
The powers of the local police. Rights and obligations of the district inspector

One of the central figures in the ATS system is currently considered a precinct. The duties and powers of this employee are quite extensive. Based on the results of the work of each employee, an assessment of the functioning of the entire internal affairs system as a whole is formed. On its basis, in turn, the trust of citizens in law enforcement agencies. We will consider further what powers the local police officer has. district powers

General characteristics of the position

District commissioners are considered a key link between law enforcement agencies and the public. They carry out operational activities in the position of senior or middle commanding staff. Each employee is assigned a part of the municipal territory serviced by the local department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. In the process, employees provide protection of the health and life of the population from criminal encroachments, and social rehabilitation of citizens who need help. The district police officers work with adolescents and youth, conditionally convicted, under the supervision of medical facilities. In general, employees carry out diverse activities aimed at creating favorable conditions for the realization of the interests and freedoms of the population.

Normative regulation

The powers of the precinct authorized police are enshrined primarily in the Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs No. 1166 of 12/31/2012. The document contains about 90 points. The order provides for activities in almost all areas of ATS. The authority of the district authorized police also includes participation as an inquirer in criminal proceedings. However in practice preliminary investigation carry out the appropriate units. Moreover, the powers of a local police inspector are exercised only at the stage of criminal proceedings. Separate activities of employees are recorded in the Code of Administrative Offenses.

Federal Law No. 3

This federal law defines the duties of precinct. To successfully complete their tasks, employees must:

1. To know and comply with the requirements of normative acts in force in the Russian Federation, forming the legal basis for their work.

2. Use the methods and forms of preventing crimes and other violations, the procedure in accordance with which urgent investigative actions are carried out and formalized, administrative cases are conducted. authority of the district police officer

3. To possess information on those involved in the protection of order in the territory entrusted to them:

  • means and forces of territorial divisions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs;
  • representatives of public organizations law enforcement orientation;
  • employees of enterprises that carry out non-state (private) security activities.

4. Possess information on the location of mobile and stationary posts PPS, DPS.

5. To know the territory entrusted, its features, the road map, the operating mode and location of enterprises, institutions, organizations, regardless of their form of ownership, places of storage of cultural and other values, public recreation areas for people, warehouses, bases, parking lots and so on, as well as the procedure for ensuring their protection.

6. Possess information about facilities containing explosive materials, firearms, pharmacies and other premises containing narcotic, psychotropic compounds or their analogues, other areas where objects are withdrawn from civilian traffic or restricted in distribution in accordance with the law .

7.To take part in the briefing of representatives of law enforcement organizations before their direct exit to measures to protect public order in the entrusted area.

Legal Opportunities

The above Federal Law No. 3 also establishes the rights and powers of district police officers. By implementing them, employees solve the tasks assigned to them, ensure the achievement of the overall goal of the ATS. It should be noted the following provisions of the Federal Law that determine the powers of the local police: article 17 (part 1), article 13 (part 1), article 14 (part 2), Art. 18 (part 1), Art. 15 (part 3). The legal capabilities of employees are also established in other regulatory acts of regional executive bodies adopted within their competence. powers of the local police inspector


Precinct police officers serve in the relevant departments of the police department. These units provide for certain posts. Among them:

  1. The district commissioner.
  2. Head of the department for ensuring the activities of employees.
  3. Assistant precinct.
  4. Deputy Head of the Employees Support Department.
  5. Senior precinct.

Activity specifics

The powers of the precinct apply to a specific administrative area. In each of them there are several territories. The senior district officer is responsible for the work of employees in each administrative zone. He also coordinates the activities of employees under his command, conducts instruction and training of new staff members. The senior officer also exercises the powers of the local police officer in the absence of him for one reason or another.

Performance indicators

The powers of the local police are very diverse. As a key indicator of the employee’s work, specific figures are expressed that express the number of protocols drawn up, violations detected and other results of the employee’s activities recorded in the documents. This system of implementing plans in conjunction with constant reporting to the ATS is criticized. The main indicator of the employee’s work is the correlation of its results with the results of the previous period. This means that if the report provides a figure lower than last year, the activity will be assessed as unsatisfactory. Accordingly, indicators above the previous ones will be encouraged.

As a result, the powers of the precinct are exercised solely to achieve specific figures. This, in turn, negatively affects the quality and effectiveness of activities to fulfill the tasks assigned to employees. Along with this, employees are often afraid of overfulfillment of the set plan. This is due to the fact that, in addition to the prize, they will receive new tasks that involve achieving higher performance. In this regard, employees prefer to get a planned result and stop there. The problem is most acute in areas where a relatively small number of residents live. Often, the authority of a rural precinct extends to several villages. This greatly complicates the implementation of his activities and achievement of the set indicators.  what are the powers of the local policeman

What powers does the district police officer have?

The work of employees involves:

  1. Administrative proceedings.
  2. Protection of the individual, state, society from illegal actions.
  3. Prevention and suppression of administrative misconduct and criminal offenses.
  4. Road safety.

The powers of the district police officer also include the identification and disclosure of criminal offenses, the search for persons in cases provided by law. In particular, we are talking about citizens who voluntarily left their families, minors who have committed a criminal offense, as well as suspected / accused of crimes. The authority of the district police officer includes the documentation of each death in the territory entrusted to him outside the medical institution. If a person dies at home, relatives should call an employee to inspect the body.

