
Pension savings. Payment of pension savings

The salaries of each working person are accrued at a rate of 22%. With these funds, pension savings are formed. You will learn more about this process from the article.

Basic concepts

For working citizens, deductions can be directed to the formation of an insurance pension and accumulation. The first is divided into benefits for old age, disability and in case of loss of the breadwinner. Pension savings are urgent, lump-sum or earmarked.

retirement savings

The amount of future remuneration is formed by points. Old-age allowance is issued:

  • upon reaching retirement age: 60 and 55 years for men and women, respectively;
  • after 15 years of insurance experience;
  • if more than 30 points are accumulated. Their number depends on the chosen option of pension provision. In 2015, the maximum number of points may be 7.39.

Pension savings include:

  • contributions paid by the employer;
  • additional amounts paid - for participants in a co-financing program;
  • contributions made by the state;
  • the part of material capital that was used to form a labor pension;
  • return on investment.how to find out pension savings

Until 2013, citizens themselves could choose where to pay contributions: to the formation of an insurance pension or to the formation of savings. But such a right was only for persons who were born later than 1966. The accumulation of funds can be entrusted to a public or private PF (NPF). But in December 2013, the Russian president signed a decree in which he imposed a moratorium on savings. All deductions were directed to the formation of insurance pensions. This moratorium was extended until the end of 2015.


Cn = NPB x SPK + FV, where:

SP - insurance pension;

NPB - the sum of all points accrued on the date of assignment of benefits;

SPK - the cost of one point in the year of appointment. In 2015, this figure is 741 rubles. Every year it increases to a level that is slightly higher than inflation.

ФВ - fixed payment as of January 1, 2015 amounted to 4383.59 rubles.

If a citizen applied for a pension a few years after reaching the appropriate age, then the amount of payment increases by a certain percentage.

Late treatment period Fixed payout increase In case of early appointment Airbag Airside for early appointment
1 5,6 3,6 7 4,6
2 12 07 15 10
3 19 12 24 16
4 27 16 34 22
5 36 21 45 29
6 46 26 59 37
7 58 32 74 45
8 73 38 90 52
9 90 45 109 60
10 and more years 111 53 132 68

A few words about NPF

By law, such organizations can place pension reserves on their own or through management companies in state and municipal securities, shares of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, on deposits or invest in real estate. An NPF can place funds in this ratio with the value of reserves:

  • no more than 15% can be sent to one object;
  • the maximum amount of investment in shares without recognized quotes is 20%, for other enterprises - 30%;
  • no more than 50% can be invested in state securities.

payment of pension savings

There are also the following restrictions:

  • the limit on investments in shares and bonds of enterprises of any form of ownership is 70%;
  • marginal cost of investments in bank deposits and real estate - 80%.

These standards do not apply if the amount of reserves does not exceed 1.5 million rubles.

Mandatory pension savings projects

  • Since 2008, a co-financing program has been operating in Russia, within the framework of which any insured person receives from the state an amount equal to his transfers for the year, but not more than 12 thousand rubles.
  • Families with two or more children receive maternity capital, which can be invested through private pension funds.
  • As part of the agreement by which contributions are transferred, investors can choose an investment scheme.

Money transaction

As mentioned earlier, you can trust the accumulation of public or private PF. Transferring funds from one organization to another will take time. It is carried out at the request of the insured person or in case of problems at the NPF. You can transfer only the entire amount. It is impossible to break apart pension accumulations. Where to invest then these funds? The law provides for the possibility of investing in a management company, another non-state pension fund or investment program.


The desire to transfer funds must be notified before December 31 of the current year. The application can be made in writing or in electronic form. The document should indicate:

  • surname, name and patronymic, date of birth, SNILS number of the insured person;
  • name, address, date and license number of the NPF from which the money is transferred;
  • contract details.

payment of pension savings

An application can be submitted in person or through a representative, an employer, a single portal of State Services, as well as by mail.


