
How to open a business selling auto parts. How to open a company selling auto parts

A growing number of vehicles on Russian roads directly stimulates an increase in demand for their components. Entrepreneurial people know this feature and successfully strive for its implementation. About how to do business in auto parts, we will describe in detail in today's article.

auto parts business

general information

Any car needs repair sooner or later. The older the machine becomes, the more investment it requires. And as the number of vehicles on our roads increases from year to year, the need for components is growing. The business of selling auto parts, if properly organized, will become a stable source of income.

In addition to spare parts, the company can supply and sell consumables. These include oils, filters, car accessories, and more. Creating your own business, you need to focus on the focus of the region where you plan to open a company.

Perhaps, spare parts will be in great demand not only for cars, but also for trucks, buses or agricultural machinery. A great help will be the conclusion of a contract for the supply of goods to any car company. In this case, the percentage of probability of a successful outcome of the case increases many times.

how to organize the sale of auto parts

Market and competitors

Currently, the auto parts market is quite extensive. Before you think about creating a business, analyze it and study the competitors. You may be able to find ideas in the auto parts business that have not yet spread, and become the first in this area. There are several ways to analyze.

The first, and it is considered the simplest and most inexpensive, is job placement in a specialized store selling auto parts. In a short time you can thoroughly study the running positions, understand the features specific to this issue.

If you have no desire to work for hire, you can do the analysis of cars in the region. Find out their age, models, take an interest in problems in car repair shops. The last method that you can resort to before starting a business selling auto parts is to order an analysis from professionals. In this case, you will receive detailed and detailed information about how the situation developed at a certain point.


Having studied the data, you must draw up a business plan, which you will rely not only on organizational issues, but also when planning financial investments. In addition, the project will allow to attract additional funds if necessary.

ready-made business auto parts

Contracts with suppliers

Thinking about how to organize the sale of auto parts, you need to decide on the assortment. At the initial stage, preference should be given to the most popular positions. After the list of items has been identified, it is required to find suppliers and conclude agreements with them.

Some entrepreneurs, taking the first steps in this business, purchase goods in wholesale markets or in stores. A good option would be the ability to take auto parts for implementation. It is possible to ensure full-fledged work of the company without a shortage of goods (especially in the off-season) if you find and conclude written agreements with several suppliers at once.

Do not lose sight of competitors. Carry out price monitoring. Look for more attractive offers from suppliers.This way you can reduce the cost of goods in your store and make it attractive to customers. For business development, you will also need to monitor trends in the regional car market. Do not disregard the release of new models and modifications of cars.

Start-up capital

To start a business selling auto parts, you need about 30 thousand dollars. With an average turnover of 10 thousand dollars a month and a trade margin of about 20-25%, its profitability will be 20-25%. If you comply with all the subtleties and features of the auto business, the store will be able to fully recoup itself in 9-12 months. This figure is considered quite high.

Legal Aspects

When choosing auto parts as a business, the procedure for registering an individual entrepreneur (IP) or a limited liability company (LLC) should be carried out. This can be done by submitting an appropriate form to the local tax authority. You will receive a certificate of registration, assignment of a TIN, registration with the IMNS, and you will receive Goskomstat codes.

In addition, you must register the company in the medical, pension and social insurance funds. The final point will be the choice of a tax system, opening a current account and making a seal. Beginning businessmen, given the low speed, it is best to give preference to individual entrepreneurship. Thus, you can save on taxes and reduce the amount of paper documentation.


In parallel with the development of the project and registration with the tax service, it is necessary to resolve the issue of the location of the store. This largely determines the success with which your business will develop. The sale of auto parts will bring big profits if the point of sale is located near maintenance stations, garages, and roads. This should be done taking into account the patency of people: the higher it is, the more customers will notice your store.

The premises can be rented, or you can build from scratch. The first method is simpler for beginning entrepreneurs, since the construction of the building will require considerable investments. In addition, it is worth creating a site. With it, you can implement the most popular items, order spare parts and consumables via the Internet.

how to make a business in auto parts

Arrangement of premises, organizational issues

Opening your own business selling auto parts, you need to come up with a sounding store name. It should reflect the essence of your company and be easy to remember. Take care to make a vibrant and well-read sign. The internal and external appearance of the store should attract customers to visit it. Set high-quality lighting so that the product is clearly visible. An important point is the presence of a parking lot or convenient access to a retail outlet.

The schedule of the store is best adjusted so that the customer has the opportunity to purchase goods at the end of the working day and on the day off. This time is convenient for those who are engaged in the repair of the machine themselves.

If possible, do the work of the store around the clock. This is especially true in those cities past which federal highways pass. Drivers who “break down” on the road will certainly be looking for a store that is open around the clock. This will bring your company additional profit.


As such, equipment is not required for a company selling auto parts. Like any retail outlet, the store needs to be equipped with racks, display cases, racks and shelves, on which the goods can be conveniently and freely placed. Today, access to the Internet is important for such a business. With it, you can quickly and easily identify and pick up spare parts by VIN code. This feature is especially relevant for owners of foreign cars.


Having experience in the sale of auto parts and good knowledge in this industry, the first time you can start working in a store yourself. With a favorable set of circumstances, the business will begin to grow and grow, there will be a need for additional staff. In this case, it makes sense to attract sales consultants with experience in the automotive industry.

Not having the opportunity to conduct bookkeeping on your own, you need to hire an accountant full-time or incoming. An additional advantage will be the service of an independent master who will be able to assess the breakdown of the car and give an answer to the motorist on the question of which parts will fit his car. His duties may include a small minor repair, which is carried out right on the spot.

auto parts business ideas


After going through all the organizational stages, you will get a ready-made business. Auto parts will be in demand until the cars stop breaking. And this has not yet been achieved by modern technologies. Focus on the quality of products sold, monitor the pricing policy of the company - and success will certainly accompany your business.

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Do not forget about the automation of your store at the software level: stock accounting, order formation for customers, sales analysis, search for spare parts for all suppliers, etc. All this can be implemented using various programs: Ezex, tradesoft, 1s.


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