT CT Operation
08, 10, 20 60/1 Received goods and materials, services taken into account
60/1 60/3 Debt bill issued
60/3 51 The bill is paid off

Work with 1C

In the "1C: Accounting" program, all amounts paid by contractors are transferred to account 60 in accounting. The videos on using the program show how to correctly enter data into the database, so at this stage we will not stop in detail, but we will pay attention to the main points.

The statement of accounts can be formed from reports at the top of the bookmarks. In the new window you should specify the period for which data will be provided, account number, organization name and click the button “Generate report”. Settings can be adjusted. On the right is a panel of basic and advanced options. In the first paragraph, it is selected on the basis of what indicators the statement will be formed: BU, OU, permanent (temporary) differences, balances. Subconto is indicated below. Usually these are counterparties, contracts and settlement documents. An active checkmark means that the subconto will be taken into account when generating the report. In the second tab, you can select additional data, the order of their placement (in separate columns), sorting, design option.

account 60 settlements with suppliers and contractors

All these settings can be saved so as not to make them next time. For this, the button of the same name is used in the form of an icon to the right above the bookmarked window. By double-clicking the left mouse button, you can get into the detailed report “Account Card” from the turnover.

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