Upon receipt of the application, the Pension Fund may satisfy it, refuse to execute it or leave it without consideration. A citizen will learn about the decision no later than March 31 of the year in which the transfer of funds was planned. If the PF for some reason refused or left the application without consideration, then you can apply with a written complaint to the local branch or to a higher division. The document must indicate: the name of the insured, postal or email address, specific arguments. A copy of the rejection letter must also be attached. PF must respond to the received paper within 30 days.

An explanation is not provided if:

  • the data of the insurer in the application is incorrect;
  • the notification was lost.

savings in a pension fund

If a citizen intends to transfer funds to an NPF, then he can also make a corresponding request to this organization and find out the result there.

Positive decision

Consider the algorithm of action of organizations if the client wants to transfer funds from private to state structure.

If the application has been granted, the NPF should:

  • notify the citizen of the termination of the contract within a month from the moment the application was received;
  • transfer pension savings by March 31 of next year;
  • give the citizen an extract with the balance of his account and indicate the amount transferred.

In turn, the PF should:

  • notify the citizen about the receipt of funds in his personal account;
  • invest money in the specified management company;
  • Until September 31, annually inform the citizen about the balance in the account.

Other cases

An NPF is required to transfer funds to a government agency if:

  • lost the license;
  • the insured citizen has died;
  • the person refused to transfer part of the maternal capital;
  • the contract is declared invalid by the court.

In any case, an NPF should:

  • inform the citizen about the termination of the contract;
  • transfer non-state pension savings within three months from the date of license cancellation;
  • send an account statement statement.

pension savings where to invest

How to find out pension savings?

  • from the annual notice by mail;
  • at personal visit to PF;
  • through the Internet;
  • in your account on the website of Sberbank.

Let us consider in more detail how to find out pension savings. The Pension Fund annually distributes to all insured persons with the amount of the balance in the personal account. It details the sum of all accumulations for the current year and the total balance of the account. But if a person changed the address, then the letter may not reach. Then you can find out the amount of savings in the PF department with a passport and SNILS. But for this, each time you have to stand in line for several hours.

pension savings application

If this is not possible, then you can configure Internet access through the website of the State Service or the Personal Account of Sberbank.In any case, for the registration procedure you will have to visit the PF branch once and write an application for connecting remote access. This can be done via the Internet, but the process can be delayed, since the financial organization needs to identify itself. This procedure may take some time. But then all the information can be viewed from the monitor screen.

Where to apply for funds?

To the insurer who was engaged in accumulating money. Most citizens are served through the state PF. Payment is made upon written request of the insured person. For this, the law provides for three options:

  • A lump-sum payment of pension savings, if their amount is 5% or less of the total amount of the old-age allowance. This option is also provided for citizens who receive a pension for state security, disability, or in case of loss of the breadwinner, if they have not reached retirement age.
  • The urgent payment of funds, pension savings may include money from contributions under the co-financing program or part of the parent capital. An important point: if a citizen dies after the assignment of benefits, the rest of the savings can be received by his successors.
  • An old-age labor pension consists of insurance and funded parts and is assigned for life.

To get savings in the Pension Fund, you need to provide a passport, SNILS, as well as write a statement. When applying to a private structure, you will need a certificate that indicates the type of benefits received: old age, disability, in connection with the loss of the breadwinner. If the client applies personally to the PF, then the originals must be provided, and if by mail - copies of documents certified by a notary.

If the death of the insured person occurs earlier than he was assigned part of the labor or fixed-term pension, the accumulated funds are paid to his successors. The procedure for this operation is determined by law and contract.

If death has occurred after the assignment of benefits to the insured, then the balance of the urgent payment and part of the maternity capital must be transferred to the successors.

In a private structure, other rules apply. If the successors within six months after the death of the insured person did not apply for payment, then pension accumulations are transferred to the organization’s fund reserve.


Pension savings are formed during the course of a person’s labor activity due to deductions from employers, maternity capital and other sources. Depending on the amount received, they can be paid urgently, at a time, in the form of an old age allowance.

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