
Non-state pension fund "GAZFOND": customer reviews, services and features

Modern pension system in Russia motivates citizens to independently take care of their own income in old age. And long before going on a well-deserved rest. At the moment, a funded pension system is in great demand. It implies that you independently choose the organization in which you will keep the accruals "for old age." To do this, there are a variety of non-state pension institutions. For example, GAZFOND. Feedback and general information about this organization we have to learn further. Maybe it is here that the funded part of the pension should be transferred to ensure a comfortable old age!gas fund reviews

About the work of the fund

But in what way? What does GAZFOND do? What services does it offer its customers? The thing is that the organization’s activities do not cause any suspicions and complaints from clients. All this is due to the fact that any pension funds operate on the same principles. More precisely, here you will have to monthly transfer a certain amount of cash. It is postponed to a special account, which accumulates money "for old age". Those that you yourself have donated.

After retirement, GAZFOND (Pension Fund) pays you either the full amount, or monthly gives a fixed amount of money. While finances are in the institution, they will increase in size annually. Not too much, but the difference will be noticeable. For this "GAZFOND" reviews earn mostly positive. After all, in fact, you save yourself money "for old age" with interest!


What services does the organization offer? The answer to the question is extremely simple - opening deposits to save the funded part of the pension. But the range of possibilities is not limited to this. Other services include:

  • Consulting clients.
  • Opening / closing deposits for the funded part of the pension.
  • Multiplication of accumulations.
  • Transfer of available funds to another PF.
  • Transfer of funds remaining in the citizen’s account to the heirs.
  • Issuance of certificates on the current state of the account.

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All this guarantees its customers GAZFOND. If you have already dealt with non-state pension funds, you will not learn anything new. Nevertheless, the company's services are specified. This has a positive effect on the ranking. To get all the opportunities, just transfer the funded part of the pension here.


GAZFOND Non-government Pension Fund is a company you can trust. In any case, if you look at the rating of organizations offering to make voluntary contributions to form a funded system, you will see this institution in the top ten. Often, such funds are evaluated by numerous criteria. For example, by profitability, the amount of accumulated money, the number of new investors. But in general, points are set based on the totality of all indicators.

Different sources indicate various information on the situation of the GAZFOND organization. Reviews indicate either the leading places (1st, 2nd) occupied by the institution, or lower positions. Therefore, it is enough to remember one thing: this fund is in the TOP 10 leaders.gas fund pension fund


A huge role for any modern company in Russia is its reliability. Or, as this indicator is also called, the level of trust (trust). The higher it is, the more stable the corporation is.And GAZFOND - a pension fund - earns extremely positive reviews in terms of its reliability. The indicator of this component is at A ++. This is the highest level of reliability. The above simply does not exist.

So, GAZFOND can really be trusted. At a minimum, this organization will not be suddenly closed. There is a guarantee that her license will not be taken away. That is, stability and security are guaranteed to you here. This is what many potential investors need.gas fund customer reviews


Profitability is what citizens are hunting for. Choosing a non-state pension fund, many prefer organizations that offer high interest rates. How popular is GAZFOND OJSC here? Reviews differ in many ways. Some people say that the profitability of the company is scanty - not more than 4.5% per annum. Therefore, for the sake of augmenting the accumulations, this is clearly not worth contacting. Also, company management is accused of lying.

Other customers, on the contrary, emphasize the high level of return of GAZFOND. But no one gives exact numbers. What to believe? Both that, and another. But how? After all, such opinions contradict each other. Everything is very easy and simple. GAZFOND offers its investors about 8-9% yield per year. But only due to inflation, and even in a crisis, the return drops to 4.5-5%. You should not be surprised at this. Yes, not too much, but at least what kind of profitability the fund has. No one is deceiving anyone. It’s just that important factors such as crisis and inflation are not taken into account. So you can earn extra money for old age in this fund, although not too much.private pension fund gas fund


But the quality of service at the organization is not at the best level. In any case, so are the numerous opinions of visitors. Not everywhere, but in most branches of GAZFOND, clients say, very annoying personnel work. They will actively offer to transfer the funded part of the pension to the organization. At the same time, they will tell you about the advantages of the company, about how you can ensure a comfortable old age. It pleases some people, annoys others. Indeed, if GAZFOND is indeed a stable and conscientious company, why should it actively attract new investors?

