
NPF "Rosgosstrakh": customer reviews, profitability and reliability rating

What reviews does Rosgosstrakh receive? This question is of interest to many citizens. Indeed, the question of choosing a fund to which you can entrust your retirement savings in Russia worries many. You can’t believe all such organizations! Somewhere there are scammers, and just not the most honest pension funds. Therefore, you have to pay attention to the opinions of customers and employees of organizations. What is Rosgosstrakh? What are the pros and cons of the fund? After all, can you trust this corporation? All this remains to be understood further.npf rosgosstrakh reviews


The first thing you should pay attention to is the activity of the organization. Perhaps it already will not cause confidence among the population. Fortunately, in this area Rosgosstrakh has everything in order.

We will deal with the most ordinary non-state pension fund. This is an organization where citizens transfer the funded parts of pensions. There they will be kept until your retirement age. And after the personal account that you had in this fund, you will be paid the funds accumulated for the whole time. No cheating, transparent activity. And for her NPF Rosgosstrakh reviews earned only positive.

In addition, this company offers not only storage, but also augmentation of money. Although in small quantities. So you can contact here. So some customers suggest.

Suggestions to work

And what kind of non-state pension fund "Rosgosstrakh" receives reviews as an employer? This is far from the most important point, but it does occur. Seldom unscrupulous employer provides quality services to the population.

In principle, our company today is in this sense ambiguous. The thing is that employees highlight both the pros and cons at Rosgosstrakh. Advantages include earnings, a social package, working conditions, a stable work schedule, timely payments. And to the minuses - a constant flow of customers, stress at the workplace. But this is not as important as the main drawback of the company.

What are you talking about? The fact that Rosgosstrakh forces all of its employees to become part of the organization. That is, to transfer the funded part of the pension. Various pretexts are used - both simple dialogs and intimidation up to dismissal. For this NPF "Rosgosstrakh" reviews are not earning the best. Why is such a large organization forcing deposits? Clients must reach for it themselves.Rosgosstrakh NPF personal account


Please note - despite the fact that the staff is not too happy with their employer, the fund still has a good rating in Russia. This organization has existed in the country for a long time. It is supported by the eponymous bank, which awakens the trust of customers.

NPF Rosgosstrakh has a high rating. The company is in the top ten non-state pension funds in the country. So, you can trust your savings "at an old age" of this organization. In any case, this opinion is shared by many citizens in Russia.

Another point to pay attention to is the level of trust. We can say that this is something like a confidence rating, the stability of the company. Rosgosstrakh NPF has the highest level of reliability. On a modern scale, its indicator reaches the A ++ mark. This is a good argument for trust. In any case, you can be sure that the fund will not be closed, and it will also cope with competition. Stability thereof is guaranteed. This is extremely important for many investors.Confidence in tomorrow is what our organization offers today!NPF profitability rating


True, do not rush to contact here. After all, the fund is only in the top ten in preserving pensions. So, sometimes you can find yourself a more reliable and good company.

One of the indicators that attracted the population was profitability. The higher it is, the better. After all, they initially promise you not only to save pension contributions, but also increase them to some extent. Therefore, the profitability of NPF Rosgosstrakh plays an important role.

Here the situation is also ambiguous. After all, the fund promises you one thing, but in practice it turns out quite another. The organization says that your money will increase by about 9% per year. True, despite the high rating, NPFs do not stand out in terms of profitability. Indeed, in reality you will receive only about 4% of profit per year. The rest is eaten up by inflation.

Because of this phenomenon, some potential investors claim that you are simply being deceived. To some extent, it is. In any case, nothing surprising. A similar picture develops with most non-state pension funds. This means that Rosgosstrakh does not stand out in the area of ​​its shortcomings.

In principle, if the stability of the company is more important to you than profitability, then you can trust the fund with your money. After all, the rating of the company itself is high, as well as reliability.npf rosgosstrakh rating

"They married me without me."

But there are frankly negative points that upset potential investors. Some citizens, checking where their accumulative parts of pensions are, find that they are participants in Rosgosstrakh. Although in reality they did not conclude any agreements with the company.

As practice shows, such surprises are in every non-state pension fund. Why is this so? For example, Rosgosstrakh signs contracts with employers. Those, in turn, transfer all subordinates to the fund. Their consent is not required. So no wonder. Plus, if you use the Rosgosstrakh bank, then automatically (and without notice) you become a citizen who will transfer his / her cumulative part of pension contributions to the fund with the same name. As you can see, everything is extremely simple to understand, although not too honestly.

For this phenomenon NPF "Rosgosstrakh" reviews are not earning the best. In fact, this is illegal, shadow activity. Thus, some question the issue of cooperation with the corporation. But this is not such a good reason for refusing deposits.yield NPF Rosgosstrakh

Eternal problems

But if you personally applied for a contract to the fund, there will be no problems. In any case, at the very beginning. An agreement will be signed with you, which sets out all the features of cooperation. Nothing suspicious.

But customer dissatisfaction still occurs. In particular, due to the fact that the official website of the company "Rosgosstrakh" (NPF) "Personal Account" is available. It is designed specifically to receive information about the status of your personal account. Only, as clients note, constantly with this component some authorization problems occur. This is frustrating - you have to personally go to a pension fund to get information.

So the organization "Rosgosstrakh" (NPF) "Personal Account" has for user needs, but only in words. In reality, it does not work. Did you manage to log in and even request an invoice? Then either you have to wait for it for a long time, or you don’t get the information in virtual format at all. Not a significant minus, but it makes you wonder: is a large organization unable to organize the site?


Despite the fact that the NPF rating on profitability is average, and the level of confidence is the highest, Rosgosstrakh still has negative aspects. For example, regarding issues related to the payment of funds.What you should pay attention to? The fact that pension contributions will be issued to you with reluctance and huge delays of several months.

It turns out that you can keep the money in the fund, but it is very problematic to collect it. This repels customers. Perhaps, of all the significant shortcomings, this particular one can be considered a good reason to refuse to cooperate.npf rosgosstrakh reliability


What do we have in the end? NPF "Rosgosstrakh" reviews earns a variety of. There are good ones, and not so good ones. In good faith, this organization is not much different from other non-state pension funds.

Can Rosgosstrakh be trusted? With great care. In any case, we can say for sure that the company will not close, it is holding steady among other pension funds. Should I transfer my retirement savings here? Only if you have no other options in mind.

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