Difficulty in work

Currently, there is a not very positive practice of assigning the district police officers to carry out tasks that are not directly related to their duties. However, this allows to relieve other units of the ATS. Police officers are often transferred cases that are not related to the subject of their activity. Often, employees are sent to sports and other events that are held outside the territory entrusted to them. Another problem in the work of employees is a large number of messages and statements, the consideration of which does not allow them to carry out preventive work with the population in a timely manner. As a result, this leads to a significant increase in crime. abuse of authority by the precinct

Work value

The local police service is one of the leading positions in the structure in the volume and importance of the tasks that are assigned to the ATS, the role they play in the system of policing. Employees act as key representatives internal affairs bodies in a specific territory. They are in close proximity to citizens, implement functions and tasks that are within the competence of almost all services, departments, apparatuses, and departments of the internal affairs department. Their official status largely determines the universality of activity. Accomplishment of the tasks set requires high professionalism, the ability to apply various methods and means, psychological and pedagogical skills in their activities.

It is unacceptable abuse of authority precinct. For the use of methods prohibited or not provided for in the legislation, the employee is liable. The district police officers today are at the forefront, the main frontiers of policing and combating crime. They form one of the most numerous ATS services. In this regard, they play a crucial role in the process of solving the tasks assigned to the police. This, in turn, presupposes a special procedure for staffing the service. Local police officers should be the best police officers with the necessary work experience. However, this problem is currently being poorly solved due to the lack of appropriate personnel. precinct police powers article 17

Preventive activities

The authority of the precinct includes individual work with certain categories of people. These include, in particular:

  1. Released from places of imprisonment and having an unexpunged / outstanding conviction for a grave / especially grave act, relapse, intentional abuse of minors, in respect of which the court established a temporary restriction of freedoms and a number of duties defined in the Federal Law.
  2. Patients with drug addiction or alcoholism, registered in a medical institution and posing a threat to society.
  3. Household offenders.
  4. Included in informal youth organizations of an unlawful orientation, violating public order and security.
  5. Perpetrated administrative misconduct during mass socio-political, sports, cultural, religious and other events.
  6. Subjects who have administrative sanctions for the illicit trafficking of psychotropic, narcotic compounds or their analogues and their use without a doctor’s prescription.

The district police supervises the behavior of:

  1. Minors registered in the IPA.
  2. Convicted for crimes for which punishment is applied, not related to imprisonment, or conditional imprisonment. powers of rural precinct

The directions of preventive work

Employees keep records of citizens who live in the territory entrusted. The tasks of employees include conducting preventive work upon admission:

  1. Relevant messages from correctional institutions and court orders for persons released from prisons, colonies, etc., with respect to which restrictions are established, according to the Federal Law.
  2. Documents from medical institutions for subjects suffering from drug addiction or alcoholism, registered with a medical organization and representing a danger to society.
  3. The report of the district police officer addressed to the head of the territorial division of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, agreed with the administration of the OUUP. This document should justify the need to register a citizen falling under one of the characteristics mentioned above.
  4. Messages from the UII or the territorial body of the FSIN, copies of the sentence for persons who have been punished, not related to imprisonment or probation.
  5. Information PND on the need to carry out preventive work with minors who are registered.

Individual Prevention

Such activities include:

  1. Conducting interviews with registered persons.
  2. Observation of the behavior of subjects, their lifestyle, environment.
  3. Survey of relatives of citizens registered, neighbors, etc.
  4. The use of coercive administrative measures.

The timing

Preventive accounting lasts:

  1. For released citizens, in respect of whom restrictions are established - until the end of their period.
  2. For patients with drug addiction / alcoholism - before the deadline for deregistration in a medical institution.
  3. For those who allow violations in the field of domestic relations, administrative offenses that infringe on order and security in society - within a year from the moment of control.
  4. For convicts probation - until the end of the sentence.
  5. For minors - before deregistration.


As the results of population surveys show, trust in district commissioners, as well as the need for them, is not decreasing. For example, in 1998, about 70% of citizens preferred to contact these employees. In 2008, surveys showed that 89% of people consider it necessary to maintain this position while improving the quality and effectiveness of their activities. Only 5% insisted on the abolition of employees. 88% of citizens consider it necessary to have permanent contact with the population of the subordinate sector, 52% of respondents would see this as support and attention from law enforcement agencies. Such an opinion is determined by territorial proximity, as well as the possibility of a quick response, quick resolution of issues related to the rule of law. Meanwhile, 60% of respondents do not know their district commissioners. Most often, residents of Moscow (45%) and small towns (59%) contact employees.

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Reason for complaint
Ekaterina Buchina
The funny thing is that the district policeman does not even want to go to MY apartment, the sole owner of which I am and cannot get there myself. People living there are stupidly not letting me in.
In such large cities as Moscow, St. Petersburg - the service of district police officers is LOW-EFFECTIVE. The main reason is the fact that most of the apartments are owned by citizens and for this reason the precinct cannot visit most of the apartments and, accordingly, citizens. That is, the district police officer cannot carry out the PREVENTION of offenses, because does not know citizens living on the territory.
Tatyana D ..
Then why are they needed? The district police officer cannot carry out not only prevention, but also the suppression of offenses that occur in the apartment, since he cannot enter there. The exception is bloody drama.


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