Someone, on the contrary, indicates that the staff here are responsive and attentive, there is no importunity. Employees quickly cope with their work, answer all your questions. Opinions are found that indicate that staff at the fund’s offices are generally difficult to find on the spot — employees are constantly absent. And if they are present, then some cadres advise for a very long time.

What to believe? As in all past cases, everything. But it’s better to be neutral. Remember that in each branch of GAZFOND different people work. Somewhere they are fast and skillful, but somewhere they are not. So do not be surprised if you will be served for a long time. Nevertheless, the vast majority of fund employees are trying to act quickly and efficiently.

Receiving statement

GAZFOND private pension fund does not earn the best reviews for operations with regard to obtaining data about the status of your account. All customers are invited to receive an extract either simply by hand, or through the "Personal Account" on the company's official website.private pension fund gas fund reviews

In the first case, discontent is caused by the fact that it is necessary to independently report to the nearest GAZFOND office. And with a passport. There you need to write a statement to issue you an extract on the status of the personal account, and then wait a few minutes. The employee will give you a finished document.

In the second case, the terrible work of the "Personal Account" is noted. Constant problems with authorization, cancellation of requests for issuance of statements, system failures and malfunctions - all this does not affect the rating of the institution in the best way.Therefore, GAZFOND reviews for the work of the "Personal Account" certainly get fair. It is recommended to personally ask for statements about the status of your account with savings.

Fund surprises

In some cases, you may notice that customers express their dissatisfaction with the pension fund. Despite their reliability and stable work in Russia, not everyone trusts the organization. Huge suspicion raises one very interesting point. For him, GAZFOND (pension fund) reviews earn negative character. Some employed citizens unexpectedly discover that their accumulative income is in this institution. Although no contracts were concluded with the fund. In fact, the corporation can be accused of conducting the so-called shadow activity. But this is not at all true.

Why? Because everything is according to the law. Just GAZFOND concludes contracts with various employers. As a result of this, all subordinates automatically transfer pension savings to this organization. Their personal consent is not necessary. GAZFOND cannot be blamed for illegal actions. All claims in this regard must be submitted to your employer. After all, it is he who is obliged to warn his subordinates about the conclusion of a transaction with a non-state pension fund.

Transfer to another fund

When opening an account with GAZFOND, you must be notified that at any time you have the full right to transfer your existing savings to another pension organization. Moreover, judging by the agreement, there will be no problems. Just write a statement and wait for an answer. It turns out that it allows you to pick up "GAZFOND" retirement savings. The reviews, however, speak of the enormous problems that arise during this process.gas fund pension savings reviews

Which ones? It will take a long time to wait for an answer from the management of the company to transfer money to another pension fund. Sometimes the term reaches several months. In the end, GAZFOND comes up with reasons for refusing to carry out the operation. You will have to be persistent to achieve a result. The next unpleasant surprise is a long transfer of funds from GAZFOND to a new non-governmental pension institution. Do not be alarmed, but this procedure can take up to three months.


What conclusions can be drawn from the foregoing? GAZFOND non-state pension fund receives various reviews. There are both good and bad among them. This company is in the top ten places to preserve pension savings. But is it worth it to transfer the funded part of the money "for old age" here?

Of course, it's up to you. Remember: taking money to transfer to another fund from here is very problematic. But the organization will not be closed all of a sudden, the license will not be taken away from it. Most of the depositors so far are generally satisfied with the work of the fund. That is why GAZFOND earns customer reviews mostly positive.

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